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Odd Sight This Morning

Cabin Fever

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I was on my way to work this morning and a red fox ran across the road in front of me. It had something in it's mouth. By the size of it, I assumed it was a rabbit. Just before it made it across the road, it dropped whatever it was carrying. I was curious, so I pulled over to take a look with the headlights. It was an ear of corn!! I guess I never thought of a fox eating corn before! I've done some searches and I guess it's common, there are even trailcam pics posted of fox carrying ears of corn. HUH....

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Foxes, like coons, are omnivivorous..

On Route 119 just west of Addison, there is a tree right in someone's lawn that bears fruit that looks like crabapples. I've driven past several times and seen a grey fox under the tree eating the fruit off the ground.

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I end up seeing old corn cobs every place here...raccoons eat it in place or drag just a little ways...squirrel will drag an ear of corn a 1/4 plus mile...funny to watch.... and the fox... yotes and even our dog will pick up and ear and trot away with it to a comfy spot to eat....

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I think coyotes eat darn near anything.

In the area where I hunt hogs in Georgia, many of the coyote droppings I have seen have persimmon seeds in them..

I remember an old Roadrunner cartoon in which they listed the Latin name of the coyote as " Eatabus Anythingus"...

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...squirrel will drag an ear of corn a 1/4 plus mile...funny to watch.... 

Just reminded me! Last fall, I was in my stand and saw yellow bobbing it's way to me through the woods. As it got closer, I could see it had a squirrel attached to it! The nearest cornfield was ~300 yards away. The squirrel stopped ~5 yards in front of me, looked up at me a few times, and buried the corn ear right there under some leaves. Had to chuckle to myself thinking I'd have a lot of explaining to do if an ECO showed up and I had to explain the corn ear "conveniently" placed 5 yards from my stand! LOL "No, really officer, a squirrel put that there!" Wondered if the squirrel was trying to help me OR get me into trouble! :biggrin:   

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