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I'm not talking about deer coming in to say hello as in come in on your down wind side, stand there and keep it moving. I'm talking come in down wind and continue to literally walk to you and right past you with his nose in the wind and act completly calm. I have and I know if I didn't descent, that never would have played out like that. It you don't descent to the degree as others that's cool. If you did you don't know how your hunts would play out... Wouldn't hurt right?


And, I'm talking I could have jumped on his back and rode him like a bull in a rodeo.


Deer are like dogs and humans to a degree in that every deer has a different disposition. Some bucks, even mature ones, will disregard human odor, and a lot of factors go into it.


You have started commenting this season on hunting more around bedding areas based on your posts. You should look up Infalt's site and read about wind - his sight has a lot of members that know how to use the wind. Most of the deer downwind of me never pick up my scent because something is in play that I either know about or later realize and most often its some sort of obstacle that deflects the wind or the thermals come into play. I used to think I was a superhero too when I had deer downwind of me, and then I came back to earth once I realized how wind and scent dispersal really works.


This buck walked right through my scent cone, looked at me, and hung around, and walked right on by. He did the same thing to another guy in our party a week later on the other side of the property. I was literally dancing in the stand taking the video and the sound on the video would make you cringe. His disposition is simply that he tolerates more than other mature bucks. It's going to get him killed, hopefully this weekend, but still.


I'm not saying I don't practice scent control measures, and I'm not saying what you do is wrong, but what I am saying is that no buck that has your stink hit his nose is going to be fooled to any degree. Either they tolerate it or they don't.

Edited by phade
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As far as I see the whole scent thing, I try to play the wind as much as I can, and I know that the scent killer soap, etc isnt going to make me completely scent free. But, the wind shifts alot where I hunt, it swirls and flows and I believe that the scent killer will reduce my scent, hopefully to a level where the deer will think that I am further away than I really am. I also think that it reduces the scent I leave behind, so maybe the deer will think that it was a long time ago that I passed through. Just this year I have witnessed mature bucks walk right down the very trail I entered on, and never act like anything was wrong. I have also only been busted once when a deer got directly downwind of me. I had also just eaten a sandwich and the plastic bag with mustard on it was sitting right there. I didnt have time to put it away. So I dont know if the deer smelled me or if it was the sandwich bag that did it. Ill never know.

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i usually air out my clothes for several days. spray down with scent block then pack away in army bag. on opening day spray myself again with scent blocker. then spray my blind with buck bomb. i  have had deer walk within 10 yards to my ground blind and they never seemed to scent me.  3 years ago i had a spike buck bed down 10 yards to the west of me. i just watched him. i figured he would know way before i did if another deer would come in. he stood up and starred at wood line behind us. i had a 6 pointer come in behind my stand. it was the first time i really heard a buck grunt as he approached. he approached the spike they sparred and the spike backed down. dropped the 6 pointer at 15 yards. not my biggest deer but, one of my most thrilling hunts.

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I spray the dryer down with field spray and wipe it out and obviously clean the lint trap well.


I also keep my hunting clothing separated from my dogs and stuff, and I spray myself down, but I am not totally obsessed.


I agree that deer respond differently to scents, I would say the main reason is based on their experiences with those scent memories.  This leads me to believe (and when I hunt in Jersey it plays out this way), that deer from more populated suburban areas like Bestchester and LI pay less attention to human scent because they are more accustomed to it.


Agriculture deer are accustomed to farm equipment and haybales, City deer are accustomed to people and dogs and cars, Deer that live in big woods tracts usually only associate human smells with danger, so I will continue to use scent control products at what I consider a reasonable level.

Edited by Meat Manager
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As far as I see the whole scent thing, I try to play the wind as much as I can, and I know that the scent killer soap, etc isnt going to make me completely scent free. But, the wind shifts alot where I hunt, it swirls and flows and I believe that the scent killer will reduce my scent, hopefully to a level where the deer will think that I am further away than I really am. I also think that it reduces the scent I leave behind, so maybe the deer will think that it was a long time ago that I passed through. Just this year I have witnessed mature bucks walk right down the very trail I entered on, and never act like anything was wrong. I have also only been busted once when a deer got directly downwind of me. I had also just eaten a sandwich and the plastic bag with mustard on it was sitting right there. I didnt have time to put it away. So I dont know if the deer smelled me or if it was the sandwich bag that did it. Ill never know.


you still smoke?


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And, I'm talking I could have jumped on his back and rode him like a bull in a rodeo.

Deer are like dogs and humans to a degree in that every deer has a different disposition. Some bucks, even mature ones, will disregard human odor, and a lot of factors go into it.

You have started commenting this season on hunting more around bedding areas based on your posts. You should look up Infalt's site and read about wind - his sight has a lot of members that know how to use the wind. Most of the deer downwind of me never pick up my scent because something is in play that I either know about or later realize and most often its some sort of obstacle that deflects the wind or the thermals come into play. I used to think I was a superhero too when I had deer downwind of me, and then I came back to earth once I realized how wind and scent dispersal really works.

This buck walked right through my scent cone, looked at me, and hung around, and walked right on by. He did the same thing to another guy in our party a week later on the other side of the property. I was literally dancing in the stand taking the video and the sound on the video would make you cringe. His disposition is simply that he tolerates more than other mature bucks. It's going to get him killed, hopefully this weekend, but still.

I'm not saying I don't practice scent control measures, and I'm not saying what you do is wrong, but what I am saying is that no buck that has your stink hit his nose is going to be fooled to any degree. Either they tolerate it or they don't.

I see your logic and where your coming from. I'll look into that site thanks.

I personally try and do my part to be as scent free as possible. Like wny stated the, the wind shifts pretty bad here. So I do as much as I can... I know some things one deer tolerate and another deer may not. I pay attention to the wind and come into my bedding set on a west wind but it sometimes swirls and that's where I hope my scent control helps me

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Part of the problem with deer vision and scent is that we simply don't smell or see like they do. We have an "understanding" of what they see and what they can smell.


They have an organ we do not. It allows them to detect and smell multiple smells at the same time and process them all at the same time. It's like a super computer.


The same property these bucks came from I had my first shooter encounter this season with a solid 130-135in 8. He came in like I expected and as he committed to a lane I had already moved into position to shoot, I felt the distinct feeling of wind hitting the back of my neck moving toward the buck and it was like slow motion - the buck picked up that scent within 3-4 seconds, stopped, turned around slowly but purposely, and came back the way he went. That day, I was about as "scent free" as I could be with clothes changed at the location, cleaned clothes, showered, the whole nine. Nothing was going to make that buck come in once he picked up my stink.

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I see your logic and where your coming from. I'll look into that site thanks.

I personally try and do my part to be as scent free as possible. Like wny stated the, the wind shifts pretty bad here. So I do as much as I can... I know some things one deer tolerate and another deer may not. I pay attention to the wind and come into my bedding set on a west wind but it sometimes swirls and that's where I hope my scent control helps me


The property with these bucks has without a doubt the most swirling, challenging winds I've ever encountered. It has a valley with steep hillsides for the area. While I was already playing the wind and thermals before this year, I gained a new found respect for deer's tolerance and how thermal tunnels work in real life with deer that won't tolerate the human scent. It's disgusting and downright frustrating to see them work and you have to be darn near perfect in your positions and entry/exit to avoid getting busted.


Again, I'm not saying I don't practice scent measures, but I plan my setups as if any swirling is a red line I won't cross. Certain spots with swirls often have a location off to the side that may not be as advantageous, but offers a cleaner sit. The spot where I was busted - we moved a stand about 30 yards and got above the deer's nose with thermals in the a.m., and two bucks were killed out of it within the next 8 days - including the buck in the second picture I posted.

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Its true, even at his best Phade still stinks.  I can attest to that.  lol


He did, however, convince me to stop eating garbage plates in the stand.


I wear eau d' doe.


Moog sat that original stand in the a.m. for the first time and I thought he was going to cry at the truck after he left with his head hung low. How many deer busted you by scent that morning? 40? It would have been anyone in that stand. After that, we realized we could potentially move that stand and get above their noses once they hit the valley floor and it worked like a charm. Two sits and two middle-aged bucks.

Edited by phade
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im sure we all have the problem of the dryer having a dryer sheet smell. i use those scent killer fresh earth dryer sheets, i use like 3 of them and boy do they work good...


those things smell like dirt! but in all seriousness, best bet for regular dryer sheet use is go with the bounce free and clear dryer sheets, no fragrances and/or dyes, great for people with sensitive skin, plus don't need to worry about your dryer stinking like lavender or one of those other scents in normal dryer sheets.

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I've been good during bow season, scenting down, haven't been spotted by passing deer, even down wind, so I've been lucky in that respect.  Come gun season, I go thru the same ritual.  We get dressed in the cabin, with a wood burning stove, fried bacon in the morning, coffee brewed, tons of smells, spray the cover scents and go on our way. Some of our guys get dressed outside to avoid any of those contacts. If getting dressed in 20 degree weather is your cup of tea, c'est la vie.

 The farthest shot I'd take in my area is 125 yards, most being 75 yards.  I've watched deer pick up my scent when walking close by, even a 100 yards away, seen others not even care.  I've lit up a cigarette just to see reactions, and they've bedded downwind and laid there while I smoked.  Other times, she's looked around, but not a dead out run, just alert, and a wanting to move on.  Done this on the 2nd and 3rd weeks, not opening week.  But if I'm mooch hunting thru the valley, and depending on the wind,  I'll stop for a smoke and have shot a lot of deer doing it. 

The stupidest thing I do is when I want that 1st cigarette, I'll smoke it, then spray down.  Really? Oh! Now you don't smell!  Usually not opening weekend,  but after that, things lax up a bit. 

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those things smell like dirt! but in all seriousness, best bet for regular dryer sheet use is go with the bounce free and clear dryer sheets, no fragrances and/or dyes, great for people with sensitive skin, plus don't need to worry about your dryer stinking like lavender or one of those other scents in normal dryer sheets.

It's supposed to smell like dirt.. If you were to put a voice sheet and run a load right after the scent killer sheets, you wouldn't even know there was a dirt smell. They work great for me and the wife doesn't complain, if her clothes smelt like dirt trust me she would

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I meant the dirt comment in a good way, I love those things, picked up a pack last season, and have used them since. last year got my first deer with a bow, a nice mature doe. this year already got a nice doe and turkey opening day, a second doe about a week later, then I finally got my first buck a massive 8pt a week after that. Those dirt sheets work tremendous! But in the off season can always use the bounce free and clear sheets if you don't want your clothes smelling like flowers.

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I wear eau d' doe.


Moog sat that original stand in the a.m. for the first time and I thought he was going to cry at the truck after he left with his head hung low. How many deer busted you by scent that morning? 40? It would have been anyone in that stand. After that, we realized we could potentially move that stand and get above their noses once they hit the valley floor and it worked like a charm. Two sits and two middle-aged bucks.


I was blown at 3 times by 7am.  Not a very fun sit.  I still don't think it was the garbage plate - but I did spill some hot sauce.  lol

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I'll wash all the hunting stuff and the knapsack every week, so that's at least 14 or 15 washings.  The hat's take the biggest beatings, but so what, it's not a beauty contest.  I've used the dirt scented drier sheets for the last two washings and they're noticeably better than having used nothing and directly after a regular load with perfumed sheets.  I like the wiping down with the soap or cover scent, run scent-free towels thru it, then dry it with the  dirt sheets.  That sounds like the best method.

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ok, i know you talked about smoking. When you did smoke did you do more to be scent free?


I can smoke a pack every month or I can smoke a pack in a day.  I'll smoke when I'm hunting, golfing, throwing darts, but I can go weeks without smoking.  I go thru all the scent free routine and I'm never smoking during bow, period.  And I'll watch when I get undressed, to put them in a bag, and not smoke where I can get the scent on them.  But once gun starts, I just like to have a couple of smokes while I'm sitting there.  I'll definitely hold off this weekend with a SSW or SSE wind cause that heads right down to them.  That's what I say.  Will I DO it is another story.  Once you smoke in the stand, you've blown your cover in that direction anyway.  Will you see deer? Maybe. Spray all you like.  But, like the heading of this topic, "I'm Crazy".  Warning: Do not attempt this at home.  We're trained unprofessionals! 

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I can smoke a pack every month or I can smoke a pack in a day.  I'll smoke when I'm hunting, golfing, throwing darts, but I can go weeks without smoking.  I go thru all the scent free routine and I'm never smoking during bow, period.  And I'll watch when I get undressed, to put them in a bag, and not smoke where I can get the scent on them.  But once gun starts, I just like to have a couple of smokes while I'm sitting there.  I'll definitely hold off this weekend with a SSW or SSE wind cause that heads right down to them.  That's what I say.  Will I DO it is another story.  Once you smoke in the stand, you've blown your cover in that direction anyway.  Will you see deer? Maybe. Spray all you like.  But, like the heading of this topic, "I'm Crazy".  Warning: Do not attempt this at home.  We're trained unprofessionals! 


Why the difference in smoking during bow or gun? I know someone who is a chain smoker and gets bucks every year. I quit but did smoke while hunting and have gotten deer.

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