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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Hmm canned hunt for teaching kids how to hunt . Well yes and no . Yes it would, moving targets make good practice then just shooting at the range . But on the other hand you are maybe setting up your kid for a big disappointment when he hunts state land or even private land for that matter . You are not going to see to many huge Frankendeer on state land, and any big buck there Will be 20 times harder to get a shot at if there even there . Compared to the point and shoot farm animal targets at those high fence places .
  2. I think the guys who think that are either hunting in areas that are heavily hunted or parts of the state that the land just can not support that many deer because of lack of food . Yea I'm sure if everyone around your hunting grounds is a hunter you going to see less big bucks . You Don't need a tag Cheet for that to be the case .
  3. Don't remember if that's them but in a hunting book I read about o 25 years ago they mentioned some big buck snow tracking hunters from Vermont that were know for shooting huge bucks off state land over There
  4. You go explain to the general public that you want the DEC to make rules that are designed just so hunters can get bigger racks I don't think it is a Good idea and people who dont hunt look down on trophy hunters . Food hunters nobody has a problem with . Food hunters don't want it either if it means more red tape and aggravation for them. Meat is meat you cant eat the rack .
  5. no we are speaking over each other I meant to say that some guys buy a lot of land and try to manage it to hunt to have more deer on it. But there are farmers that actually don't want the deer there and get nuisance permits to shoot them all year round. I used to hunt on an Apple farm that did that.. You are looking at just the hunter standpoint but there are other people environmentalist, Farmers that see it differently they see too many deer around they want less of them around not everybody wants to just hunt. DEC is not supposed to take sides .
  6. Yea That is why hunters buy or lease a lot of land. But to lot of other people deer are nuisance they want less of them around anyway just to let you know. Not everyone wants a huge deer herd . Especially if you're a farmer that actually wants to farm. And you get environmental groups and anti-hunting groups that don't like it when DEC try to make the herd larger just for hunting
  7. They do it by air , droppings and tags it says in there annual report then us a formula to figure out what they are going to do next year
  8. Some guys go buy land just to hunt thinking that just because they got private land there going to always get a big buck . Does not always work out that way
  9. It all depends where you're in some places they want less deer not more anyway.
  10. Btw if you live in a area that is all private land and you notice a big drop in deer in that area for some reason let the DEC know and they will investigate what the story is in your neck of the woods . It is that simple know need to change anything.
  11. Bet if you take a poll most hunters would not want more red tape and aggravation like what your proposing . Sorry to tell you .
  12. They kill everything that moves down south and out west it is just they have huge tracts of land and not that many people to hunt it like NY state. Has nothing to do with anything else . Hunting laws basically just barely work because of the honor System . If someone wants to cheet they cheet and no law or tag system you can come up with will stop them . Less people per square mile more animals to hunt . That's all it comes down to . That is why you get bigger older deer in other parts of the country.
  13. It is target practice in my book . Like going to the range . Hunting don't thing so .
  14. A lot of those big bucks you see from other states in magazines are coming off huge farms with limited access and high fence areas and the rest it is because they have no population there . Has nothing to do with enforcement of anything
  15. I suspect there is a lot we don't know about what he was up to and maybe never know from all that has came out about the Clinton's all of these characters like Obama Bernie Sanders they were all just useful idiots of the clinton crime family . The idea was that if they put up against her someone so outrageous that the voters would be forced to pick Hillary as the Democratic nominee but it backfired on them she was such bad candidate that anyone seemed better . Later on maybe eventually the whole truth will come out.
  16. I saw a article saying they have public land there that have little hunting pressure and that bucks routinely live to be 4 and 5 years old .
  17. Anyone hunt public land in Vermont how was it there.
  18. What do you mean are looking for a guide or a place to hunt ?
  19. What do you mean by that exactly, because if I am not mistaken they sell the most hunting licences of any other state .
  20. That is exactly what happened in New Jersey . Well look at the bright side in a few years the hunting for bear up there will be great when they finally come to there senses and bring hunting back.
  21. From the way they act on some of those shows you see on YouTube you get the impression they did some incredibly difficult thing by shooting the Frankendeer in one of those places lol I think a lot of them are little confused when you see there reaction and attitude about it . It is funny to watch In a way .
  22. I am not actually against it or for it but I just don't like that a lot of people that go to those places get confused and think that is the same as actual hunting . Or that those deer they are shooting at are the same as wild deer on state land .
  23. That's how most crimes are solved by tips . Cops can't be everywhere and can't check everybody it's not practical.
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