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Everything posted by Lomax

  1. Saw some fish surfacing and a few on stringers. We went to the hatchery but it was closed due to construction so I couldn’t see if the fish were heavy up there yet. I would say they’re in the river spread out but not thick yet more towards the end of the month and based on rain and weather.
  2. Took my grandsons to the salmon river today in Pulaski their first time salmon fishing it was an adventure all right. Somehow fishing turned into swimming and skipping rocks great time though
  3. Looks like it’s coming along. We’re supposed to get some rain Sunday and then nice weather next week so that should help green it up even more By mid to late October it should start to draw the wildlife. Especially after the surrounding ag fields get harvested.
  4. You got some nice choices there hope to see you with your hands around the bases of one of them this fall good hunting
  5. Here’s one from today finally looking hard horned Guessing he’s one of this bachelor group by the looks of it the one of the younger ones. I got these pics at work I really must say I’m becoming a big fan of cell cameras.
  6. Yes indeed a shooooter. Get him this fall. Good hunting
  7. Looks good. Get them radishes going by your blinds and big Sixy will be paying you a visit
  8. Gonna be nice to roll out of bed to food plots with bux in them late season. Now a couple of cameras overlooking them to gather info
  9. That first one is a beauty Hope to see your hands wrapped around them bases this fall. Good hunting
  10. Put up this blind yesterday in the backyard….early conditioning works. Also been mowing leaves off access routes to blinds and stands for past 10 yrs or so. Walking in quietly in the morning when it’s cold with no leaves is a bonus. Quiet chairs and the blinds are a must as well you can have them making noise squeaking when it gets cold when you turn to pull back on a deer. It’s kind of tough to practice that…you just learn from your mistakes. Small details matter.
  11. I have ridden my four wheeler around my property since I acquired it in 2004 the deer are used to it and I drive past them often checking cameras and doing work on the food plots and stands. I don’t drive back there a lot during hunting season only if I have to get a deer fix a Stand something like that. But I don’t let anybody else back there with their four wheelers or snowmobiles. When I first purchased the second piece in I had some neighbors driving their four wheelers around with their friends on the property but spoke to them and put an end to that quickly. I posted up my property and now if I have any issues I just call the game warden or police and let them do their job.
  12. Dodging mosquitoes With Charlie to make chicken
  13. Lomax


    Put away some lawn furniture and got mauled by mosquitoes Time for one of these
  14. It’s my 7th year or so doing them so still trying different things. The winter peas are a first time planting this year so we will see how they do. When I got started I just watched some YouTube videos and the big mower and tiller Made it possible along with the tow behind sprayer and tow behind spreader. But luckily I am blessed with really good soil I live in the lake Plains region so it’s a mix of Sandy loam and clay and used to be an old very firm so I think there’s some natural fertilizer. Right now the hickory trees and apples are in play but it’s nice to see them in the plots early getting conditioned
  15. Ha. Actually was wearing flip flops as soon as I posted that I went uh oh. As I recall it was a warm day and I might’ve had a few ruby reds kolsch for seed spreader lube…yeah that’s my excuse.
  16. I planted Biologic radishes biologic winter greens biologic winter peas biologic final forage and antler king honey hole and channel soybeans. I mowed in June and July and then sprayed And fertilized and then tilled and then planted around July 25 I do it around the date every year and get pretty good results only one year was so so Also the whole outer edge of my field has about a 4 1/2 foot reign of thick clover and Rye.
  17. Getting decent plot growth with the abundance of rain…now that we’ve had a few dry days seems to help in early plot conditioning for the wildlife
  18. Good story…bye…bike and man for pulling it off. Post up some ride pics this fall
  19. Yes. It’s a milk snake but not quite as cool as this one my buddy ran into this one in northern Alabama on a hike today timber rattler.
  20. Did some snake wrangling this afternoon….Found this in my driveway headed towards my garage put em on a different path
  21. I’m not sure I need cell cameras When I can take pics like these right off my deck with my phone Apples are in play
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