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good size bobcat


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so this was informational?

No, it was me pointing it out because noone else had. If you go a few more replies into the thread, the information is given.

As moderators, we arent here to delete anything other than spam content, or lock threads when they go over the top. We arent here to spank your hiney everytime you post something we dont agree with.

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agreed, if it is handled the right way. This guy said he didn't know it was ilegal, apologized and removed it but the bashing still went on.

Actually there was no bashing of him. Most of the bashing has been from a few that were offended by me pointing out the illegal mineral block. Go back and read, I never said a bad thing about the guy.

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Seriously? Give me a break. You want to mineral supplement deer in your back yard I could care less. It isn't hurting anything or anybody. (I'm talking out of season) You on the other hand admit to talking on a cellphone while driving which has the potential of hurting someone....

The next part is a general comment to no one in particular.

Only point I have been trying to make is that too many people read too much into pictures and never seem to give a benefit of a doubt. Pictures without a story aren't proof of anything. Its a picture and thats it. Then next thing you know someone gets up on a little pedestal and begin to preach the law. It hurts the site regardless of what anyone says. I know at least 5 other members of this site personally and none of us will post a picture on here anymore because of the constant negative reactions. I've seen pictures taken in the dark that are torn apart as an after hours kill even though they weren't. I've seen pictures where the tag wasn't visible torn up as untagged illegal harvests even though they were tagged. Hell, one guy posted a picture of a monster buck last season and it was torn apart because you couldn't see both sides of the rack.

So that is a total of 6 members that I know of that were spooked off from posting pics. How many others just like me and my buddies are there? And some think that the self righteous holier than thou attitudes don't hurt the site.

Please, spare me the rhetoric, Im done arguing with you about it. If you dont want to post pictures on the site because you are afraid someone may say something not nice about them, then thats your prerogative. In my opinion, you shouldnt post anything on a forum if you cant handle any type of criticism what so ever.

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Yes exactly if just to promote harmony. As Doc has mentioned sent a PM if you feel strongly about an issue.


I mean, Thanks Dave for your keen and thoughtful insight. I will strive to better myself and be kind to each fellow traveler though this life. Has anyone seen any butterflies?

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I mean, Thanks Dave for your keen and thoughtful insight. I will strive to better myself and be kind to each fellow traveler though this life. Has anyone seen any butterflies?

Your welcome. But still scarcastic and like to flame the fire of contraversary. For what reason I have on idea, must be your ego. Like to hear your self talk. Just waiting for you guys to ambush the next thread.
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Not ego Dave, I was brought up to call a spade a spade and not to compromise on integrity, be able to admit when you are wrong and be thankful for what you have. I guess it is just different ways we were brought up. Not harm or ego in that...just different.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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Not ego Dave, I was brought up to call a spade a spade and not to compromise on integrity, be able to admit when you are wrong and be thankful for what you have. I guess it is just different ways we were brought up. Not harm or ego in that...just different.

I don't understand your point of view this isn't about you. A picture was posted and showed a mineral block and a bobcat period. What does that have to do with you compromising your integrity.. Who cares, you can say how honest and full of integrety you are, how would we ever know. Take your word for it??? Like I have said in a prior post others have seen the picture and know exactly they say. But used better judgement to call him out as others have. Even though they could, do you call the cops everytime someone runs a stop light or stop sign, catch someone smoking in a no smoking area. Maybe you do, remember you have to call them out on their indescretions. Because you have integrity and have to call a spade a spade.
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Dave, did anyone call the DEC on the guy? No, I pointed out the mineral block and provided the info to the guy showing that its illegal. Thats all.

Why did it apparently offend you so much that I pointed out a mineral block in the picture? Can you not handle honesty and straight forwardness? Better judgement? You mean, I (or others) should pussy foot around things like you apparently do, right? Good lord, some of you guys are so afraid of hurting feelings that you wouldnt say the sky is blue if the other person says its red, unless you did it in a private message.

Bunch of PC nonsense IMO. :rolleyes:

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I don't understand your point of view this isn't about you. A picture was posted and showed a mineral block and a bobcat period. What does that have to do with you compromising your integrity.. Who cares, you can say how honest and full of integrety you are, how would we ever know. Take your word for it??? Like I have said in a prior post others have seen the picture and know exactly they say. But used better judgement to call him out as others have. Even though they could, do you call the cops everytime someone runs a stop light or stop sign, catch someone smoking in a no smoking area. Maybe you do, remember you have to call them out on their indescretions. Because you have integrity and have to call a spade a spade.

My point of view is't about me. I guess you better humor me and explain this in more detail how my point of view isn't about me.

It seems at times if you are not rubbing someones nose in the muck some are not happy. Trying to show how smart they are about everything that is posted on this site, not a post goes by that you guys don't have something to say about, mostly negative.

Since I did criticise mainly his reaction to being told his actions wer not legal and you used the pronoun "you" in your response to my quote, In my reponse I would not post a positive comment about an illegal activity or an activity that I didn't feel was proper. I also was trying to illustrate that since you don't seem to have a problem with it and dont beleive it is right to point out illegal activity in the open that we were probably brought up differently.

For the record I don't have an issue calling anyone to task when I see them doing something wrong. I don't smoke anymore but even when I did I would point out to smokers that they were in a non smoking area. I have called the police when people wouldn't listen to reason and got behind the wheel of a car after drinking too. I have said it before. I am not perfect and have not followed every rule. I am very bad on the cell phone thing. I probably have $500 in ear peices and they all suck. My daughter has seen me as well as my wife and When they call me on it my reaction isn't F_ _ K off like the Op was. I apologize and try to avoid it. Doesn't work though.

I think in hunting we we ot to police our own and in that process let others now we are watching. We differ in our views. You want harmony, I want everyone to do it by the book and if you don't like it....change the book. I don't have a problem if someone wants to start a petition to make baiting legal. I will sign it...first in line. but until then . No. I don't care about harmony.I

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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After going back to the begining and seeing what i saw is crazy,no one in his or her rite mind would post pic's like that on a public forum.That take's a big set to do so.Illegal is illegal.The only way i could find this acceptable is if he or she was new to NY and did'nt know however being licenced to hunt in NY you know the legality's.

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Its not about being politically correct. Its about people preaching like they've never done a thing wrong.

Culver, you only have to go back to last deer season to see what I am talking about.

On a positive note, I saw a doe with tiny triplet fawns yesterday afternoon.

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It has nothing to do with preaching like I have never done anything wrong, all I did was point out that the mineral block was illegal. I have never claimed to do everything exactly by the book, or that I am perfect in any way. Your claim that I did is completely erroneous. He said that he did not realize that the "apple block" was, in fact a mineral block, and that he didnt know it was illegal to use them in the off season. Why cant you understand what actually went down? If all the people pissing and moaning about me and others supposedly being mean or offensive had never started in with their nonsense, this thread would be maybe 2 pages long, tops.

Thats a cool sighting, 3 fawns. I saw a couple of tiny fawns yesterday as well. They were standing near my trail camera, so Im hoping I got some shots of them. Ill see on Friday when I pull the card.

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It's unfortunate that this place an "internet forum" spews such misdirected feelings. I made it a policy to keep my nose out of back and forth stuff like this. Sure I may make a comment but it's not worth getting into over the internet. Honestly this site is pretty good but when a thread like this gets out of hand it downgrades it. Put us all in one big room to socialize we all get along. Same problem with todays youth. Too much time texting and not enough one on one. It's sad whats happening...............

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WNY, I hope you understand that my view point isn't about you or this thread specifically. It is a bunch of threads that I have read over the past 2-3 years. There doesn't seem to be a week that goes by where you don't see someone scolding or demeaning someone else. You may feel like your getting the brunt of my, and others, frustration but it isn't intended to be that way.

I think what we all need to do is get liquored up, grab a gun and a light, shoot a big fat doe off Vietvet's mineral lick and have us a kick off to summer BBQ. You hold the light I'll drive.

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When men are pure, laws are useless; when men are corrupt, laws are broken.


Benjamin Disraeli

Tell the truth and then run.



Just in case anyone who is deciding to use mineral licks to " grow bigger racks" There have been several studies done that have proven that supplemental mineral feeding in captive and wild deer does not make their racks any bigger than what they would have been anyhow. It is nothing more than, like most things in hunting, an advertising ploy to sell you something for management that you dont need. And now you know and knowing is half the battle Go Joe!! And now back to your regularly scheduled arguement about whether or not ignorance of the law is an excuse. :popcorn3:

Edited by erussell
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WNY, I hope you understand that my view point isn't about you or this thread specifically. It is a bunch of threads that I have read over the past 2-3 years. There doesn't seem to be a week that goes by where you don't see someone scolding or demeaning someone else. You may feel like your getting the brunt of my, and others, frustration but it isn't intended to be that way.

I think what we all need to do is get liquored up, grab a gun and a light, shoot a big fat doe off Vietvet's mineral lick and have us a kick off to summer BBQ. You hold the light I'll drive.

I do understand cwhite, and I totally agree that we should do a BBQ, but we can use some nusiance permits with the spotlight and mineral lick, just to keep it legal of course lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried to read this post but after the third page I already had a headache. We all know the rules when it comes to baiting and some people need to come off their high horses. I used to visit this site a few time a day but now I find myself very rarely coming here at all. It's because a few posters who believe that they know everything need to comment on every single post that someone writes, no matter what the subject is. Vietvet50, thank you for your service to our country and you should be very proud of it!

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