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Arkansas adopts US's most restrictive abortion law

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Sits... come on now I won't even go there

Oh hell...Sure Lets have all these babies having babies as we watch the bleeding hearts cheer them on...That is... on one side of there face while bitching about government hand outs on the other side....Then We can watch the foot race in the opposite direction that occurs by these same ppl when all these unwanted...Now fully developed and aware children hit the state run orphanages...Because their beliefs are great until they see the outcome...

Then no one wants to deal with drug addicted...deformed...mentally challenged ..non perfect kids...Oh lets us all now forget the umpteen News reports of abuse in these places and the Foster system..

Hey but all these righteous ppl..... that know what is the absolute right thing for others to have to live through ...well they can sleep well and comfortable in their little worlds...

There that's my view on this subject

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this is where I get a bit crazy, Why bring a child into the world that is unwanted. And who are these people to tell a woman what she can and can not do with her body. I personally think the gov supporting abortions is money well spent. it is much cheaper to abort a child then support it for its whole life.

Abortions should just be simple choice, not something regulated by the government. Obviously if the government is putting money toward it they will have some say but I am pretty conservative and this I 100% disagree with.

A human life is the most sacred thing in the world why, bring a child into the world if the means to take care of it are not there. And some will argue just give it up for adoption...thats another choice JUST LIKE abortion. Some are for it others against.

I personally do not give a crap what these dumb religions think about human life, because throughout history all of them killed more people for the sake of their religion than they care to talk about.

Any person who is against abortion is a sick human IMO. And you should mind your own business....whats next raped woman have to share custody with the rapist after she is forced to have the baby...OH WAIT that is already law in certain places in this country.

Imagine your daughter or wife getting raped and she will not be allowed to have an abortion. I bet you would think differently!

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One more thing..... OMG the hypocrisy....

You have Conservatives...in general... holding out that liberals...in general...Don't have the right to trample on your God given 2nd amendment rights to bare arms and protect your self ...

Yet on the other hand those Conservatives...in general... find it perfectly OK to lay down the premiss we should ignore what this country was founded on in the first place and that would be...The United States Declaration of Independence where it stated:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness

Please note that it says among...not only .....Now before it starts, the term men...was a term of the times...... By the way don't make me pull out the definition of liberty

Edited by growalot
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I think abortion is wrong period...

too f*ing bad if your 18 year old daughter is pregnant she shoulda thought of that before she had sex!!!

if she dont want the kid then she can put it up for adoption or something... but really if you think about it all abortion really is is a saftey net (if other methods fail) for teens to have sex and not worry about the consequences...

(I DO wish andy cumorons mom woulda had one done!!!)

Rant over......

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Grows throws some very good points about the contradictions that political and religious partys stand by on this thing. Me, well i just feel that getting between a women and her reproductive parts is off limits for politicians and church and maybe just men in general.

With this new law they did make a 12 week your choice and after that "no choice".. that alone is a big compromise for a state like Arkansas, Im sure there are many down there that would like to ban choice all together.

I have to admit that i dont care for the late term process where the baby comes out looking too much like a baby, but again, thats not for me to decide or try to forbid.

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Grows throws some very good points about the contradictions that political and religious partys stand by on this thing. Me, well i just feel that getting between a women and her reproductive parts is off limits for politicians and church and maybe just men in general.

With this new law they did make a 12 week your choice and after that "no choice".. that alone is a big compromise for a state like Arkansas, Im sure there are many down there that would like to ban choice all together.

I have to admit that i dont care for the late term process where the baby comes out looking too much like a baby, but again, thats not for me to decide or try to forbid.

LOL i gotta agree sitsintrees

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So if you can kill an unwanted baby, why not any unwanted child, regardless of age? If you lose your job and no longer have the means to support your kids, can you legally kill them? If you just don't want kids after you have them, can you kill them?

Abortion=Murder. You can try to justify it any way you want, but it's you who has the sick mind.

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the only one who has the right to comment on this subject is Grow and the other ladies. The rest of you MEN, should leave it alone.

too f*ing bad if your 18 year old daughter is pregnant she shoulda thought of that before she had sex!!!

it happens man. I had a few close calls in high school but thankfully never that turned into tough decisions and we were very careful. You can be as responsible as a teenager can be sometimes and your urges will get the best of you. Think you have a condom on you, got her all warmed up, laying there in front of you and ready to go and realize you dont... which head do you think wins that decision?

Edited by Belo
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the only one who has the right to comment on this subject is Grow and the other ladies. The rest of you MEN, should leave it alone.

it happens man. I had a few close calls in high school but thankfully never that turned into tough decisions and we were very careful. You can be as responsible as a teenager can be sometimes and your urges will get the best of you. Think you have a condom on you, got her all warmed up, laying there in front of you and ready to go and realize you dont... which head do you think wins that decision?

Wow. good story.
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joseph you are a simply a little boy talking out of your behind. Probably still using a computer to get your jollies off. If you believe you can just tell teens not to have sex and they will listen you should go get your head examined.

The abortion laws should be decided by the woman who make the choice. NOT A BUNCH OF MEN! To argue that why not kill children or young kids is just a joke that I and many other pro choice supporters will not even argue. Most of the time the fetus would not live if it was born premature, even weeks can put a damper on things. So how is this considered A human life? IT COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT THE HOST ie. THE MOTHER! As grow pointed out look at the orphanages in this country and foster houses. Why put a child through that. I firmly believe if you are one to get rid of abortion you should be willing to adopt kids and be willing to pay for the children brought into this world because you stripped the mothers rights.

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I think every women should have the right to make that choice. The problem is all the bad choices leading up to the abortion.

By the way Grow, you forgot to highlight the word life...kind of tough to have liberty if you don't have life.

Edited by pewlodar
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