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The videos on it are pretty amazing if they are realistic.  There is a post about it on another forum Im on and someone mentioned it has a very short life span and did not work on his boots.  It sounds just like a liquid called slip agent 6 we use to use in the printing industry and they just put it in a spray bottle. 

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The problem with putting stuff on hunting boots is that what ever you put on will get rubbed/worn off pretty quick just by walking through stuff like golden rod, tall grass mud...etc. A good pair of rubber boots is the way to go.

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Well, I'm done with the boots it works but they turn a shade of white.... Not sure if this going to wear off or what but the full Waterhose blast did nothing and they do stay dry..... Time will tell .... I will try to video this thing...

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Someone else beat you to it bkln.  From what Im reading is its a temporary solution and wears off.  How soon it wears off I have no idea but would be concerned with putting it on any hunting stuff.  If it wears off it has to leave it behind as you trek through the woods I would imagine.  Does it smell when applied? 

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If you read the directions on the good old stuff like Sno Proof and some of the oils, The say to warm the leather shoes, boots, whatever up to a certin temp.then apply. This opens up the pores in the leather and the product goes in deeper,scrapes do not effect as much as not heating.

I have boots as Danner and Sorel that are 40 or more years old that are still on good shape, I do the above once a year.

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