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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Here ya go, from a couple of years ago. This was one of the bigger ones in the plot that year. We had more that were even bigger.
  2. Grampy, I brought some fresh pods.....I mean popcorn. Feel free to share...
  3. Bang it with a hammer, clear out any loose debris, then coat it with POR15 and then spray paint it black after the POR15 cures. POR15 will fade if you dont paint it or use their UV treatment.
  4. Yes, you have to do the refresh to keep up the warranty. They dont all charge for it. My dad did 3 of his cars through Ziebart within the last 5 years and never had to pay for the annual stuff. Depending on how much a place charges for the annual, its still probably worth it
  5. I wouldnt have the dealer rust proof it, Id take it to Ziebart. Consumer Reports is full of you know what. You get just a tiny scratch in that galvanizing or paint, and rust will begin. Wanna see the fenders on my 2010 Ram? The original owner put some fender trims on it, which dug into the metal just a bit on the back side, and now I have rot holes in the same places where the clips were. As long as you never have a scratch or anything, it shouldnt rust, but how many cars have you daily driven that didnt get a scratch, nick, etc.
  6. Same here. Honestly, my plots are not that big, both less than an acre. They are mostly there to attract the deer before/during the season. The little bit of food they provide in the dead of winter, wont help the herd enough to speak about. If I had more property, and large areas for destination type plots, it might be a different story in those plots. Now, I have planted more lightly in the past, and had larger bulbs (volleyball size), and in the spring, they were all just rotted, the deer hadnt touched them. All bulbs softball size and below were gone. Trail cams running all winter confirmed it. Maybe its just the way the deer are on that property, who knows. Just my experience. Its all about the goals you have for the plots.
  7. I have to go with Predate on this subject. I have never deer hunted in the wind and temps like I have during predator seasons. I can remember quite a few nights with windchills in the -20 range. Predator hunting is not for people that hate the cold lol.
  8. Brassicas are at 3-4” now, clover is coming in nicely as well. Just finished up broadcasting winter rye in the clover plot, and spreading clover seed on the trails. I’ll hit everything with urea in a month if I think it’s needed. Otherwise, plots are done for the year.
  9. SD cards need to be purchased separately. I wouldnt Go with either brand you mentioned. I’ve used both and they weren’t worth the effort. For just a bit more money you can pick up some of the lower end Brownings, which are leaps and bounds better than Primos or Stealth.
  10. Well, we have gotten, and are still getting a ton of rain lately. My plots are so muddy now, that I dont think Im going to be able to get in there and broadcast my winter rye this weekend. Im gonna need it to dry up a bit first.
  11. October 1st for me, I dont have much time to hunt anything but deer in the fall.
  12. Oh, and due to the nature of the title of this thread, its headed for the politics section. Please keep this stuff out of the regular forums, and where it belongs.
  13. Deliberate damage means you tried to or actually did, take it apart. I know of guys that have dropped them, sent them back and gotten a brand new scope in return. They didnt even buy the scope new, and Vortex still replaced it. Guess what though, Leoupold's warranty doesnt cover accidental damage, so your statement is pure BS. Heres a screen shot from their site, notice the Warranty Exclusions part. I also included a link so you cant accuse me of altering anything. https://www.leupold.com/leupold-dna/lifetime-guarantee
  14. I use them on my vertical bow and crossbow. I have had no real issues with them. I love them because I can get a better idea of where I hit my target and they make arrows easier to find after a pass through or miss. I even know guy that have found their deer easier because of them. I use Nockturnals.
  15. Anyone know what these are? They dried out and rotted since I took The pic.
  16. I tried one a couple of years ago. I know people that say its the best thing going, I didnt think so at all. Gross.
  17. No, it shouldnt. Ive grown both in the same plot before. The WR wont get very tall until next spring.
  18. Congrats! Im looking forward to ours being out someday. I know Ill miss them, but we are planning to sell our big house, get the heck out of NY and buy a small house in Tennessee with 1 extra bedroom, and thats it. Once they are out, I dont want them coming back except to visit lol.
  19. My girlfriend does not hunt or fish, she doesnt even really like to shoot, but will here and there with some prompting. Im fine with the way it is. My daughter loves to do all of that.
  20. Probably wouldnt hurt to throw some Winter Rye in there as well. That will come up quick and act as a good cover crop for the clover. Ill actually be seeding my WR over my Ladino clovers this weekend. Just about perfect timing for it.
  21. I believe mine is a cyclone. I keep it in a cabinet that the critters cant get into, so I dont worry much about that. Id be pissed if it happened though lol.
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