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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Yesterday after work, I figured Id fish our pond for a bit. Caught some Largemouths and a few perch. I discovered we have some monster perch in there. I caught 3 nice ones, this was the largest. Biggest perch Ive ever seen in person or caught.
  2. I have a 4 stroke Ryobi, works fine for me. Had it for 4 years now I think.
  3. I decided to fish our pond yesterday for the first time. Saw a few pretty big largemouth, but didnt catch any of the big boys. Caught 7 largemouth that were big enough to make for a decent fight on my light action rod. Saturday I went out to the canal with one of my buddies, we had a pretty good morning, 20 or so bass between us and a few other pan fish.
  4. You are lucky you dont have to deal with it. As long as you have a legal rifle, they can give you all the crap they want, it doesnt matter. I wont lay down just to satisfy the antis.
  5. The only way it would become too late would be if everyone just layed down like you apparently have. Again, its not hard to own an AR that does not break the law. Just because you dont seem to be able to understand the laws, doesnt mean other people cant.
  6. Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day!
  7. You have to worry about that with owning any gun really. Their goal is not just "black guns", they want to severely restrict or ban every gun.
  8. Yep, so just lay down and let the anti-gun jackwagons get their way, and hunt (or shoot) with a less accurate weapon. Its not that hard to gather up the rules and put a gun together that doesnt break the law.
  9. Miami Vice had a good one at the end. Act of Valor had a couple of good ones. The one in the beginning where it ends with the SWCC boats coming in to extract the SEALs is pretty awesome.
  10. It was Eastern Canadian Outfitters. Prices are on their site.
  11. Yeah it wouldnt be horrible. I am switching over from a sitting, bipod style of coyote hunting at night, to a standing, gun on a tripod with a cradle style this year. The downside would be lack of a quick follow up.
  12. Yep, very nice, but they are real heavy. Thought about one for my yote gun, but way too heavy for my liking. It would be a fun bench gun though.
  13. I think either DPMS or Rock River has an AR10 available in 7-08. If not, it would be easy to put together yourself. Like big boy leggos.
  14. Son of a!!!!!!!!!! Damn interloper!
  15. I did it and one of the other guys found it while he was hunting. Now I use OnX to mark them when I hang them. Speaking of that, I need to go out back and pull my cams this week. We have a very large bear hanging around. He tore up a bunch of stuff in my barn, broke into my chickens and killed them a few nights ago. I hope he hasnt destroyed my trail cams as well.
  16. So Scheiderman took time away from beating and choking women out during sex to ban the sale of some toy guns to NYS? Unreal.
  17. Found it and a few other threads that happened to be collateral damage when a ton of spam posts were nuked. Restored them.
  18. Thats possible. Ill sift through the deletion logs and see if I can find it in there.
  19. Oh yes it is. I spend alot of time down there and cant say as Ive ever met or talked to a liberal down there. Not even in the cities. Hopefully it stays that way.
  20. See, this is exactly why NYS doesnt spell out specifics on half of their gun related laws. It makes everyone afraid of their own shadows, so many just dont bother to own any of it. Its basically a way to try and ban something without actually banning it. I cant wait till my kids are out of school and I move to Tennessee, you know, an actual free state.
  21. Sure, if you have a pinned mag, but you dont need a pinned mag to be legal. Actually, I take that back. Still need the correct follower and markings. You can have a 458 mag pinned in your lower and still slap a 556 upper on it.
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