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Everything posted by corydd7

  1. So I have a older gentleman I know from one of my stores and he is selling all his bows and rifles. I already bought two recurves off him and totally comfortable with the price for what I got. That said I'm not a huge gun guy (bad thing to admit I know) but want a lever action. Is this more of a shooting gun or hunting gun? I read up on a few gun forums and it seems like a well liked gun but can have a bad recoil. I would use this as a backwoods rifle while walking. Any insight? He wants $950 with a scope on. No clue of the scope so that's definitely a variable. On a side note what an awesome guy. His daughter was with him when we met, so i believed his stories as his daughted nodded and smiled away. If I accumulate his hunting resume by time I'm dead or his age I'm a lucky man.
  2. Sorry to hear. Good luck going forward
  3. My wife and I bought our house in Orange county right before covid. The house has gone up 130k in that time. We have even had a couple realtors reach out to ask if we are interested in selling. My mom sold the house I grew up in for way above market value to Rosario Dawson last year (also orange county). Prices are insane.
  4. Spend your money folks your about to die! Clam chowder A5 wagyu, roasted fingerling potatoes, Asparagus with an ice cold fountain coke. Cheesecake with cherries on top.
  5. You guys are killing me with all this sausage. I traded some elk for venison sausage today because of you guys. Quaker Creek has a great reputation, I'm pretty sure numerous members use them. I'm looking forward to cooking tomorrow. Paula that cheek meat must be so good.
  6. How was it John? Add any pork? Was it dry?
  7. Thanks for all the advice from everyone. I did a small boil agin today and boiled to about 221 degrees instead of 219. Deeper color but I haven't tried it yet. Sap flow has been slow hopefully it picks up.
  8. That looks like a great spot. Next time I'm in Syracuse I will stop in.
  9. Give it away. If I get one gallon that's only 16 cups/8 mason jars it really isn't that much.
  10. My buddies were just asking me what makes the color different anyone have an answer? One of the trees isn't a sugar does that matter?
  11. Boiled to 219 degrees. My first 2 cups of syrup! Already bought another propane stand and pot lol. I tried some and it's really good but boy is there a disparity in color from the above picture from WNYTRPR.
  12. El bandito middletown-ny. Twenty years of going, still the same guys working, still the same great food and the wife and I ran into some old friends tonight. Tequila and sangria might help me out tonight when it comes to the old lady.
  13. Sap quit running Saturday but so far so good. Eight gallons of sap should make three cups of syrup. Next couple weeks look perfect so this will be a good test boil.
  14. If anyone has access to the board I would appreciate a pm. I forgot to ask Phade until today and he must be busy. Thanks in advance if somebody reaches out!
  15. About an hour before the game I'll do a $100 parlay thinking rams -4 and the over.
  16. WNYTRPR, do you know why that happened? There were testing problems and instead of canceling the game they decided to wear masks. Trust me I get it but once again context matters. Great discussion about masks in schools let keep it there. With all do respect.
  17. Both people have very straightforward and correct statements, context should always apply though. This of course is a complex issue but something to remember and consider, teachers and principals have a job to do not rules to make. My wife is a principal at a special education program and I assure you she would rather all people in school who feel comfortable with not wearing a mask be allowed to do so. That said it's not her call. Very nice that high school students voice there opinions but if you really want to make a difference show up to your next school board meeting with every parent that you can muster up and that will make much more of a statement (trust your internet friend on this). Kids are easy to dismiss which sucks saying but it's the truth. Two hundred parents at a school board meeting holds much more weight then two hundred students protesting at a school just my two cents. Kids and most teachers as well and most NOT ALL administrators feel the same around here. Unfortunately politics rule the day and many salaries and retirements. I'm not saying this is right at all but it is what it is. Parents need to stand with students/children when they protest.
  18. Well sap is definitely running! Just tapped my first three trees and they are dripping pretty steady.
  19. Ok folks this will be my first year doing maple syrup! Just ten or so trees small scale the first year, hopefully I learn a lot and next year can grow the operation. I've read and watched a ton of informative books/videos so I think I'm prepared. First question of the year, is it to early to tap? I was going to tap five trees tomorrow but not sure if I'm wasting my time tapping to early? Next three or four days look ideal but then the temperature drops again.
  20. Rob, try and clear your Google cache. Or just clear your web history. If you have an android on the top usually right there should be three dots when your viewing any website. Click the three dots, should then be something that says history. Click that, then on the next page just select all time instead of last hour which is probably your default setting.
  21. So I found a new product from whitetail institute https://whitetailinstitute.com/revive/. Anyone have any input on buckwheat? I have some crappy rocky soil where almost nothing grows the way I would like it to. Buckwheat seems to be great for soil, my question is should I plant straight buckwheat or buy a product such as above with sorghum mixed in? It's no more then a third of an acre.
  22. My first hunting shot with my 7mm-08 killed a bear from about 100 yards. The bear was next to a swamp so I put a second round in him but I'm not sure it was needed. Little to no recoil and light if your walking a distance.
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