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It failed miserably!!

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what special interest group fought this bill?


I have no problem with how the DEC has to be transparent. Wouldn't it be nicer if more government was like that?

NYbowhunters fought it......that's a fact...although I cancelled my membership, I still get their emails.

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what special interest group fought this bill?


I have no problem with how the DEC has to be transparent. Wouldn't it be nicer if more government was like that?


ME!!  I made phone calls and wrote emails.  I spoke with most of the Conservation committee.


I don't believe a special interest group fought this bill but some certainly tried to sneak this bill through.

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NYbowhunters fought it......that's a fact...although I cancelled my membership, I still get their emails.


that's hilarioius. I'm a current member and never recieved this, but former members are? :slow:



ME!!  I made phone calls and wrote emails.  I spoke with most of the Conservation committee.


I don't believe a special interest group fought this bill but some certainly tried to sneak this bill through.


The article you posted is very anti-special interest group and it comes across as the reason things are not passing. But again, one person or a few sending emails is not a group. I know of no group that campaigned against this, and only one for it. So the whole article falls flat on its face and actually proves the opposite point. The QDMA favored the bill as a special interest group and it didn't pass. I don't know the writer but he seems like a moron.

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I wish I saved the email with the links to fill out the pre-printed letter and submit it to the Politicians, would have been more than happy to forward it to you.......................unless you want me to believe that they had no stance on the crossbow bill that was being proposed and didn't send emails to everyone on their mailing list, now that's hilarious.

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well, when I first commented the link was not working and thought it was the usual crossbow argument, my apologies.........I did not get an email from NYBowhunters regarding this and any info I gave out saying they did was incorrect.

Edited by jjb4900
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WNYBuckhunter is correct!   National QDMA will only support mandatory AR when 3 criteria are met;


- Majority of Hunters support AR's


- It is Biologically Sound


- The State can monitor the herd and AR program sufficiently


The Gr. Rochester S. Tier Branch has officially taken the stance of supporting Volunteer AR but NOT STATEWIDE Mandatory AR's.  The reasons:  The state is diverse in habitat and herd numbers vary throughout, The current AR's in NY state would not help protect the majority of 1.5 year old bucks in the Genesee Valley.... most but not all would still be eligible to harvest, and we hope through education and results more hunters will opt to pass on 1.5 year old bucks.   Passing on 1.5 olds is quickly becoming more popular in New York State..... we hope this continues.

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so your branches can support things that do not fall in line with the national chapter's beliefs? I'm not trying to be a smartass but that's a little odd to me and I'm just curious. And regardless all I was saying is that the blog post criticized special interest groups for pushing agendas and bills but then proves his point wrong by bringing up a failed AR bill that was pushed by a local group. See what I'm saying?

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Well the problem is the dec is controlled by legislature, should be it own seperate entity like game commision in pa, dnr in ohio. you can't manage something if your ability to do so is hampered by politics!!!!!! crossbow, special seasons(youth hunt),game harvests shoould all be controlled by dec, fact is they aren't and its sad. 90% of the argumentive post on this site would dissappear if they in fact had authority to manage game.

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so your branches can support things that do not fall in line with the national chapter's beliefs? I'm not trying to be a smartass but that's a little odd to me and I'm just curious. And regardless all I was saying is that the blog post criticized special interest groups for pushing agendas and bills but then proves his point wrong by bringing up a failed AR bill that was pushed by a local group. See what I'm saying?

I too, was curious as to how that works........ whether it's the entire special interest group, or any portion of it, it's still a special interest group with an agenda.

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so your branches can support things that do not fall in line with the national chapter's beliefs? I'm not trying to be a smartass but that's a little odd to me and I'm just curious. And regardless all I was saying is that the blog post criticized special interest groups for pushing agendas and bills but then proves his point wrong by bringing up a failed AR bill that was pushed by a local group. See what I'm saying?


Yes. Branches can set their own agendas. Our branch focuses on different things than others do.

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