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Everything posted by Lomax

  1. Just watched big eight what is way down the field by himself into the radishes now for breakfast good buck
  2. Yeah well probably could have worked or duck hunted but have week off and needed some time off from work and just to relax. Figured this is what I got rain gear for and no one to duck hunt with up early and figured I’d give it a go. By the looks of today’s posts it should be fun just to watch the responses roll through going to be good ha Keep me entertained for a few hours
  3. Sloppy start but n wind and rain are ok in the Buckform. Already seeing movement so poke and hope.
  4. In one of my south facing blinds overlooking plot. Little warmer than I like but cameras are showing deer in this plot all day. So looking to catch certain buck tagging along after does.
  5. Lomax


    A nice pumpkin ale while cooking out beautiful fall evening good hunting to all those out there stillA nice pumpkin ale while cooking out beautiful fall evening good hunting to all those out there still
  6. Chef Charlie said skip hunting Cook us some tenderloins so that’s what I didCook us some tenderloins so that’s what I did
  7. Just seeing this it looks like you’re doing better and you and the misses will get through this. Feel better and get well need you to be sharp like a broad head in a week or so when I pick you for Rob’s contest
  8. Week 5 Lomax picks RobHuntandFish. Liking your odds of putting the Big Sixy on the board
  9. Congrats she’s a fat one to boot. Yes it’s great taking the 1st deer on property you own. First of many more good hunting
  10. Little foggy here but clearing so hoping for some more chasing today. Couple of does so far
  11. Bumped a couple feeding but made it in. Raining here but cool hope it lets up after 5.
  12. Just had a number one shooter buck walk through field with the doe About 300 yards away just to the left of the blind gonna have to come up with a strategy and get in there without spooking him. He was the fifth buck I saw in about does this morning quite a bit of Chasing
  13. Heavy chasing going down. Good 8 and 3 pt moving the girls around probing the bedding spots and grunting up a storm. Cameras tell me this was buck went past me in greylight. A good one but after another that still haven’t got a pic of yet.
  14. Settled in and had good buck come by at 25yds and drew back but couldn’t see him well enough and still in some thick stuff and moving so no first blood yet
  15. Here’s a couple I would have have liked to harvest but not to be neighbors got both. Also included the fattest doe I never got.
  16. Thanks. I planted biologic radishes, winter greens, winter peas, final forage and some antler king brassica mix around July 25th.
  17. Nice pics of a stud. Hope to see you with him in front of the Apple tree in a few weeks.
  18. Congrats Rob great job on the recovery and cool pics too. Way to go now get Big Sixy.
  19. In quietly and good wind the rest is up to getting my herd of girls to drag a shooter by.
  20. Plots are drawing in more as it begins to cool down finally. By mid to late Nov early Dec they should be prime by then.
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