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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

Media Demo




Everything posted by Robhuntandfish

  1. where is the "hate" button ?? thats almost mean.
  2. -4 this morn when i got up. -27 wind chill. Morons still out on the lake fishing yesterday - nuts!
  3. i just posted us closed on tv stations . Less pacing today and worries for sure about folks on the road. -30 wind chills. So far vehicles are starting ok. Looking forward to those 40s next week.
  4. drop in some hot grease and you got yourself somtin!
  5. just closed the place here at work . -30 wind chills.
  6. If I have to wait 20 years or for the apocalypse I'm not thinking thats a great investment. Lol. A can of pinto beans will be valuable then too.
  7. i dont think its a big conspiracy to take away guns so that we cant stand up to the govt anymore. Its more the way most people live now and needs and opinions change generationally. If you live in a city and dont hunt then why would you think anyone needs a gun. Hunters are a very small part of the population and if you hear everynight on the news of another shooting - your all for the banning the guns cause it doesnt effect you. Its a change in society and most people dont use a gun and less own a gun these days or feel the need for one. Not saying this is what i think but this is the way many people think, and more then we can group against it. People want to feel safe and when you hear of athe mass shootings and nightly shootings - if banning guns is proposed your all for it. Why wouldnt you be? Its a different way of thinking that a lot of us hunters cant seem to grasp. Again i dont agree with it , but if the majority does then we will have to abide. Folks need to step in others shoes and see what they see to understand. Its not a political conspiracy with the media. Hell you cant take a dump without it being posted somewhere. Its a society change whether we like it or not. Lets face WE are the old men on the porch and our time is passing. Most of these people couldnt tell you anything about the constitution and dont care to learn it, they just see gun violence and react to it. Just as they react to everything else these days. Its not sinister , its a reaction to what is happening and losing guns is not a loss to them in any way.
  8. studies say 90% of people would be dead in year if there was no electricity. Gotta figure that is because of sewage issues, disease, starvation, nuclear plants etc . Dont really see how this could happen without some sort of electric being restored no matter what happened. I think we are past the point of restarting at Amish. But guess you never know.
  9. i ended up cancelling my trip - my buddy had a hip replacement so he just couldnt go. And i didnt want to go without him.
  10. def agree Grampy - have given away a few to buddies kids to get them hunting. Or loaned to buddies. But since i dont have kids, dont have anyone to hand down to. My hunting buddy has a son that has no problem with his dad hunting but also has no interest in it either. Its pretty cool that your grandson is into the outdoors and he will sure cherish those guns. The one deer rifle i kept was the one my Dad went halves on just for that reason. I wouldnt sell it for $5000 and its only worth prob $500 cash wise. and i have guns that were passed to me form family that passed and they wanted me to have them - they wont ever leave my gun case
  11. def agree there and i even hope so. I dont like riding with anyone else at the wheel including a robot. I dont like flying for that reason either - control - maybe , but i know i am not taking chances and paying attention.
  12. and i couldnt agree more - i have even given up voting - cause the numbers just dont match up - 19.8 million people in NY - 8.6 in NYC, 7.5 in Long Island, 1.0 in Westchester = upstates vote means nothing. We can elect a rep in our area and they will have no say. Vote for president and our electoral votes will go as NYC goes. You could add all the other gov candidates together and double them and Cuomo still wins. Lets face it majority rules and elects. And that is the way of the land and i can accept that if thats what the people want even if I disagree with them on issues. But i would rather spend that tues hunting than pissing in the wind at the firehouse voting these days . Its frustrating but it is the way things were setup to work i guess.
  13. technology will also get better for this as well. Look at phones - they now have fingerprint and facial technology for security.
  14. how much time? i did a bunch of checking as i just sold these guns - but none of them were over 5 years old. All the online places were def less for prices than a new one - maybe if the line is discontinued and cant buy the same one new? I cant see how a used gun goes up in value if you can buy the same one new. All the guns i have seen guys sell here on this site have been for less than a new one.
  15. unless its a classic i disagree. Just like a car its worth less the minute it leaves the lot. They dont appreciatte in value unless its some sort of collector item.
  16. #1 cause of death for people under 25 is motor vehicle accidents - due to speed, inexperience and bad judgement . All of these a computer will do better and have less accidents. Yes will there be situations of course there will be. But the overall fatality rate will drop. I just went home for lunch. Had to avoid a car coming across the yellow line cause of driver error and saw at least a dozen on their phone while driving .
  17. Hell my phone sends me a message 5 minutes before I leave work to go home about traffic on the way....voodoo I say!
  18. I have learned that I don't trust either side and have given up on both of them for the most part. Only goal for most is to get re elected and keep their jobs.
  19. Still can't figure why they didn't pass the wall when they had the golden stamp for two years . Then waited til one month after the house turned over to introduce it. Doesn't make a lick of sense. Did they want to just show they tried and never really wanted it to begin with?
  20. My staff come in all the time and ask what the hell is this...lol. they dunno whether to get a prescription or go home early cause they can't read it.
  21. I used to get so pissed in school when they made me learn cursive. Biggest waste of time ever.
  22. Soon you will not even have a mouse or a keyboard. Just talk to the computer and it will spell and write for you. Can do it now but soon it will just be another accepted way of doing things daily.
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