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New Big Buck State Record ?

Homer 55

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Thanks....I now know what to avoid!

There's nothing wrong with the site... It doesn't give out any more info then any other site on the net. The Internet is a double edged sword at times. Take it for what's its worth. If you shoot a buck it's at your discression how much or how little the info you wish to disclose.

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This is a fantastic buck!, but, look how far behind the deer he is....It always baffles me why people do this. The deer is a beautiful, once in a life time trophy, and in my opinion, there is simply no need to play optical tricks when taking a photo. 


Im not saying this guy did it on purpose, but I have seen it done in the past. Just like holding a fish with both arms outstretched, the fish simply looks bigger than it is.

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There's nothing wrong with the site... It doesn't give out any more info then any other site on the net. The Internet is a double edged sword at times. Take it for what's its worth. If you shoot a buck it's at your discression how much or how little the info you wish to disclose.

I'm sure the site is fine - I don't shoot ANY DEER so no real worries for me! Nyantler just seems a bit "douche canoe" is all

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Does anyone else think this fight should be fought by the hunter who harvested this deer....only if he's pissed?

I saw this buck on fb too. It's huge. Big deer. Anytime any deer, especially one of this size, is taken the hunter is always asked where he shot it. Always.... Doesn't make sense to me to bring someone's site into an attack.

There is a saying everyone is familiar with.

"You can't fix stupid". Some people just press too much and ask the wrong question too many times. It's the commenters that create the problems. Not the host site.

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Does anyone else think this fight should be fought by the hunter who harvested this deer....only if he's pissed?

I saw this buck on fb too. It's huge. Big deer. Anytime any deer, especially one of this size, is taken the hunter is always asked where he shot it. Always.... Doesn't make sense to me to bring someone's site into an attack.

There is a saying everyone is familiar with.

"You can't fix stupid". Some people just press too much and ask the wrong question too many times. It's the commenters that create the problems. Not the host site.

its not about one buck. he allows the comments. seems a bit much when all he wants is county.

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Giving up info about a huge buck that you shot can bring on many problems down the road. Look at how many threads we have about trespassers and other illegal activities that go on. I bet you there are hunters out there scouting that area trying to find a way in to hunt it next year. It's silly but you can't trust people especially if you give up your location of the buck kill. Hell this year I had 4 deer hanging on my deer pole by 10 am opening day. Don't you know it that every Tom Dick and Harry stopped by to talk about the deer. They even got down to asking if I was a full tome resident and where I was coming from. I think information will get out one way or another. But to post it on social media is social suicide. 

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There's nothing wrong with the site... It doesn't give out any more info then any other site on the net. The Internet is a double edged sword at times. Take it for what's its worth. If you shoot a buck it's at your discression how much or how little the info you wish to disclose.


Exactly.. nobody is twisting the hunters arm here... the photos are submitted unsolicited... those who have an issue with giving up their info need not submit... FYI.. In a perfect world I wouldn't have a problem with submitting just a photo of the deer with no info, but the fact that its a NY hunting site is the reason I need to be sure the deer I'm showing are legally taken here in NY... the only way to get to that end and maintain the integrity of the site is to require the info I ask for... other similar sites show pics od a deer hanging in a tree without the info or the hunter with the deer... and nobody knows where the deer was taken, who took it, when it was taken, or how... or even if it was taken fair chase... and there is no way to verify the legitimacy of the harvest as it relates to the subject matter of the site...

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Exactly.. nobody is twisting the hunters arm here... the photos are submitted unsolicited... those who have an issue with giving up their info need not submit... FYI.. In a perfect world I wouldn't have a problem with submitting just a photo of the deer with no info, but the fact that its a NY hunting site is the reason I need to be sure the deer I'm showing are legally taken here in NY... the only way to get to that end and maintain the integrity of the site is to require the info I ask for... other similar sites show pics od a deer hanging in a tree without the info or the hunter with the deer... and nobody knows where the deer was taken, who took it, when it was taken, or how... or even if it was taken fair chase... and there is no way to verify the legitimacy of the harvest as it relates to the subject matter of the site...


Ever consider making it a page policy for comments not to include the precise location of kill? You ask for county, right? Fine, but I suspect many submitters fill in the county info thinking that'll do, and then some jackwagon who "knows of someone who knows someone" sees it and posts the road location. They don't want or expect that in large I bet.


I think the integrity of your site could be improved by making it policy that comments regarding precise locations of the buck - not given up by the submitter - be disallowed. I completely understand why you require the tidbits of info - which to me is fine, too, but the comments on your photos have gotten out of control and are likely causing unforeseen and unexpected stress to many of the submitters. I don't think you are understanding that it's not you, not the hunter...it's the commenters. I can pretty much guarantee there's going to be much more pressure on Redman Rd. next year because of this. To think otherwise akin to being an ostrich with its head in the sand.


I have covered some of the biggest buck kills in the state for press similar to you - the #1 stipulation from the hunter is always the same. "If you can not include precise locale information, I'd be more than happy to share." I respect that privacy and I think the hunters do, too. Nobody needs to know what road it was killed on - Nobody. The only situation I could see there being an exception is a legal matter.

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I find a couple things silly about this thread, no one here would have known what road it was taken on this site if phade hadn't listed here a bunch of times so bravo for blowing up the kids spot even more than it was already. To that point not every one in the world knows of or cares about Joe's site, I'm sure more traffic has been driven to his site as a result.


The other silly thing is watching two "big" buck hunters attack each other over kills or hunitng methods....guys speaking for myself and probaly a few others...No one cares, go check the ego's, neither of you are that special honestly just regular hunters like the rest of us.


This kind of thing happened long before the internet, 20 years ago we had it happen to us. One guy knew about what we were after and by the next year 10 guys guys were in on it (none of them killed it either) by the third year it was insane and we quit on the place by year 4 and have never been back.


In the grand scheme of things this is really not important at all, its not very likely that there are piles of giant deer in Rochester and bus loads of hunters heading that way. And if there are, they won't last forever or be promised a spot to hunt there.



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Thanks....I now know what to avoid!


what? what's wrong with looking at some nice trophies? My opinion on the matter is, if you don't want to share your deer you don't have to. I enjoy sharing my deer with friends and family and even with you shmoe's. I've never posted an aerial photo and descriptions because I agree with Phade, at some point you're asking for it.

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I find a couple things silly about this thread, no one here would have known what road it was taken on this site if phade hadn't listed here a bunch of times so bravo for blowing up the kids spot even more than it was already. To that point not every one in the world knows of or cares about Joe's site, I'm sure more traffic has been driven to his site as a result.


The other silly thing is watching two "big" buck hunters attack each other over kills or hunitng methods....guys speaking for myself and probaly a few others...No one cares, go check the ego's, neither of you are that special honestly just regular hunters like the rest of us.


This kind of thing happened long before the internet, 20 years ago we had it happen to us. One guy knew about what we were after and by the next year 10 guys guys were in on it (none of them killed it either) by the third year it was insane and we quit on the place by year 4 and have never been back.


In the grand scheme of things this is really not important at all, its not very likely that there are piles of giant deer in Rochester and bus loads of hunters heading that way. And if there are, they won't last forever or be promised a spot to hunt there.


Oh please - you find something silly? That's a shock. It's a prime example - plenty of people know where that deer was killed now. I blew up Teebuggs spot last week - and I did it on purpose. Call me a jerk, but after the fact, Teebugg understood what I was getting at, and he won't make that mistake again when it really could have cost him had he been onto a nice buck, etc.


I don't think either of us (me or Joe) would ever call ourselves "big buck" hunters. We both disagree on a lot but I think we could both agree neither of us are all that high and mighty. Not many people would put others onto bucks that would potentially make B & C book - Moog and me did. More than one person here called us crazy in private for doing so. Hunting isn't about big bucks alone and I'd do it time and time again. The funny thing is, my gripe isn't about the bucks/deer themselves, it's about the human component that comes with making the locale known. So, take your big buck hunting lobs and pound sand yourself for once.

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. I blew up Teebuggs spot last week - and I did it on purpose. Call me a jerk, but after the fact, Teebugg understood what I was getting at, and he won't make that mistake again when it really could have cost him had he been onto a nice buck, etc.



I don't think either of us (me or Joe) would ever call ourselves "big buck" hunters. We both disagree on a lot but I think we could both agree neither of us are all that high and mighty.



my gripe isn't about the bucks/deer themselves, it's about the human component that comes with making the locale known. So, take your big buck hunting lobs and pound sand yourself for once.


WOW you blew up a guys spot to help him in your opinion?


Its good the two egomaniacs can agree that you aren't egomaniacs, at least according to one of the egomaniacs.


You are right though I shouldn't consider you a big buck hunter, Joe on the other hand is one for sure and there is NOTHING wrong with that. I have more respect for a guy that walks the talk, other guys that claim to be great with all these standards and then go slay a 2.5 yr old....

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WOW you blew up a guys spot to help him in your opinion?


Its good the two egomaniacs can agree that you aren't egomaniacs, at least according to one of the egomaniacs.


You are right though I shouldn't consider you a big buck hunter, Joe on the other hand is one for sure and there is NOTHING wrong with that. I have more respect for a guy that walks the talk, other guys that claim to be great with all these standards and then go slay a 2.5 yr old....


Oh please. I never once claim to be great. Get your head out of the sand. My standards are for me and I never project them onto anyone else. Tactics? I have my opinion like anyone else, same as you.


Yes, apparently tough love isn't a tactic you are familiar with. Teebugg asked for general comments on his aerial and he got sloppy posting a feature that was easily identified. He won't make that mistake again, and I think he appreciated me bringing that to his attention according to PMs.

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Ever consider making it a page policy for comments not to include the precise location of kill? You ask for county, right? Fine, but I suspect many submitters fill in the county info thinking that'll do, and then some jackwagon who "knows of someone who knows someone" sees it and posts the road location. They don't want or expect that in large I bet.


I think if you have friends and neighbors willing to bust you online then your problem's are these. 1. Your friends/family/neighbors suck. 2. If you know they suck, don't post online.


However, a simple shot of a deer, hunter and wooded area without any discernible landmarks shouldn't indicate to anyone where you shot your buck. And if you're really paranoid you can do the old "Belo" and put on a mask :)

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You big buck guys can go at it with each other all you want.  I have always said that their is a heck of a lot of ugliness when it comes to trophy hunting, and now the internet brings just another element into it.  This ugliness is one big reason I have never been a big fan of those who obsess over antlers.  It's just not important, and the only people big antlers will impress are others who are obsessed by them in the same way, and then things quickly turn into jealousy, accusations, vendettas, etc., etc.  Not my cup of tea, for sure.  Hell, I killed the biggest buck I ever got in NYS the day after Thanksgiving this season.  A very respectable deer actually.  Was I happy?  Yes, sort of, but no more happy than with any other deer I am lucky enough to take.  Don't care to post pictures on the internet neither for the whole world to see.  Just not that important in the scheme of things.


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I did the same thing for a member once but all through PM's (Geno), I guess you never thought of that tactic?


Let's see, I've done it twice this season.


Person #1 - I have now met on several occasions and have made plans to hunt with him in the future. He's even been over to my house.


Person #2 - Have conversed via PMs about his local area and chit chat and I suspect when I am in that area, we'll meet up and who knows, maybe get a hunt in.


PMs are not the answer for everything.

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You big buck guys can go at it with each other all you want.  I have always said that their is a heck of a lot of ugliness when it comes to trophy hunting, and now the internet brings just another element into it.  This ugliness is one big reason I have never been a big fan of those who obsess over antlers.  It's just not important, and the only people big antlers will impress are others who are obsessed by them in the same way, and then things quickly turn into jealousy, accusations, vendettas, etc., etc.  Not my cup of tea, for sure.  Hell, I killed the biggest buck I ever got in NYS the day after Thanksgiving this season.  A very respectable deer actually.  Was I happy?  Yes, sort of, but no more happy than with any other deer I am lucky enough to take.  Don't care to post pictures on the internet neither for the whole world to see.  Just not that important in the scheme of things.


And, I don't think there's a darn thing wrong with what you said (in bold).

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I think if you have friends and neighbors willing to bust you online then you're problem's are these. 1. Your friends/family/neighbors suck. 2. If you know they suck, don't post online.


However, a simple shot of a deer, hunter and wooded area without any discernible landmarks shouldn't indicate to anyone where you shot your buck. And if you're really paranoid you can do the old "Belo" and put on a mask :)


I believe the person who first documented the road doesn't know the hunter directly at all. Sometimes, word gets out, travels, and it's beyond your sphere of influence. I doubt the hunter expected his road of kill to go public. Maybe shame on him to a degree, but I still feel for him being socked out of left field with that. It's just one of many prime examples of comments on Joe's site. The comments need controlling to a degree to maintain integrity of his site; otherwise, there's a chance people won't want to submit them to him in fear of being moved in on (more than there is now).

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I disagree Phade, if a guy wants his pic and story out there for whatever reason, he is still going to do it no matter the aftermath. Guys love to brag, no biggie thats their choice and they should be comfortable with what comes with that.


I agree that a portion of the submitters are as you say. But, I also believe there is an equal portion that puts their pic out with intent on giving credence to the buck, or sharing a quality moment with friends or family, and the repercussions are beyond what they intended or considered. Look at the crap that got posted about some of the youth kills - debates over scores, location of kill, etc. That's what I am getting at here.


You stated you were moved in on. It's not fun at all to experience.

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