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Of no-Obama Wouldn't Try To Take Guns AwayCould Someone Please Explain This, Then?

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13BVET.....I would challenge Obama on those statements, but for a different reason: He questions the advisability of "military style" firearms being in the hands of common citizens. Yet, he ignores that our law enforcement personnel at all levels are being armed wtih such. I would take him to task for allowing the govt. (police at all levels) forces to possess weapons that he would deny the general populace. It is not Obama that we must fear....It is the para-military police forces across the country that will enforce his misguided laws.

You are obviously a descendant of Pavlov's dog.

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13BVET.....I would challenge Obama on those statements, but for a different reason: He questions the advisability of "military style" firearms being in the hands of common citizens. Yet, he ignores that our law enforcement personnel at all levels are being armed wtih such. I would take him to task for allowing the govt. (police at all levels) forces to possess weapons that he would deny the general populace. It is not Obama that we must fear....It is the para-military police forces across the country that will enforce his misguided laws.

You are obviously a descendant of Pavlov's dog.

You would take him( Obama) to task??? his misguided laws??? you are at least a "closet racist"

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Now reuters is reporting that 2 hours after the election the now lame duck pres called the un to ask for a resolution vote to start talking about the un arms treat again. Talks will resume in March. At least he waited 2 hours.

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Now reuters is reporting that 2 hours after the election the now lame duck pres called the un to ask for a resolution vote to start talking about the un arms treat again. Talks will resume in March. At least he waited 2 hours.

read the article, its supposed to be for guns that are for export, and not affect gunowners, though I wouldnt make the bet that there would be clauses in it to limit us :(

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hide your guns, hide your social security, hide your old age medicare. the Gov we hire and elect is in take mode, they have nothing left to give!!! either way you vote something will be taken....

one thing for sure is that when Clinton passed the assault weapons ban back in 94 and Myth Romney did it in his own state of Mass as Gov it was very unpopular and cost them both dearly afterwards.

Obama cant knock on your door with the national gaurd and ask for your guns,

It would have to pass the house and senate and im not sure alot of those jokers have the stomach to take that on with gun ownership(especially high cap mag guns) are at an all time high...

Most assault type weapons which are the guns of choice by Americas gunowners today are being bought by males between the ages of 18-30 years old. they have no interest in hunting, they buy them because they use the very same guns on the video games they play, and the sales for them have been at an astronomical pace for over a decade..

just remember lads, the fight goes on, if Romney and Lyin Ryan were in the whitehouse you would be fighting to keep alot of other things..i still cant beleive how people can still stand so steadfast behind republicans or democrats after all they have done to screw this country?

Edited by sits in trees
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so because they do not hunt, they should not be allowed to buy these guns? I think your view is a bit skewed. I am thinking more and more people are buying them to be able to defend their property from a govt that wants it all, If he feels so strongly about this, why wait until 2 hours after the election to ask for a new resolution? Why not before and say what you want rather htan wait until no one can do anything about it. Get out of the fantasy.

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i still cant beleive how people can still stand so steadfast behind republicans or democrats after all they have done to screw this country?

Me either. Its pretty sad that many of us vote one way or the other just to vote AGAINST someone. We should be voting FOR someone. Unfortunately, there arent many good ones left to vote FOR.

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Getting back to the OP though, I have seen some of the liberal types on this site say that Obummer isnt trying to take our guns. I say he just hasnt tried yet.

Good point. Let's not let the fact that he hasn't shown any inclination to do so fool us into believing that he's not planning to. Let's also not let the fact that Bigfoot has never been found be evidence that he doesn't exist.

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Now reuters is reporting that 2 hours after the election the now lame duck pres called the un to ask for a resolution vote to start talking about the un arms treat again. Talks will resume in March. At least he waited 2 hours.

You're going to bring up the UN Arms treaty again? The one that has NOTHING AT ALL to do with selling guns inside the US? Really?

I really shouldn't even re-post this since obviously you want to believe whatever you want to believe and silly things like facts are to be ignored, but I'll try one last time:

1) Congress has to ratify all treaties. It would need two-thirds of the Sentate to vote to pass it. Good luck there.

2) The content of the treaty hasn't even been finalized. The first draft was written in July, but the treaty was suspended indefinitely when the Obama administration (as well as some other countries) declined to support it.

3) The Arms Trade Treaty has nothing to do with the restricting of legal sale or ownership of guns within the US. The focus of the UN Arms Trade Treaty is to combat illegal international trade of arms through trade regulation. The current draft states that the treaty specifically "reaffirms the sovereign right and responsibility of any State to regulate and control transfers of conventional arms that take place exclusively within its territory".

4) The POTUS can not ban weapons through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. Reid vs Covert establishes the Constitution supersedes international treaties, even those ratified by the Senate.

Please take the time to read points 3 and 4 again, then make a bookmark so that the next time you feel the urge to post something completely incorrect about this treaty, you can reference here and not be so wrong.

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Getting back to the OP though, I have seen some of the liberal types on this site say that Obummer isnt trying to take our guns. I say he just hasnt tried yet.

Good point. Let's not let the fact that he hasn't shown any inclination to do so fool us into believing that he's not planning to. Let's also not let the fact that Bigfoot has never been found be evidence that he doesn't exist.

What he said on Oct 16th proves what his goal is. Read it for yourself in the first post of this thread.

Actually, here it is for you AGAIN


And, lets not forget that the reinstatement of the AWB was a platform he ran on originally. But, lets not let facts get in the way of your point. Carry on...

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I can't predict if gun rights will ever be taken away, I have heard even a prominent republican Senator say that something has to be done (referring to guns). I don't want to misquote him, so I'll refrain from naming him, or paraphrasing what I "remember". So we'll see. Besides.. Talk is cheap, as they say.. Politicians say lot of things.

I do know this:

There are less "federal" gun laws since President Obama took office

The NRA supports Republicans, which is understandable, but they create paranoia for their own goals and always have. The NRA does stand up for gun owners, but some of their statements are predictions don't hold water, and make them less credible.

When told about the less federal regulations the NRA could not give an answer so they decided to predict that he'd pass more gun legislation in his next term. Why not just thank him. If I was an elected official I'd be less likely to support your cause if every time I helped your cause , you criticized me. ( Besides FOX News were sure that the President would NOT be reelected so since everyone seems to believe every thing that they report why did anyone even worry)

I'm more concerned over State, City, County, and, or local municipalities than the Federal Government. Gun owners are so distracted by the fear of this "BIG Government Thing" that they overlook all of the local restrictions.

(an example).. When the Mayor of NYC sent NYPD to Arizona to check on a gun show, I could not believe that no one spoke out about it. It was a political move to push for Federal Control. Why was NYPD, a New York City Agency in Arizona.

I've heard for about 50 years how the Government will take away my guns..I still got them, in fact I got more,

I am not worried, and I will not let the naysayers rent space in my head.

I NEVER tell people how to think , and never will, so if you wish to worry, then that's your decision.

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