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Obama Is Destroyed by Clare Daly of the Irish Parliament

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Interesting view of our president that probably is shared by many more people inside and outside the U.S. than we would like to imagine. I do appreciate the right of any of those people to view our leaders and our policies in any way that it all happens to strike them and to voice their opposition to the way they perceive that we may impact their national situations. I think this woman was doing exactly that. I may not agree with much of what she had to say, but there certainly was a ring of truth in her comments about the media fawning over every little thing that the Obamas do. That is something that you don't have to go to a foreign country to appreciate. When I see our own press coverage of the Obamas, I get exactly the same impressions ..... Especially after the years of venomous coverage of both of the Bush administrations.


I do wish that the video had included the responses instead of just the presentation of one side of the discussion.

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She used both barrels on that one.


I really don't get the press when it comes to Obama. They were pretty pissed at him after the recent AP debacle came out, but it seems like that only lasted a day or two, then they went right back to throwing rose pedals at his feet. 

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Most of the main stream media in this country is owned and run by rich Leftist Progressives who see Obama as the man who will wield all of America's power to destroy anything they do not agree with.  That is why they will never have anything bad to say about him and will always unjustly attack a conservative administration.


Progressives want a Police State now, because they believe it is on their side.  They're too stupid to realize it will one day turn on them as well.

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Pretty much what US conservatives have been saying about him from the get go... one of the comments under the video says it best...


"Sadly, it doesn’t seem to bother most Americans that we have a President and his wife who act like royalty and continually embarrass this Country. But, we have become a Country “intimidated” with anyone who speaks the truth, and instead are called racists. These mental dwarfs called “liberals” are an embarrassment as well. People like Martin Bashhir, Chris Matthews, and even more sickening Piers Morgan and John Daly…make us look and sound like fools. Incredible our Country has become a bunch of brainless bottom feeders."

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I recall someone saying that America had finally succumbed to propaganda. Sad but true and it will be difficult if not impossible to reverse this trend.

America has become the giant plant from the "Little Shop of Horrors". feed it the blood of Americans and the result is an appetite that grows and grows to the point where it can no longer be appeased. Ignorant liberals believe they are taming the arrogant monster that America had become, but in reality they are creating a even bigger monster that has already eaten every dollar earned by hard working Americans. A monster that now owes trillions and can only survive in the future by sucking every drop of blood from these same American workers.

That monster is our America under Barack Hussein Obama and sadly there is no cure for ignorant Americans that have succumbed to propaganda.

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And then you got Michelle Obama telling the media being the first lady is like living in a really nice prison, as she sits in Africa on yet another vacation whining.  How about her comment that this is the first time she was proud to be an american?  Or what about an exuctive order making it impossible to build new power plants with a fuel source of coal or gas because its not enviromentally friendly but yet we the united states are now going to build and pay for new power plants in africa so they can have electricity and guess what is going to power the power plants, yep coal and gas.  This guys agenda is simply  destroy anyone who works hard for there money and spend it wherever the hell he wants. Next payday just remember when you look at those taxes that were taken out that this guy is either on the golf course spending it, on vacation with the low cost of 100 million dollars or giving it away to other countries.  Yet those 41% who get free Obama handouts are eating this president up.  I dont care who you are if you are a working American, dem, lib,rep, conservative whatever you have to realize by now that his agenda is to doom you all.

Edited by wdswtr
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