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Hunters Out Shopping


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Coincidently upon pulling in to the parking lot we had a bet as to which truck had those balls hanging down from the hitch, my wife picked out the truck and was right. It seems the camo and the in your face attitude go hand in hand.

Great example!  These type of hunters are so darned predictable in their behavior and antics that if they were bucks they would be shot at first light on opening morning!  They are almost too simple to spot and pattern!!

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That was my point as well. Camo in public tends to be a bit "tacky". The non-hunting public needs to know, who we are as hunters. Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Programmers, Carpenters, etc... but If I go to my doctor and he walks into the patient room with Camo hunting clothes on, you can bet I won't be going back. Walking into a bank wearing all camo is bound to be upsetting to some for obvious reasons. 

To some maybe I'm an elitist. I can live with that.  8)

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Steve, I think we should put out the disclaimer that we are not talking about any one on here, just making observations and comments on a few dudes we have seen. I wouldn't want to start a war up based on disagreeing opinions...that's what the AR threads are for..haha

You're right Doe!!  The disclaimer should read that some of us hunters won't take any responsibility if the other more sensitive hunters get offended about everything faster than an elementary schoolgirl getting teased about her freckles!


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I don't know about the rest of what you guys are talking about, but I've got news for you. Hunters are not the only ones wearing garments with camo patterns on them. I've seen a lot of kids that have camo tee-shirts and britches that couldn't even tell you which way to the nearest woods. So wearing camo is not making any kind of statements or advertising or anything else. It has become simply another clothing fashion.

However, even if it was an automatic association with hunting, I guess that wouldn't be reason enough for me to be embarrasssed or cower in the corner or feel out-of-place. My gosh people, hunting is not something to be ashamed of, and I have no problem with letting other people see that I am a hunter.

Also, it feels a bit weird to be lumped in with "republican, democrat, catholic, jew, protestant, athiest, a member of PETA, black panthers, neo-nazi party, pro-life, pro-choice" ..... lol. I sure don't see hunting as any kind of political, religious or ethical public activists. And if I happen to be wearing a camo hat or jacket, I guess I won't be apologizing for that.

It's kind of like when I pull into Bass-Pro, I don't dress in a long trench coat with a hat pulled down over my eyes and heavy sun glasses, and a Richard Nixon plastic face mask on, to be sure that no one knows I frequent such places ..... lol. If anyone has a problem with my being a hunter or with that fact being visible, I guess I'll just keep it their problem and not try to let any of that negativity rub off on my psyche.


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LOL. DOc I agree. well said. My wife aways wants me to load my guns in the truck at dark so no one sees we have guns in the house....ummmmmm...NO...I am not leaving my guns in the truck and I want folks to know if they come in there are only two ways to leave....rolled or carried. I won't sulk or scurry around due to others warps views or uncomfortable "feelings"

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Also, it feels a bit weird to be lumped in with "republican, democrat, catholic, jew, protestant, athiest, a member of PETA, black panthers, neo-nazi party, pro-life, pro-choice" ..... lol. I sure don't see hunting as any kind of political, religious or ethical public activists.

In most cases if you are a hunter you will be deemed a redneck republican card carrying NRA member by the other half of the nation.  If you don't think that isn't in any way a political statement, you are entitled to your opinion.  I will not be a giveaway for any side so that they could figure me out so easily.

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In most cases if you are a hunter you will be deemed a redneck republican card carrying NRA member by the other half of the nation.  If you don't think that isn't in any way a political statement, you are entitled to your opinion.  I will not be a giveaway for any side so that they could figure me out so easily.

Hey I resemble that reamrk!

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In most cases if you are a hunter you will be deemed a redneck republican card carrying NRA member by the other half of the nation.  If you don't think that isn't in any way a political statement, you are entitled to your opinion.  I will not be a giveaway for any side so that they could figure me out so easily.

Yes, there are people who work up some pretty interesting sterotypes in their minds, but they don't rule my life nor does it mean that I should treat hunting and hunters as some kind of secret society that has to hide their existance and live in the shadows. Fear not ...... They can't hurt you!  ;) 

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Well said Doc. I think some of you guys are taking the camo thing and looking way too far into it. I have a few hunting related shirts and hats that I wear regularly. I also have a few pair of camo (not realtree, old style camo) shorts that I wear during the summer. Whats wrong with that? Nobody that I know of looks at me any differently because of it, and if they do, they can think what they want, I dont care. Anyone that knows me in the least knows Im a hunter. Its what im into and what I enjoy and I will never be ashamed of it. Doc hit the nail on the head with it, it sounds as if some of you are ashamed to be hunters just because the majority of the public are not.

BTW, I dont normally go out in full camo unless you count stopping at the gas station or something on my way.

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You have every right to be whatever you want.  The question is why would you want to be a dead giveaway for anyone who doesn't agree with what you believe in??  Why not make them think a while before they figure you out?  Just as you would have unkindly thoughts and assumptions of anyone with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on their cars, why let the other side do the same to you by giving yourself away to them?  To each their own, of course.  I myself enjoy being elusive.  Can make one a better hunter, too!  ;)

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Yeah , these folks with their Pizza Hut , Walmart , Tractor Supply , etc shirts really tick me off . The nerve of them to be wearing those shirts , especially when they are off duty . ')'>alt=Madhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/out_text.gif[/img]

And what about these jokers that wear shirts with Team logos on them . I don't need someone advertising that they are a Vikings fan . The nerve of them !!! alt=screw uhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/pissed.gif[/img]...alt=screw uhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/pissed.gif[/img]...alt=screw uhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/pissed.gif[/img]

I guess the Bills Jersey is off your Christmas list this year.

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Yeah , these folks with their Pizza Hut , Walmart , Tractor Supply , etc shirts really tick me off . The nerve of them to be wearing those shirts , especially when they are off duty . ')'>alt=Madhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/out_text.gif[/img]

And what about these jokers that wear shirts with Team logos on them . I don't need someone advertising that they are a Vikings fan . The nerve of them !!! alt=screw uhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/pissed.gif[/img]...alt=screw uhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/pissed.gif[/img]...alt=screw uhttp://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/pissed.gif[/img]

I guess the Bills Jersey is off your Christmas list this year.

LOL---NO ONE wants to admit to being their fan this year

My favorite shirt to were is my T that My daughter got me a Gander Mt.. " THere is a place for a  God's creatures....right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy" If that doesn't say ti all ...nothing does.. ;)

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