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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Also, is there a bedding block or anything in that stock? Is the barrel free floated?
  2. It will look better without the silver, but I think it looks great. How heavy is it?
  3. Thanks. Yeah it was just the angle the pic was taken from. It is a pretty long brush hog though.
  4. Actually I didnt miss your point, but I think you missed mine. It doesnt cost anything to boycott them. As far as going to a rally, thats all fine and good, but what good is going to a rally if youre still handing money to a business thats trying to take away the rights that you are going to rallys to try and preserve? Taking your business away from companies like that and spending it with other companies that either support the 2nd amendment or at least dont actively try and fight it, sends a financial message to all other companies.
  5. Why turn this into a "not everyone makes alot of money" thing? You know how much more money Ive spent on things since I stopped going to Dicks? Zero. Ive actually gotten most things for less. The option of just stopping by there and grabbing something has forced me to look online for almost everything, and you can find stuff for the same or less if you look. The only inconvenience has been having to wait a little longer for some things. I have never purchased anything there that my life depended on, so its no biggie.
  6. Its not speculation, hes asking a what if question, and its completely within the realm of reason. Dicks currently does not sell any "assault weapons" (at least until the antis change the definition to include other styles of guns) anymore, but they are actively lobbying against them.
  7. I dig it. I am in the market for a new stock for my VTR, Im gonna have to see if they have one for that.
  8. Ive used 5 year old seed from WI and Evolve in the past, it grew just as well as stuff I bought the same year. I wont buy the buck on a bag stuff anymore though. I did a side by side comparison one year of no name seed from the local Agway and seed from 3 different food plot seed companies. Used the same fertilizer, spraying, tilling, planting methods and the no name stuff from Agway grew better and the deer browsed everything pretty much the same way. Unless I get the buck on the bag stuff for free, it wont go in my plots.
  9. Youre fine, still plenty of time left for brassicas, turnips, WR, etc.
  10. Exactly. If they had just not sold "assault rifles" any longer, and kept their mouths shut and not hired a lobbyist, Id still be buying my ammo, treestands, clothes, sneakers, boots, hunting supplies, fishing tackle, boat stuff, kids hockey equipment, golf balls, etc there. Now I go to Runnings or buy online.
  11. They want so called "assault weapons" and "high capacity" (whatever the arbitrary number they pick is I guess) magazines banned, and the minimum age to purchase a gun/ammo raised to 21. Thats what they have said publicly at least.
  12. No, it doesnt make sense. Do you not believe that its happening though?
  13. Sounds like you got a good deal. Personally though, I dont care how much I would save going there, I refuse to set foot in their stores. Funny story, my gf and I were down in Tampa a few weeks ago, and we stopped in to the mall. The entrance of Dicks had a bunch of open parking spots right in front of it. She said "Why dont you just park there?" and I told her "No way am I walking through that S-hole, Ill walk across the entire parking lot to a different entrance before I do that." She just rolled her eyes, and we went in through the food court.
  14. Nope, NY has not classified them as ATVs. It all has to do with how much they weigh.
  15. Thats what I love about my side by side. No registration or plates, and I can slap an orange triangle on the back and drive it right down the road like a tractor.
  16. One of "my friends" has been owning and towing trailers for going on 30 years and has never had one inspected, and has never gotten a ticket.
  17. Yeah no kidding. Most of us would be considered ancient elders at our ages. The average lifespan back then was around 35 years.
  18. Geeze, I didnt even have time to post it on Craigslist hahaha
  19. I have a like new Millennium M100 hang on stand that I am selling. This is a very light hang on stand, and its very comfortable, its just not for me. It will come with 3 of the chain on brackets. This stand has spent very little time outside, as I only used it a few times last year to practice hanging it and taking it down. I was planning to use it on multiple trees, which is why it has 3 brackets. It is exactly like the one in the picture. I am looking for $200 obo for the whole package ($190 stand new and brackets go for $30 each)
  20. Had another 1/2" yesterday, was at 1/4" when I left the house today. We are going to need at least a few days of hot and dry between now and the end of next week or my plots are gonna be too wet to till lol.
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