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Live From the Stand / Woods 2013!


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I used this day for checking out my gun stands and getting them all fixed up and ready for Saturday. I dragged my bow along just in case something weird happened, but it seemed like a more suitable day for getting things organized for the up-coming gun season.

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I just got home. I ended up getting down out of the tree because the winds were so bad. It turned out to be a good thing I had five does a button buck and a small eight pointer all within 10 yards of me. I could've shot the buck and the button buck but the does never got into a lane. It was fun even if I didn't get anything.

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Good Luck..one stupid cup of chi tea last night had me awake until 3:30 ...No more after dinner tea with Mr,B.... ...alarm was shut of at 4....taking a shower and heading out now for a mid morning /afternoon hunt...best  time I think any ways...I can see what dangers the wind left for me.....

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  On 11/11/2013 at 1:38 PM, growalot said:

Good Luck..one stupid cup of chi tea last night had me awake until 3:30 ...No more after dinner tea with Mr,B.... ...alarm was shut of at 4....taking a shower and heading out now for a mid morning /afternoon hunt...best time I think any ways...I can see what dangers the wind left for me.....

Couple limbs down here. Not as bad as I feared

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Well I just had to...got dressed and took card back to cam...the wind was actually  good for 2 direction in that area so I climbed up for the last hour...only thing I saw or heard were crows and one single shot gun blast on the hunting camp behind neighbors...close to our corner....not 10 mins later...a single shot gun blast from the direction of the lease...both close and both just before dark...neither place allows yote hunting before deer season and especially during bow...unless...Well been here enough years to know what those shots were... :fie:

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  On 11/11/2013 at 10:50 PM, growalot said:

Well I just had to...got dressed and took card back to cam...the wind was actually  good for 2 direction in that area so I climbed up for the last hour...only thing I saw or heard were crows and one single shot gun blast on the hunting camp behind neighbors...close to our corner....not 10 mins later...a single shot gun blast from the direction of the lease...both close and both just before dark...neither place allows yote hunting before deer season and especially during bow...unless...Well been here enough years to know what those shots were... :fie:

Maybe the boisterous crows were getting on their nerves?

Poaching with a shotgun? Could they have picked a more dainty caliber?lol

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Predate...they just don't care....zero chance of getting caught around here ....had one DEC officer tell me years ago....they were tired of going into town courts ...when everyone is related to everyone else...being made to look like idiots...during some local political issues...I saw exactly what he meant...a tad freaky ...when thought about......

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  On 11/12/2013 at 4:34 AM, growalot said:

Predate...they just don't care....zero chance of getting caught around here ....had one DEC officer tell me years ago....they were tired of going into town courts ...when everyone is related to everyone else...being made to look like idiots...during some local political issues...I saw exactly what he meant...a tad freaky ...when thought about......

ah I see.

Yeah pretty sad when Johnny law won't stand up for what's right, but will eagerly push his badge around to show authority.


Kinda makes ya wonder if China runs our public safety commission!

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The snow has now reveled what I was trying to figure out.....there is a 15 acre golden rod field near by...they are hiding in there...feeding on us then going back into the field..crazy the amount of tracks coming and going along the edge of that field and our place the whole length of line....that is where both this mornings buck were headed...

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