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Eric J

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Eric J

  1. Democrats are using coronavirus 'as a tool to politicize things and scare people'
  2. All due to Mercury from the burning of fossil fuels..... and this mercury builds up over time so larger fish will have more.
  3. Did the DEC explain this sighting from last year? https://www.newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2018/07/video_upstate_ny_man_says_he_saw_a_mountain_lion_what_do_you_think.html
  4. This virus has been politicized like everything else these days.... The NYT called it.... Trumpvirus for Christ's Sake.... Stock market... due for correction already... but over reacting.... I'll be BUYING at the bottom!
  5. Of course.... It's About "Feelings"....
  6. Again.... they try to create Laws so people do not have to have Personal Responsibility!!!! What a Joke... It's a Trappers job to check traps on a regular basis... But Liberal Dem Government takes that out of your hands....
  7. Eric J


    Nah.... only 42 - 1! lol
  8. Eric J


    Buster Douglas beating Tyson!!!!!
  9. Trump might not have the best personality.... but it's Polices I'm concerned about.... and things are Great right now!
  10. I have the CVA Optima.... I love it! Stainless.... Love that you can screw off the plug by hand.... Never had any issues with it!
  11. Come on! Even a Half Blind Han Solo could shoot accurately!!!
  12. Somebody needs to get Rid of the Wilpons!
  13. Exactly! It's SAD so many people have no Trust in their neighbors anymore.... I guess no one borrows a Cup of flour or a few Eggs either.... I Also think carry should be concealed for everyone... If I'm a bad guy... I go into the 7-11 and see a firearm on the clerks hip... I don't rob that one... I rob the one where the guy has none! If Concealed carry .... You don't know who has a gun or not!
  14. The problem is.... Many neighbors when they hear one of us carry.... they Freak out... and are scared that a neighbor has a gun on him while in his yard, etc. They don't believe people should be armed... only police. That's how that newspaper published who in Rockland County had carry permits....
  15. That's why I Never use concave Clippers....
  16. Coyotes are simply Pests that NEED to be controlled.... Having a Contest encourages hunters who might have packed up for the season to get out there on a few Cold February Days and help!
  17. Actually... when you Read this..... Eli did things many QB's couldn't... or didn't! I say he should get in... in maybe his fourth year or so... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/eli-manning-retires-ranking-the-10-best-games-in-giants-quarterbacks-career/
  18. Eli wasn't Great.... He had Moments..... Some really great moments.... otherwise... he was average. Then again... look at some of the people in Canton.... It's pretty watered done now.....
  19. LOL.. no.... But I got the Buck there in 1999.... opening day.
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