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Wild Game Innovations

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Well I have 2 WGI Model W10x cameras that I've had for almost 2 years now. Haven't had any issues until today. Went to check on them to make sure there were no branches or trees down after the storms only to find neither of them were working. The batteries were just charged so I knew it wasn't them. So I took them home and played around with them for a few minutes and nothing. So I called WGI customer support and talked to a guy. He asked when I bought them and then said they only come with a 1 year warranty from date of purchase. I told him September 14, 2011 for $276.98. He asked how I knew that. Told him I still had the receipt. He said wow, thats amazing...tell you what, send me a copy of the receipt via email and I will send out 2 new ones. I Immediately sent the receipt and got email confirmation shortly after that the new ones would be sent out under warranty. This was my first experience with WGI cameras, and their support team. Based on this occurrence I wouldn't hesitate to buy another. They have been good cameras that take good pictures and videos.

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Wow chief- today must be your lucky day! Glad they resolved the problem for you thanks to your good record keeping.

Got any spare receipts laying around?

I had a problem I emailed them about 2x's already and never got a reply back. I actually like their cams and have a place for them in my woods, but my experience so far with their customer service has SUCKED!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I received a wgi cam as a a gift. It was my first cam. It worked great for a couple weeks then it started acting up. I would have to replace the batteries in it every couple days with it saying it had a full battery or it wouldn't take pics or the pics would just be a black image.<br /><br />I upgraded to a bushnell trophy cam and was spoiled. It did everything it was supposed to and had an excellent battery life. I lost my trophy cam in a garage fire we had in may and I still have the wgi cam it's more frustration than what it is worth. I will not be using a trail cam this year unless I buy a new one and if I do it will not be a wgi.

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Ive had a few. Two went back multiple times until I got tired of sending them back and tossed them. The other was a WX6 something, and was a good cam. It didnt have many features, or a good ability to be locked to a tree, so I sold it. I wont bother with them in the future, Id rather have cams with more features. JMO.

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I havn't had any problem with WildGame cameras (yet) . The thing I don't like about them is "single" pictures .

My problem has been with STEALTH trail cameras . I have 3 of them that are crap ( 1 infra red and 2 white flash ) . I gotta take them to the range sometime for target practice !

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