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Winchester Bullets


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When I bought my gun, I bought 2 boxes of Winchester .270 Powerpoints. Now, we aren't talking any fancy high-priced ammo or anything, but take a look at the pictures I have enclosed. These are right out of the box.




You've probably spotted the problems already, but notice the screwed up brass around the crimp groove. Also look at what happened to the points. What a mess. There are some more in the other box. I didn't pay a bunch for these, but enough. I seem to remember something like $28 a box. No excuse for that crap. These wouldn't even fit in the gun

So, I started to build the 9 bullets that I did my first shots with. I opened up the Winchester brass, and guess what .... about three bullets in, I found a case that was so screwed up that I couldn't even get it in the shell holder. I haven't had a chance to look at many of them, but again ..... there is no excuse for that crap.

So I checked out the Winchester web site, and guess what ..... There is no customer service contact info that I can find. So they are cranking out junk and apparently don't want to hear about it ..... lol. I will figure out a way to contact them, but I found it interesting that they are not trying to make it very easy for the customer.

I always considered Winchester to be good ammo and good brass. I never had any problems before. But I can't excuse so many screwed up things. I know that the company has not exactly been thriving lately, but that's not an excuse.

Anybody else notice a severe lack of quality from Winchester lately?

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I haven't noticed any problem with Winchester components, but I admit I have not purchased any lately ,except for primers.

I use mostly Remington brass ( 7mm08 and .280) Lapua brass ( 9.3 x 62) and I have a mixture of brands, including Lake City military brass for my 30-06..

I'm loading Barnes bullets for hunting for the most part.

I have used Winchester LR primers for years, and never had a bad one.

Edited by Pygmy
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i like winchester for rifle ect but you cant force me to put it thru my shotgun, the reason is me and some friends were shooting skeet i go bang, bang, nothing, (my gun is a semi auto) i look and low an behold the steel back of the shell had pulled right off the plastic hull and the hull was still jammed in the barrel i got a stick and stuck it down the barrel and pushed it out but ive never shot winchester since... i like fedral better anyhow...

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I don't buy a lot of ammo anymore, and mostly just reload. But whenever I get a new gun I do buy a couple boxes of factory ammo to go with it. I have never seen anything that even came close to the crappy quality of what was in these two boxes. You can see from the pictures that these things wouldn't even fit in the gun. Man! that is just garbage quality. And then that case that I found in the bag of brass ..... what the heck is that all about? I found another that had some kind of brown marks on the head of another case that I still can't identify. It looks like rust, but brass doesn't rust ... lol. Who knows what kind of junk I will find as I go through the rest of them.

I don't know, the whole thing just leaves me at a point where I probably won't buy anything from Winchester again. They've completely lost my confidence. Tomorrow, I will try to find some customer service contact and see if there is some way of being compensated for this mess.

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  • 2 months later...

Winchester got me! After months of being ignored in my attempts to contact Winchester about the above pictured crap of theirs that I bought (take a look at the photos in the initial post), I finally got paid for the messed up garbage that was sold to me ....... Kind of. They sent me two certificates for replacement ammo at $20 each, good only at local retail outlets (not on-line).


However it all adds up to a $21 loss for me.


$21.99   Cost of 1 box

$21.99   Cost of the 2nd box

$3.08     Tax for above (Rounded down to 7%)

$14.00   To ship the crap back to Winchester

$61.06   Total cost


 $61.06   Total cost

-$40.00   Reimbursement from Winchester

 $21.06    My loss for their messed up manufacturing and quality control.


And the best thing about all this is that the certificates state it is to be used for Winchester ammunition products. As has been well noted on this site, trying to buy anything that has to do with ammunition these days is just about impossible with no end to that situation in sight. Oh, and from what I can tell, the certificates are not valid for internet sales, so I have to wait until .270, 150 grain, Winchester ammo happens to become available in a local store. Who knows when that's likely to happen?


So, if I sound a bit irritated with Winchester ammo ...... I am! They may have screwed me this time, but I will guarantee it will never happen again.



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Thats total BS. You would think that they would go out of their way to make up for selling a batch of bad ammo. I had a slight problem with some Federal slugs once, and Federal more than made up for it. Live and learn I guess.


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Well, that's kind of what I was expecting from them. I first sent the pictures shown in the initial post to show the damage. and then they required shipping them the two boxes of ammo ($14.00) which I expected to be reimbursed for and tehn to be refunded less than what I paid with no credit for tax, and nothing for grief and aggravation. I thought that was a bit of a slap in the face. Obviously standing behind their product and customer satisfaction is not much of an active practice at Winchester.

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Its not just Winchester. I was sighting in a scope on my 223 not long ago and shot a box of Remington Core Lokts through it. 6 rounds did not go off. We pulled them apart and measured the powder. One of them was 9 grains short. 9 grains is the difference between a hit and a miss at 100+ yards. The rest were within 3 or 4 grains. Im pretty much done with factory ammo for hunting.

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In the past I thought Factory Ammo had tight tolerances but I have since found it to be untrue . I have been loading 270 ammo for my son and he said it was more accurate then the 270 Remington CoreLokt rounds .


This is my load data and shouldn't be used unless trying out at a lower charge and working your way up . It's a near max load and shouldn't be used for a starting load . I started out at less than 50 grains of powder .

CCI 200 rifle primers

57 gr of R19

130 gr Sierra Game King

OAL 3.34

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I bought these 40 rounds when I bought the gun. That's generally what I do whenever I get a new gun. I want something to shoot right away while I am waitings for bullets, powder, brass, dies, etc. for loading.


I really don't count on factory loads for absolute accuracy. They are just to get a quick try-out on the gun in case there are any problems. So while I do not count on factory ammo for precision shooting, one would expect at least the minimum in care and quality control from someone who claims to be a reputable ammunition manufacturer. The mangled things that they were peddleing really have no reason to ever see a store's shelves. And when for some unexplainable reason they do make it to a store and into a consumer's possession, there is no question that they should be bending over backwards to not only make it all financially right, but there should even be some extra compensation for consumer good-will and to make up for the grief and aggravation.


I have to say that I am thoroughly disgusted with Winchester, and it will surely be reflected with my refusal to ever buy any of their ammunition or ammunition components.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ha-ha .... and the final screw-job is the fact that the "insufficient funds that they credited me with are in the form of Winchester certificates, good only for Winchester ammunition. Now where do you suppose I will find some of that ..... lol. There is an expiration date of 1 year on the certificates. It wouldn't surprise me if this ammunition shortage doesn't last well beyond that. In that case Winchester will have successfully skated completely away from any reimbursement at all. Way to go Winchester!

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LOL!!!..... un freaking believable !!!   Send the certificate back to them with a note explaining that you want to exchange the certificate for $1.00 which you will put towards some Remington ammo, because you will never buy their poor quality junk again. At least you get the final "screw you"



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I've noticed when reloading Win brass that it always seen to stretch more than most. i end up trimming every reload. something i dont see as much with remington, pmc, and federal. with the shot gun shooting trap its another story, winchester AA all the way. more money up front, but i have hulls that have over 15 reloads on them, not one has stuck in the chamber (a problem i have with 2 of my older single shots) and with the factory stuff ive never had a failure to fire. 

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  • 3 months later...

Ok, I finally got some of my money back on the messed-up .270 Winchester Powerpoints. I had to drive to Auburn (about 2 hours round trip) to get a couple of replacement boxes of bullets. That is the last Winchester ammo product that I ever will be buying. The whole thing was a $21 loss when I factor in shipping the buggered up bullets back to Winchester. And then, if time and travel and gas count for anything there is an additional screwing involved. Of course the travel to Auburn is not Winchester's fault because they have no control over the ammo shortages that have since developed here. So anyway I am about as clear as possible as far as this whole fiasco (loss and all) and I will be sure never to do any business with Winchester ammo or components again.


By the way, I am extremely lucky that the Bass Pro in Auburn had my caliber because most of the shelves that would have contained a lot of the other calibers were absolutely empty. Also, I had no luck finding reloading components anywhere in the store. But anyone with .270 has got it made for a while anyways. The price had only gone up about a dollar since I bought the boxes of damaged ammo at Gander. So it doesn't look like they are trying to gouge anyone there. Sorry , but I didn't look for any .22 rimfire for those of you that are looking for that, so I don't know what their supply and price situation is for that.

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