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Disgusted with slobs


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I was out installing signs today and had to use a John . I stopped at McDonalds at the corner of Rt 250 and Rt 31 . Someone was at the urinal so I stepped into the stall and started to lift the seat . Some lazy slob didn't bother and pissed on the seat . What the heck is wrong with people ! What the hell do they do at home ? Total slob !

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I was out installing signs today and had to use a John . I stopped at McDonalds at the corner of Rt 250 and Rt 31 . Someone was at the urinal so I stepped into the stall and started to lift the seat . Some lazy slob didn't bother and pissed on the seat . What the heck is wrong with people ! What the hell do they do at home ? Total slob !

hopefully you did what I do and lifted it with your foot...........

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Where I work the truck drivers have to come in the office to sign in and out.  When they are at the window the (unlocked and marked) bathroom door is literally 10" off their right shoulder.  I wish I could forget how many times we have caught them unrinating randomly around the parking lot and how many times we've found fast food bags laying around that they've "used" and thrown on the ground.  Animals.  Then the decent drivers wonder why so many people think truckers are scumbags.

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