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Just a little venting...

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Come on Culver. As sick as the shooter was, he obviously knew guns. If, as you stated, the shotgun is so much more capable of mass destruction, which was his intent- why did he choose the bushmaster instead.

Honestly, you're deflecting. You're trying to put the shotgun in focus because you know that more people own shotguns than assault rifles and you think that there will be a bigger outcry from gun owners if the anti's attack shotguns, right?

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As sick as the shooter was, he obviously knew guns.

Where do you get the idea that he "obviously" knew guns? Any idiot can pull a trigger or swap a magazine. Same as any idiot can swing a sword or plunge a knife.

And in close tight quarters, loaded with shot (especially if barrel is shortened) a Shotgun can do far more damage. A rifle is not really the best tool for close quarter combat.

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Bull$hit Virgil. Look at the statistics. Are we going to move forward based on an incident or do we really want to do something? After all the chest beaters are spouting how they are the only ones that care about life...ALL LIFE. so let's address the more deadly weapon.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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Combat???? Is that what this was??? Or, did you mistakenly refer to what that weapon is intended for??

As far as your question, all of the reports that I've heard have stated that the shooter and his mother had considerable training in handling these guns.

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It could have been combat had someone been in a position to stop him.

And whether someone is there to stop someone or not, you can't deny that a sawn off can clear a room or hallway faster than any rifle.

Also I've never read anything about considerable training, I read that she attended a rifle range. period.

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Combat???? Is that what this was??? Or, did you mistakenly refer to what that weapon is intended for??

It was not a combat situation but like almost all of our weapons it was designed and developed as a military weapon first and for combat. A blunderbust I think was even the first type of musket firing multiple projectiles.

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Also I've never read anything about considerable training, I read that she attended a rifle range. period.

Maybe you're right. Luckily, the current laws don't require any training or competence in the use of these weapons before purchasing them.

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Last I knew a shotgun was a multipurpose firearm, as is a semi-auto rifle. Same as a kitchen knife can be used for slicing meat , or slicing throats.

Yes, we all understand that almost any object could potentially be used to commit a crime- this is a lame argument. And yes, a shotgun is a multipurpose firearm(and one was left in the trunk of the killer's car while he made sure to carry the AR). A semi-auto rifle's sole purpose is killing- quickly and efficiently.

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bottom line guns dont kill people. people do.

I dont think bans on "assault weapons" or "military style" guns is the answer at all. we dont need another law on the weapons themselves, we need a law in place for the PEOPLE that requires every prospective gun owner to pass a doctors physical with a mental health exam (FOR EXAMPLE), and for those reports to show up on a background check.

Granted it still wouldnt help much in the case of Adam Lanza due to his mother being the gun owner in this situation. Personally, god rest her soul, i believe she is partly at fault for making these guns available to her son when she knew from early childhood that he was a wild card.

Criminals will always have guns, but i believe some sort of mandate along these lines would definitely have more of an impact on these kinds of tragedies than banning the weapons themselves. It would also make me feel a lot safer knowing some skitzo cant walk into a herb philipsons and buy a rifle off the shelf no questions asked. <--- true story

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What is your point in posting those charts? Are you trying to point out that the most frequently used weapon in violent crimes is the handgun? How are those statistics relevant to this discussion?

Because teh ongong topic is banning high capacity mags and assault rifles. .I know you arent' stupid. You can see the witch hunt going on. For the record. I do'nt even own any of these. Only semi auto I have is shotguns and 22LR's

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bottom line guns dont kill people. people do.

I dont think bans on "assault weapons" or "military style" guns is the answer at all. we dont need another law on the weapons themselves, we need a law in place for the PEOPLE that requires every prospective gun owner to pass a doctors physical with a mental health exam

Why a physical?

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You are pathetic. Keep appeasing the anti's. You're about to get the shaft, and it's gonna hurt, but you'll still bend over.

I done with you guys. Good Luck with your "common sense gun law" appeasement.

Thanks for the words of wisdom. To be pro-gun doesn't mean you need to be a total A-hole like you. Try having an intelligent conversation for once.

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Impossible to do when your other man is a moron. You're as pro-gun as you think you need to be to satisfy yourself. The hell with everyone else. When they start to take away what you want, I'll be laughing.

There are way too many morons on this forum for me. You can all fugg off as far as I'm concerned. I'm not wasting any more of my time on this site. You can all commiserate after the bloodletting is over.

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