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Everything posted by Lomax

  1. I will give it a go. Didn’t read all the rules but perhaps i can make some guesses.
  2. Yes I was able to get both cameras set up and synced August 23 and got signals from both of them since I just couldn’t get any pictures uploaded to my phone. After trying to convince my older daughter to call for me because I hate to do this kind of stuff I finally gave in and called and the girl was great very nice very helpful just gave her my account number she found my cameras and said they were disabled because I switch from an initial free subscription to a paid one so they excepted my payment and then disable the cameras Ha no big deal it’s working now and I just got another 15 from the other camera. The quality of the pics from both so far kind of stinks so I upgraded The cameras to take better pictures right from my phone which is pretty cool let’s see how this works now. I couldn’t run to money this way it would be a small fortune but to have a few strategically placed along my hillside and thickets should help me know when the bucks are moving thru my property. It was pretty cool getting the first group of pics can’t wait till late October early November Kind of exciting.
  3. Good news now just got 84 pics from one of the cameras now waiting on other cam to update. My first experience with cell cams. Very cool still have 6 browning non cell cams running along with a few others so will have to make the rounds still to pull cards but put these cameras where the bux are (sanctuary areas) So I can tell which ones are coming and going and I don’t have to go in there anymore to pull cards.
  4. Just got off the phone with Prometheus they service Browning Trail Cell Cams. Apparently my 2 camera were registered and both disabled. So nice rep said she enabled and should start getting pics in 24 hrs. Hopefully that’s the case
  5. Thanks I have already tried that on both and neither of them will upload and they are scheduled to do it but no dice. They are both taking pics just won’t upload. 18 bucks a month for both but no luck so far.
  6. Lomax


    Ah September tastes good
  7. Just set up two browning cell cams and am not getting any pics sent to my phone not working guess I have to make some phone calls
  8. That’s my ex….she goes by her maiden name now Gloyra Whole. Miss her but she was cross eyed had narrow view on things.
  9. Looks great Rob. Bout a month away can’t wait
  10. Checked plots and cameras. Getting some action
  11. Lomax


    Clown shoes nice after finish
  12. Planted July 25th. Holding up still with a lot of rain. Need dry weather.
  13. Just finished checking the plots a couple are under water and 4 others are draining struggling. Need dry weather. Wildlife doesn’t seem to care as they are already working the plots. Got mama w her triplets kind of a rare sight triplets.
  14. Flooded camp on Owasco lake. Our dock and boat is floating away the one you see parallel to the shore usually goes into the shore not good I would imagine all of the finger Lakes and all of the rivers and streams today in New York or flood level going to be a rough few daysOur dock and boat is floating away the one you see parallel to the shore usually goes into the shore not good I would imagine all of the finger Lakes and all of the rivers and streams today in New York or flood level going to be a rough few days
  15. I have three Macintosh apple trees apple trees and a pear tree in my backyard. I have different family groups to and three times a day coming into the backyard now to eat off them. They have been doing it since the end of July. Soft mast is a big draw for them right now until it’s gone.
  16. It seems to have brought the turkeys back into the field with their poults too. I think they like some of the mowed paths Mixed with high grass and the food plots because as soon as I put them in they started showing up
  17. My plots are taking off. Some rain will be ok but not too much. Don’t want the plots flooded washed out. Getting some early activity already early conditioning too.
  18. He’s a beauty Red. His antlers would be a nice mount got some character good times hunting for him.
  19. A mix of radishes sugar beets and winter peas w some soybeans added to the mix. Like G said in another post this will pull different gear from miles away once the food sources change in the heat goes away.
  20. Lomax


    A tasty barley pop on this hot day
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