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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. What happen to Millers? Looks like they have just merged with Stark Brothers. Is the Canandaigua site closed?
  2. Nearest data I found was from 2008, on page 5, document below. Covers Northeast though. Your number is spot on. Also found interesting that male hunters out number women hunters, 9-1. Their is another thread on this topic here, touches on the problem why, dated July 2012. I find it interesting that their can be 23 pages of " 4 deer in 9 seconds," but only 3 about hunter recruitment. Nobody will have to worry about "4 deer in 9 seconds" if this trend continues in NY. ! HuntingLicTrends-NatlRpt.pdf
  3. Two relatives, have left the state within the past year due to state taxes. I know of 2 other families that will be leaving, both because of the SAFE. act pushed them over the edge, sending them to more user friendly states.
  4. My 73 chevy pickup, inline 6 with a column shift 3 speed standard tranny. Shift level would lock in 2 gears. Open the hood, put her back in neutral and the way u went. The beds held 4x8 sheet of plywood, tailgate up back then. I sure miss that truck.
  5. Yeah, son was telling me, he had several deer cross in front of his vehicle on NYD. Three were antlered bucks, one of which was so fat, he waddled his way back behind the pack. Darn near had more venison, the hard way.
  6. Those that run the D size battery opposed to the AA, was their a difference in battery life? I found the D size lasted quite well in my Moultrie cams during cold weather. Haven't used a AA cams as of yet. The manufactures are all switching over to AA size, I'm assuming because of shrinking cam sizes. Maybe not the best move for battery life.
  7. Three shots in 9 seconds. Ten pages in 5 days, LOL.
  8. Happy Birthday Doc! Maybe a new bow in your future? Make a nice birthday present.
  9. Carolina for me. Talk is cheap! I got ripped, LOL.
  10. I like the weight of my 20 on my 2 mile walk in. The Federals shot the best out of my Remington, but effective only at 20 yards. Little disappointed with the outcome, then again maybe asking for to much. Still in search of a shell effective at 30 yd..
  11. This is why I keep quite a few of non hybrid select seeds from many of my vegies. A few I lost this past growing season, but one mid size cherry tomato, non hybrid Cherry Belle pepper, and original Connecticut field pumpkin has gone through many growing seasons, still as good as the first.
  12. The most strangest thing that has ever happen during a hunting season would be some time ago, what I suspected to be a huge meteor fell out of the north sky into Lake Ontario. Lit up everything . Checked with NOAA.several weeks after, never anything mentioned.
  13. An interesting article. Weapon possession charges are also down this year. On a side note, remember, any folding jack-pocket knife that can be flicked open with wrist action on your possession is defined as a switchblade( illegal) in NYS.., as determined by law enforcement. NY Safe Act enables NY to better protect NYers, Gov. Cuomo's spokeswoman says _ syracuse.com.htm
  14. All an act. Not edited by You Tube for cursing.
  15. Been waiting for this issue to surface. I called this out way back in January, with emails to our representatives Maziarz and Corwin to block the funding for the safe act. Their response was once the govener had so much support,little could be done to block the bills funding, as ways would be implemented to establish emergency funding, as they called it. Did our elected officials miss an opportunity to block the Safe Act from reality, or did they?
  16. What kind of control does NY. have on ammo purchases " out of state; on site or mail order?"
  17. Ah, NYSA.. What control do they gain on out of state ammo purchases?
  18. Interesting, one would think NY. state would want more control.
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