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Everything posted by corydd7

  1. I second that. Octopus is my favorite! When I go to Croatia I certainly eat it four or five times a week. Let's not throw shade at Nomad those are back to back amazing meals.
  2. Presentation always sucks but roasted fingerling potatoes and monkfish in duck fat. Brussel sprouts not in the picture were also cooked in duck fat.
  3. No pictures but anyone in the Orange County area who likes bbq should checkout Handsome Devil bbq in Newburgh. I didn't care for the chili but brisket, ribs, Mac n cheese and cornbread were excellent. Probably the best brisket I've had at a restaurant, better then all the Nashville spots as well.
  4. From the store. I use the link below for oven roasted duck. The duck I cooked tonight was only four pounds so I cooked it for 165 minutes. None of the box stores around here ever have duck. I got this from the little local store by me. https://juliasalbum.com/how-to-cook-duck/
  5. Roasted duck. I forgot the pictures after I split it in half but it was very good. Sprouts and fingerling potatoes poached in duck fat as sides.
  6. Good luck Biz, I hope all goes as smooth as possible.
  7. That's awesome, funny and very helpful. Great post wish I could like it more.
  8. I for one am more then willing to allow you to post the recipe.
  9. Love using beets and greens, not this year but I've had great results previously. Never heard a bad word about big n beasty. Either of those and I think you will pick a winner.
  10. Old Tiki cheated on his wife then married his mistress who I went to HS with at Pine Bush. Small world. Stationed at Fort Schaffner? I use to get my kegs filled there. Country bar outside the gate was interesting.
  11. What happened to the under Mahomes!?
  12. As a huge cowboys fan I knew this was a bad matchup. I moneylined the 49ers and won a nice penny. Would rather the cowboys won but I'm not surprised at all. Need the under in the Chiefs game and just from this week I'll have a weekend vacation paid for.
  13. I second sbuff motion. TC III gets one free square for running the show?
  14. I agree with all this. Your avoiding the other things I said. Very informative person, wish you pieced your words together better that's all.
  15. Lol it's been horrible! For what it's worth I think your a really intelligent person. Just don't agree with you on a couple topics.
  16. You speak as if your a young kid so I addressed you as one. No doubt reading your posts your one hell of a hunter but you come off very limited as a person. Appreciate your advice on hunting though. I usually don't bite on these topics like this but this is twice in one day.
  17. I could round up the orange county gang if anyone wants a ride. Bill, Cynthia, bionic, just off the tip of my tongue.
  18. Why not just enjoy the awesome video? Why always troll? Get a life kid
  19. This isn't a hidden thing either. One of the nurses didn't come to our new years party because she didn't want others to get sick but she had to work that same day. I'm not a anti Vax guy or anything like that. I'm simply telling you a fact of what's going on from numerous people who work in hospitals. I'm guessing I'm wasting my time it seems your the type to believe only what you want to. Lol why would somebody make this stuff up, what do I have to gain? Guys like you Crack me up.
  20. Am I a liar as well? I know of two nurses working with covid zero days to quarantine do to understaffed hospitals.
  21. Yeah pretty screwed up. The hypocrisy is real.
  22. Cory is paid up I received $75 total, all other payments should be sent to my superior fantasy football player.
  23. Sbuff paid up. TClll that's $50 sent to me from John and Sbuff
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