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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. We have intelligence agencies that supost to be determining that . But mostly now its people from certain near East country's that have those beliefs .
  2. Did not say loaded . But You think the guy drinking alcohol in the woods going to remember to unload before he starts dragging probably not.
  3. Well how about not importing more of them in the country in the first place would be a good start don't you think ?
  4. Walking through the woods in the dark while dragging a deer with a firearm after drinking alcohol probably not a good idea . Save it until you get back to your tent, cabin or home . If I were you. That is how accidents happen.
  5. Look I'm just telling you that the people you're hearing all those talking points you're telling us they're not these kind benevolent people that is the source of that its coming from people that have a agenda and it's an anti freedom anti USA globalist agenda . They want more violets more chaos here . That is the real reason Behind them flooding this country with these people they know exactly what they're doing and what's going to happen . It' all about contol watch below .
  6. You parrot talking points you saw on tv paid for and pushed by oil rich islamic country's war mongring corportions and exploitative politicians looking for a handout a vote and more power . They could care less about you and me when the s hits the fan from these fanatics in fact they welcome it, to get even more power over us . Wake up ..
  7. Do you want a WAR !!!! or I should say do you want more of a WAR then we already have keep let them in. ask Spain Greece or any of those country's that happen to be next door to Islamic country's how that worked out for them . Or are you so arrogant that you think we are always going to have a military to protect us from them . Especially once you let a lot of them in here .
  8. Yea get those at least 1 or 2 a year . My response is i dont have a computer click
  9. Really by chance I happen to drive by that place on my way upstate a few years back . I Marked it on my GPS to check out at a later date for hunting but never had the time to go back . As it is farther from me then other places I hunt
  10. "There are some super extreme Christians who take things a little too far. " Yea ok, when is the last time a Amish guy blew up a bomb in the subway? And said god is great?
  11. You go in a war zone someone is shooting at you do you defend yourself or take the moral high ground and let yourself get killed ? Because you know killing is wrong . That is the argument you're trying to make it doesn't work. If we are dead from Islam what good is your religious freedom right idealism? And who says Islam is a religion ? Its a political movement you could argue.
  12. Don't know the answer If they kill your kids . What will be your answer? Idealism in a war does not work
  13. What part of the state( zone/ county) do you think has the best chance of shooting a mature buck on public land ? My vote is the Adirondacks.
  14. The ones I have are just enough to work not make your ears ring if you take 1 or 2 shots but still let you here the animals walking around. There bare minimum protection you would want something better for a lot of shooting like at the range i use the muffs.
  15. I have really good hearing and like to keep it that way so I use them . Even one shot is enough to make my ears ring . So I use them .
  16. I wonder if I epoxy some crossbow limbs on the airbow does that fit the legal requirements for New York State lol
  17. I Use really simple inexpensive ear plugs when i hunt .but I'm thinking of getting better ones the ones I have don't fit that well .any advice on what to get would be appreciated.
  18. Yep unfortunately some of our politicians like to turn these bombings killings around into it is the American people's fault that they hate us. It is insane and it not going to stop them either . There usual response is if it happens with a gun take them away from all citizens . and if it is with something else well get use to it ,and it is your fault , Because your a racist is the usual BS you here from them .
  19. He is either really green or acting like a clown just to get views on his YouTube channel
  20. The church one could have been stopped from what I understand . The other guy in LV don't know but I do know when I was a kid and there where less or no Muslims from certain near East countries here we did not have this problem and now we do .common sense says we need to close or restrict are borders from those places . You can't be PC if your blown up . That is for sure .
  21. It was a great video you most admit like watching a comedy on tv lol I like when the guy goes "omg what is that thing " Like he shot a UFO lol
  22. Buy your own land if you want better results but if your patient and like the great outdoors and exploring different places scenery you can spend a lifetime hunting all the hundreds of state lands open to hunting in New York State and other states . Look at it as a adventure in it self .
  23. If you are taking shots less then 50 yards 22 lr h high velocity ammo is ok . Or else use something larger .like a slug even
  24. An ostensible moose-deer hybrid photographed near Red Feather Lakes, Colorado. The antlers of this animal are more similar to those of a mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) than to those of an elk (Cervus elephas).
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