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One more step toward 100% government surveilance. Imagine being under complete monitoring by the government. Sounds a little far out and futuristic doesn't it? Well, maybe not.

By the way on the other thread that talks about armed insurrection against a tyranical turn in the government, this is a good video-clip for those people to look at .... lol. No where to run .... No where to hide.

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Cameras every where...did you see on the news where the guy in Rochester fought a traffic light camera...his wife got a ticket in the mail for running a red light......he believed her when she said the yellow light turned too fast causing the red light run...he sat at the light and timed it with a stop watch...the DOT has set regulations on how fast lights can change...yellow 3sec...this one was set at two they were averaging 50 tickets a week for months at $50.00 a pop for months...Now each of those have to be reviewed and possibly refunded...think about it... :fie:

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Next time you are standing out in your back yard, look up in the sky and give them the finger. With this kind of technology, how long will it take them to sharpen up the infrared part of all this so they can look through the walls and check out what room you are in.

we're all so worried about people stealing our identity that the government is walking away with our privacy and nobody is even noticing. This world is really getting wacky.

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Yep, it was one of the cams right around the corner from where I work. The one right on the street I work on was faulty as well. I see them going off all the time. It snaps one of you if you make a right on red, which at some of the intersections is legal. I have no idea how I havent gotten a ticket in the mail yet. Yellow means floor it after all lol.

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Like the guy said think of all the ppl that just payed the fine and had done with it...I mean who knew there was a time requirement the DOT has in place for "fairness"...lol

On a same note Our daughters in another battle...she was stopped..ask why...no idea..."dazzling" her lights...What?...Cop coming at her said she was warning ppl of a speed trap...no there was no officer on said road and she was trying to wash the windshield and hit the lights...She was driving her boyfriends car which has different controls than hers....even gave the officer a demonstration...he took her info and went back to his car...a long while later another cop rolls up a woman officer gets out...daughter rolls down the window to listen...clearly hears her say no I never saw this car...He comes back and says...I'm giving you this ticket...you'll have to pay the fine but it won't effect your insurance...she said I didn't do anything to get a ticket...he said I don't believe you...She said why would a person flash a cop car to warn them of a speed trap?...he handed her the ticket and started to walk away...stopped when he heard her crumple it up and throw it in the back seat....was she is taking pics of both her and her boyfriends cars finding out who the other officer was and is going to fight the bogus ticket....I lay even odds she will win yet again....

Edited by growalot
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Grow, maybe this will help your daughter:

In New York, headlight flashing is not illegal. New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3] requires that headlamps "shall be operated so that dazzling light does not interfere with the driver of the approaching vehicle".[31] In 1994, New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division held that flipping or flicking high beams at approaching vehicles is insufficient to cause the "dazzling lights" prohibited under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3].[32] In 2009, the New York Supreme Court held that the flashing of lights alone is not a violation of New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3], that stopping a vehicle based upon that is illegal, and all evidence gather as a result of the illegal stop should be suppressed.[33]

The 2009 case is here: http://www.courts.state.ny.us/reporter/3dseries/2009/2009_08412.htm

Edited by Deerthug
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Hey Grow, point her in this direction...

From Wikipedia "In New York, headlight flashing is not illegal. New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3] requires that headlamps "shall be operated so that dazzling light does not interfere with the driver of the approaching vehicle".[31] In 1994, New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division held that flipping or flicking high beams at approaching vehicles is insufficient to cause the "dazzling lights" prohibited under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3].[32] In 2009, the New York Supreme Court held that the flashing of lights alone is not a violation of New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 [3], that stopping a vehicle based upon that is illegal, and all evidence gather as a result of the illegal stop should be suppressed.[33]"

Heres a link to the case law


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All of the major police departments have computers that read your cars computer and your license plate RFID chip. When the state say they "Can't read your license plate" It's not the plate they can't read it's the RFID Chip, They upgrade the technology in the RFID Chips with more information for the Law Enforsment to gather information. All cars since 1987 have computers in their electrical system that gayters and stores information that the State downloads when you take your car in for Emissions Readings, It tell where your car traveled, speeds it was driven, seatbel use, if you used your turn signals, and a bunch of other information.

You've seen the Progressive Commercial with Flow about saving money if your a "Safe Driver" with "Snap Shot" that little devise you plug into the same port the state plugs into for you emmissions, They gather the same information the state gathers to see if you are obaying all traffic laws.

Major Law Enforcment have devices that look through your walls and can tell where everyone is in the house and what they are doing, It also pickes up audio, what ever is being said they can record it. We have no privacy, it's been long gone for quite some time. How do you think they foil so many high profile acts of terrorism and open investigations that years ago would of went un-noticed.

There is a lot of other high tech operations out there that you can find on the computer if you dig a little. The US has a spy plane that flys 80,000 fee and has a feild of 1,500 miles in each direction that can pick up 1,100 pieces of video, audio & other information and can transmit it anywhere in the world to be reviewed.

This stuff is old technology and isn't classified anymore and is available to anyone who wants to check it out. They changed the format on televisions to the digital age, with these new TVs they have access to video & audio through the TV set and computer into your home. As technology changes so will the devices that are available us to use.

  • Echelon Watch
    Echelon is valium perhaps the most tramadol powerful intelligence gathering ... This massive surveillance system apparently operates with ...

    The system is called ECHELON, and had been rumored to be in development since 1947, the ... but surveillance has continued to expand. US
    They have so much technology today it would knock your socks off. Last fall I spent a few days checking out what the government has for surveilance. This ECHELON is about the Govenments recording every way we communicate, Via, Home Phone, Cell Phone, E mail, Text Message, Fax, CB Radios, you name it and they record it. They search for key words, cerytain key words and they can go back and see what you have been talking about and who you have been taking to.

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Do you how many tickets people would get if that were the case? If there were, people would be able to find the RFID transmitter and would blab it all over the internet. There are no secret cameras in TVs, etc. If there were, same deal, you would have people proving it by taking sets apart and pointing them out. As far as audio goes, same thing, they dont need to do it anyway.

That snap shot device that Progressive has out there, ties directly into your vehicle, and you do that willingly, and have to sign paperwork, etc. It also transmits nothing, it stores the info and you send it in to them. You only have it for 30 days.

Id say your taking things to the extreme, even in the conspiracy theory realm.

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All of the major police departments have computers that read your cars computer and your license plate RFID chip. When the state say they "Can't read your license plate" It's not the plate they can't read it's the RFID Chip, They upgrade the technology in the RFID Chips with more information for the Law Enforsment to gather information. All cars since 1987 have computers in their electrical system that gayters and stores information that the State downloads when you take your car in for Emissions Readings, It tell where your car traveled, speeds it was driven, seatbel use, if you used your turn signals, and a bunch of other information.

You've seen the Progressive Commercial with Flow about saving money if your a "Safe Driver" with "Snap Shot" that little devise you plug into the same port the state plugs into for you emmissions, They gather the same information the state gathers to see if you are obaying all traffic laws.

Major Law Enforcment have devices that look through your walls and can tell where everyone is in the house and what they are doing, It also pickes up audio, what ever is being said they can record it. We have no privacy, it's been long gone for quite some time. How do you think they foil so many high profile acts of terrorism and open investigations that years ago would of went un-noticed.

There is a lot of other high tech operations out there that you can find on the computer if you dig a little. The US has a spy plane that flys 80,000 fee and has a feild of 1,500 miles in each direction that can pick up 1,100 pieces of video, audio & other information and can transmit it anywhere in the world to be reviewed.

This stuff is old technology and isn't classified anymore and is available to anyone who wants to check it out. They changed the format on televisions to the digital age, with these new TVs they have access to video & audio through the TV set and computer into your home. As technology changes so will the devices that are available us to use.

  • Echelon Watch
    Echelon is valium perhaps the most tramadol powerful intelligence gathering ... This massive surveillance system apparently operates with ...
    The system is called ECHELON, and had been rumored to be in development since 1947, the ... but surveillance has continued to expand. US
    They have so much technology today it would knock your socks off. Last fall I spent a few days checking out what the government has for surveilance. This ECHELON is about the Govenments recording every way we communicate, Via, Home Phone, Cell Phone, E mail, Text Message, Fax, CB Radios, you name it and they record it. They search for key words, cerytain key words and they can go back and see what you have been talking about and who you have been taking to.

police and the state watching you through your car at inspection??? guess im not as paranoid as i thought. the majority of cars DO NOT have tracking, survailance capabilitys in them. unless the car is equipped with a data collection device (such as flos snap shot or activated onstar) the systems are still well dumb. when the state plugs in for inspection it reads vin, mileage, and system readiness (for emmisions only), other info simply isnt avalible. now to think that the gov. has time to monitor you or me as to weather or not i left the tag on my mattress, or used floride toothpaste is way out there. yes the technology is there, but with the amount of information thats generated unless you are doing things are way out of line the gov. hasnt the time to monitor if my toilet paper is biodegradable. just my 2 cents.

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