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So sick of my family hunting practices


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Everyone has to live with themselves. If "you're" fine knowingly letting your family abuse laws in this fashion, more power to you. In my view, that makes "you" just as guilty as they are. I'd give them one warning and the second time the law would be called.

NOTE: The "you're" and "you" in this post are targeted towards NO ONE in particular and are used in figurative terms.

Come on dude. I'm not condoning illegal hunting, but these are game laws, it's not like they're robbing, raping, murdering or selling drugs... While still wrong they're not harming anyone.

Edited by Belo
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i never said it was poachers i said it was the brown its down group.... which happens to include a lot of poachers

Oh come on joe, there's poachers in all walks of life. I know some meat hunters who shoot over 5 deer and tag them all. I know some bow hunters who put tags on 2 nice bucks with bow. Poaching is poaching.

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That sucks.  I would explain that you will no longer hunt with them and you are going to hunt alone or in a new area.  Explain your disappointment in them and that you would love to hunt with them if they can maintain some discipline and better hunting ethics.  Good luck, hope it works out ok for you.

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Come on dude. I'm not condoning illegal hunting, but these are game laws, it's not like they're robbing, raping, murdering or selling drugs... While still wrong they're not harming anyone.

They are taking the deer away from someone who would shoot and tag the deer. Still if it's a family member I wouldn't be able to call the DEC. I do not condone this kind of activity. I would let them know how I feel and stop hunting with them. Like I said earlier I don't think one less deer is worth ruining a relationship with a family member.

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JJ, takes a lot of courage to 1, not get sucked into that mess...2, to come here and share your thoughts.


I was brought up in a hunting family that occasionally bent the rules. When I was young, I may have bent a couple myself. Back then we had "party permits" for doe...it is exactly what it sounds like, 2-3 people on 1 doe permit. You had to decide who had it for each particular "sit", so only 1 doe was taken. Today, with all of the permits available, there is no need to not tag a deer. As I sit here today, I can legally shoot, 1 buck and 4 doe during gun season. I know not all zones are this liberal, but still, everyone usually get a least 1.


Sounds like your people "get off" on breaking the game laws while killing deer...That said, unfortunately they are not the only ones. My advice, be honest.....tell your dad how you feel. He may not change, but also may respect you for your convictions.



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We had a situation similar to this at our camp years ago. My uncle shot a small doe and didn't even bother taking out of the woods. Needless to say my father was one POed Mofo. My uncle is not allowed to hunt our land any more for obvious reasons

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My opinion is that's how you handle family situations. Bubba would have sent him to jail.

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Come on dude. I'm not condoning illegal hunting, but these are game laws, it's not like they're robbing, raping, murdering or selling drugs... While still wrong they're not harming anyone.


Well, you obviously would sleep just fine shutting up and letting the outlaws continue, I wouldn't.  Everyone has different morals.

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He is not the only one who said to report them. And i am not sure i am against reporting them either

No but he is the only one who actually said he had called the authorities on his family...

Saying you might and actually doing are very different. Especially when you're put on the situation yourself.

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The law is the law...I abide by it so should others...period...now Belo don't ask if I'd turn in a family member...because I have turned in a few over the years...had a warrant put out on my own son for not coming home...got a little too big for his britches...Called me up and said your my mother and having me arrested..yeppers...choices...learn to make the right ones!

Edited by growalot
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I am by no means saying that what the OP mentioned is not against the law, unethical or whatever but are you really comparing it to federal crimes which people go to jail for. Someone shooting a deer and someone raping someone or killing someone are totally different things...I don't know if "the law is the law" applies here

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OK. ..... according to that logic ..speeding is just a law...everyone does it...right?....until the speeder looses control and(all happened) plows into a house...killing a kid.....hits a little girl and knocks her out of her sneakers and they find her lifeless body 45 ​yrds away...kills your dog...broad sides your car...etc.ect..hey no biggy.......I mean he was only speeding....

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I have presided over many court cases when I was a JP and I can tell you with  great deal of certainty that a traffic infraction is tougher to prove when a person turns someone in for it No police officer is going to ticket someone for a traffic infraction unless they saw it.  And I can also assure that that a traffic infraction is much different than the misdemeanors we are talking about.  I did not answer your question because honestly it makes no sense as there is no comparison.  But if you want to justify watching people break the law and do nothing about it, that is your choice.  

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Most people track... I think you meant tracking a wounded deer. However ill still say that flailing away isn't ideal either at the best you miss or waste some good meat. At the worst your follow up shot is low probability and could wound a deer that had been clean missed.

What are you talking about??  1st shot hits the deer, you're tracking it, while I'm shooting it again, and again, until it's dead.   I'm not letting it run, and me running after it.     Any clean miss, the deer is likely running away, and it's gone after the 1st miss.   I think, your not just understanding what I wrote.

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I have presided over many court cases when I was a JP and I can tell you with  great deal of certainty that a traffic infraction is tougher to prove when a person turns someone in for it No police officer is going to ticket someone for a traffic infraction unless they saw it.  And I can also assure that that a traffic infraction is much different than the misdemeanors we are talking about.  I did not answer your question because honestly it makes no sense as there is no comparison.  But if you want to justify watching people break the law and do nothing about it, that is your choice.  

exactly......I was just about to say the same thing.

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I have presided over many court cases when I was a JP and I can tell you with  great deal of certainty that a traffic infraction is tougher to prove when a person turns someone in for it No police officer is going to ticket someone for a traffic infraction unless they saw it.  And I can also assure that that a traffic infraction is much different than the misdemeanors we are talking about.  I did not answer your question because honestly it makes no sense as there is no comparison.  But if you want to justify watching people break the law and do nothing about it, that is your choice.  


The comparison was you turning in somebody for every law that they break because its a law that is meant to be enforced . Its funny listening to people talk about the safe act being bullcrap and the government shouldn't regulate everything and then turn around and say that the man knows whats best and we need to play by their rules line per line.

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Oh come on joe, there's poachers in all walks of life. I know some meat hunters who shoot over 5 deer and tag them all. I know some bow hunters who put tags on 2 nice bucks with bow. Poaching is poaching.


I'm a "meat hunter" and can legally put tags on 8 deer.  Reg, my 4 DMP's (two reg issue and two leftover), 2 of my wife's DMP's, and my ML tag, not to mention the 2/day I can legally tag in the Tompkins County Focus Area.

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The comparison was you turning in somebody for every law that they break because its a law that is meant to be enforced . Its funny listening to people talk about the safe act being bullcrap and the government shouldn't regulate everything and then turn around and say that the man knows whats best and we need to play by their rules line per line.



So as I said why have the laws.  I see that you do not have a need for them...I never said the man was right.  What I said was we have laws enforce them. The safe act is bull.  That is why I am working to repeal it.  Because I do not believe in this law, and I had no intention of enforcing it as a jp, I resigned from that position.  It is called principles.  Look it up, it could come in handy to you.  

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