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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. Took out a nice hind quarter roast. Part for venison stew tomorrow and the rest for jerky. Gotta use last year's last roast and get ready for a whole new seasons worth of venison.
  2. So chef what are you doing with those lovely cuts? Steaks, roasts, jerky, stew meat, etc?
  3. Usually take best cuts for steaks and the rest goes for stew meat and grinds for burger and sausage. Keep the round for a roast or 2.
  4. Just was outside earlier look out at my neighbors ag fields and the deer are all group up in lines funneling and running across the field not even feeding someone nearby must have some good bait. Had to be at least 8_10 at last count who knows how many was getting to dark to see. Someone has a good spot.
  5. Well since the season has started meaning !uploading and cross bow. The jackers are at it. If baiting wasn't enough just heard from a unknown of a six pointer being taken with a crossbow from under a landowners Apple trees from the road. Jackers have taken hunting to another level. I was hunting state the other day and a landowners who has land bordering it a had a bait pile and a permanent wood stand bordering it. Gotta love hunting the adirondacks of there's no deer they'll findem.
  6. Jumped 2 deer today stopped there and brought out the can to see if I could induce them to no avail. Just hunting. Had a buddy jump a buck stopped hit his grunt call the buck circled in right to his death shot him at 50 yards.
  7. Was out bright and early this morning in 5c. Was out b4 daylight took my time in the way in looking for sign. Didn't see much. Stood for awhile between 3 logging roads then started moving again. Jumped 2 deer all I seen were tails happened so quick and so thick with brush and leaves still on trees. Stalked till they took me into big thick cedar swamp gameover. Went out for evening sir at 245 found a good spot in a saddle between 2 ridges and nice area for a sit. Wind blew like crazy wouldn't have heard a thing til just about dark only a red squirrel and seen a guy in his stand over a bait pile just my luck. Be at it again in the morning. Frustrating cuz usually have a deer dead on open day of muzzleloader.
  8. Just like my button buck there for the taking hope you got the freezer alittle fuller from him.
  9. Pork r oast in the crock pot turned into pork nachos. Add the toppings you want here.
  10. Button buck officially in the freezer. Was able to salvage everything like I thought from my road kill friend. 12 2lb packs of grinds and 2 packs of hind steaks and 2 packs of tenderloins. Just like veal lol.☺
  11. Just got a roadkill button buck probably the brother to the fawn Hinton front of my house earlier this summer. Pretty beaten up trying to salvage what I can. Got the back straps both hind quarters were broken but s alvable and the front shoulders and the neck. Washed it in water and in the cooler in ice see what I can save.I n the morning.
  12. My buddy just bought a berger a in 6.5 creeper and put on a vortex 4x12x50 on it. He invited me up today to sight it in. It took us 7 shots to get it where we wanted it a 50 yards. This baby is a tack driver. He shot and told me to put a shot right next to his shot did it twice to my suprise. I'm sold in in line to buy one. The recoil is nothing the bolt is so smooth just had a few hang me ups when trying to eject the round would get hung up in where you extract the bullet. Anyone own or ever shot on? My buddy plans to coyote hunt with it it'll be another deer rifle for me. We had work to do but next week we'll be shooting up to 150 yards with it can't wait to see it perform.
  13. Remington 7400 30_06 semi auto carbine. The rifle i carry and when one doesn't do it there's more bullets to come. Many deer met there Demise in The adirondacks to my rifle nothing monstrous but meat in the freezer.
  14. 4 of the girls killed were originally from c hazy lake ny now living in amsterdam. Left a local father fatherless and young children. My prayers go out to the family. C hazy lake is 10 minutes fro m my house waiting to find out the names.
  15. Nice cool evening after being outside most of the day. Homemade chicken noodle soup. Boiled down chicken leg quarters and all the veggies. Turned out great. Chicken soup warms the soul lol.
  16. Man those guys can shoot with a muzzy loader congrats. Invite me next year lol. Nice shooting its your turn fletch.
  17. 3_0 Boston my wife loves it my youngest is a die hard Yankees can hating and whining. It's just the 1st.
  18. I'm located between Plattsburgh and lake placid saranac lake region. Lots to offer and plenty of state land. The southern adirondacks are great for producing beautiful bucks yearly there up here to just work really hard to get one.
  19. Venison stew tonight with all the veggies and homemade French bread for dipping. Great hearty meal all around. Wish it was cooler out side tho.
  20. Look into Clinton and frankli n counties. Our deer populations are on an up according to dec. This year is looking good for deer numbers. Lots of state land and lots of opportunities problem is up here is a lot of hunting clubs attached to state land and a lot of baiting going on. I hunt paramount mountain region and union falls and around Barnes pond and burnt him wild forests. Good hunting but I've been in the woods and lucky to see one buck a year and usually i kill it cuz I may not see another one and want meat in the freezer. Send me a pm and I'll try to put you in a good spot for success.
  21. Homemade spaghetti with bell peppers onions and mushrooms. Big ole plate lol.
  22. I love my summit just wish I was able to see the deer like everyone else lol. Will be out and see if I can see a deer. Wish we had the deer up north like down in southern ny.
  23. Put a 8 lb pork shoulder in the crock pot this morning did half with bbq sauce for pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches and the other half is going for pork carnitas tacos and nachos with all the fixings.
  24. For me any deer killed while walking and still hunting in the adirondacks is good enough for me. I'm for the meat not the bone.
  25. I'll be packing in the summit in the morning and setting up on some state land in my area lot of activity last year when I killed a six point and jumped a lot of does this spring turkey hunting. Hoping to get a bow kill with the hoyt and see what the nap killzones can do. visability should be good up on the ridge.
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