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Slander of other members


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Just curious what repercussions, if any, does the site have in regards to slander. I've seen some members(usually the same uneducated ones when they run out of intelligent things to say) resort to such tactics. Often times, this results in escalated discussions and ultimately, ends with the offending member feeling butt hurt.

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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Another member asked the same question you did.

its basically up to the mods or adm to decide what to

do in the end ..pending on the situation.. most will

refer you to the sites rules and regs. You might

be better off sending a pm to the site administrator

if a problem persist

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Your right, people tend to criticize someone for the grammar or spelling they use and it doesn't matter what forum or setting. People like to argue and maybe that is a way to to get last word? I have never seen a threat on here, it shouldn't even be done in a private message.

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Just keep the conversations clean, and adhere to the forum rules. If you are really getting that butt hurt over what is said on an internet forum, then an internet forum is probably not the place for you. Its really that simple.


If you have an issue with someone, take it to a PM. If someone is making threats, etc, let one of us know, copy us in on it or something and we can take care of it.

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What would constitute slander on a forum such as this??  Most of us don't know each other, so whatever someone would say about someone else, or make assumptions about them, honestly isn't worth a hill of beans.  People need to take things with a grain of salt on forums like this, and if anything just laugh off what people might say or think about us.  Really isn't difficult to do.  I for one log on to this site for the entertainment, and don't lose a wink a sleep over anything someone might say or think about me.





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It seems like things are starting to get out of hand, like it always does this time of year.  Its the busiest time on the site, so lots of different views, opinions,testosterone, epeen, internet tough-guy stuff going around. 


I  don't have time to read every post nor do any of the other moderators. 


With that said, just keep it clean.  Don't say or do things that violate the the simple rules here: http://huntingny.com/rules If you do then don't complain when you are banned.  


99% of the people follow the rules. Not sure why people feel the need to escalate things, you can be passionate w/o resorting to BS.   It also helps to not push that user even with-in the rules to a breaking point either. 



Locking this thread, there is another open on same subject here: 



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