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redemption...doe down!!!! for real this time


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well decided to get out there this evening as the temps were dropping tonight, and it was a pretty eventful evening... first had a skunk come waddling by, then some squirrels... and then two doe that im guessing were playing with each other, they ran past me four separate time, stopping and darting all over the place.... no amount of baaaaa, heeeyyyy, or whistles would stop em... was at full draw three times, but they just wouldnt stop... finally with 15 min of legal light left one come back from behind and finally settles down, and walks right under my tree ever so slowly.... guess my coon urine on my boots worked like a charm cause she was feeding and walkin right where i had walked to go take a leak before i climbed up... and to answer your questions about takin a leak from the tree... i took another one in that direction about an hour before,, she never got nervous!!! so let er rip lol.... i know i took some flack for not finding the doe i shot opening day, and im sorry for that, stuff happens sometimes, and thats NOT how i wanted to start the season... but without further ado .... freezers full, and good new s... Dont have to eat chef boy ardi anymore ;) backstraps for this guy tonight.... post-2133-0-92681100-1349578610_thumb.jp post-2133-0-73105700-1349578668_thumb.jp

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Your freezers full from one doe, I think you need a bigger freezer!! Just kidding congratulations!

ah the college life ;) just have the dinky little freezer that came with the apartment... lookin into gettin a little deep freezer... I must, because where is that buck gonna fit B)

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ah the college life ;) just have the dinky little freezer that came with the apartment... lookin into gettin a little deep freezer... I must, because where is that buck gonna fit B)

I brought a doe back to my frat when I was in college and all the city boys thought it was free steaks since I didn't have to pay for it in the traditional way. Heck it never made it to the freezer!

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ah the college life ;) just have the dinky little freezer that came with the apartment... lookin into gettin a little deep freezer... I must, because where is that buck gonna fit B)

i am close, i can help...meaning i have room in my freezer

Edited by paula
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