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Damn ticks


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I treated my stuff with permethian and found very few ths year on my self - did have a few walking my clothes afte scouting a new thick area. Check everywhere is best advice. I found one behind my knee one year after a day flysishing while wearing neoprene waders. Must have picked him up on the walk through the brush but never expected one down there.

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Last year i went to the dr before the season because i have had so many on me in the last few years. He wrote me a script for doxicycline (sp?) which is a high dose antibiotic. Take 2 pills at the first sight if a tick on you then 2 more 12hrs later and the risk of Lyme disease is reduced dramatically.

Call me crazy but its a nice safety blanket to have.

Fortunately i havent been bit in the last 2 years.

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GOTTA GET PERMETHRIN!!!!!!!!!! I went from coming out of the woods loaded with ticks to not finding a single one  anywhere! I sleep on the ground mid day in the woods and still had no ticks! Permethrin is amazing! spray it on everything and let it dry and it will blow your mind! L diseas is no joke!

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Sawyer's contains permethrin. You can buy permethrin at a lot of farm-supply stores & mix it yourself, but it's easier & cheaper for me in the long run just to buy Sawyers.


Yes, the stuff DOES work. I started using it about 5 years ago when I first heard of it, and I haven't gotten a tick on me since. It has a chemical smell when you first apply it, so I guess the deer can smell it, but it beats the alternative. I'd say a good application lasts about 6 weeks.

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Went to the docs,they said not to worry because it wasnt engourged so it couldnt have been on long.They gave me a script for a 2 part pill(cant remeber the name of it) to take and drew blood.They are drawing blood again in a few weeks but hey said I should be fine.They also said that this year is one of the worst in recent history for lyme cases and tick bites in general.So get some permerthin and treat yo self,god knows I am!!

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I feel like I need to recheck myself!!!  I use permethrin tape my boots to my pant leg bottom and will do my wrist from now on.  I keep my LI hunting clothes with tick prevention separate from my deep woods ADK hunting clothes with no tick repellent.

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I have been living here in Chenango County all my life and spend most of my time outdoors either hunting or cutting firewood.I have never found a tick on me here, but that doesn't mean that they are not around.My brother has been bit twice.The only time I found ticks on myself was down to Florida 2yrs ago while hiking in the Ocala National Forest.I found 2.It amazes me that they can bury their heads right into your skin and you don't feel it, but have a deer fly bite you and OUCH!

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What areas are you from, and what elevations ?    I just scouted in really high elevations around Ellenville.  And I didn't see any ticks.   But these ant like spiders kept jumping on me.


Those  might be "Deer Keds". They are generally harmless but I guess if they bite you the bite can last a long time and hurt the whole while. The Keds tend to like to hang out around your hairline, I hate them! If you google image search "deer ked" see if that's what you were seeing. They are flighted but their wings fall off once they land on a 'host'.

Some people mistake them for deer ticks.

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You know what scares me more than Lyme disease is the allergy to meat you get from a certain kind of tick. An allergy to meat would be hell!


Yes-- as medical science advances, we are learning about all these lovely co-infections one can get from deer ticks. These can be just as bad as Lyme disease and when paired with Lyme disease or with one another, can really wreck one's health.


If you get bit or are in a tick-prone area, it's wise to educate yourself on this as many doctors aren't even aware! Don't be afraid to ask questions at the doctor's office. These co-infections are becoming more common, or rather, they are being discovered in sick people more commonly as of late.


Here are some of nasties that ticks can carry:



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I think it is area dependent. So far at least but everything else is expanding their ranges so I wouldn't be surprised to hear ticks do too.   We had a place in Stratford NY and never had any issues with ticks up there but I still used the Sawyers.


I'm originally from NW PA and my family over there says they have no tick issues. 


I just figure, better safe than sorry for the sake of a few bucks.

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I have used Sawyer's for the last five years and have not had any ticks on myself that I could find. Best stuff that I know of for ticks. I buy it from Cabela's, but I see that Dick's has it now.

ive had good results with sawyers permetherin spray, but i accidentally stumbled upon a little experiment this past turkey season when i picked one off my pack back at the truck n put him in the dash in the truck and put a few drops on em... he for sure didn't like it , but was still kickin 20/30 min later until i got tired of it n threw em out.... thought it was supposed to not only repel but kill the little bastards within minutes... guess NOT!  maybe it has a greater effect when dried on clothing... 

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