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Looks like the NRA can lose.

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I have said this before Mr. VJP, if you are SOOOOO anti-govt then go live in Somalia. There is no govt there and everyone owns automatic rifles.

It actually pains me to know that there are people out there like you that are so misguided and brainwashed by the conspiracy theorist's. You live your life in total fear everyday and I feel sorry for you. I choose to live my life free of fears. And if you look at the actual figures, NYS, California, and NJ have the highest amount of gun control laws in the US but, and its a HUGE but, all 3 states are among the lowest in Gun-death rate per 100,000. The states with the lowest amount of gun control: LA, MISS, Al, Wyo, Idaho, Mont, and Alaska-- all have the highest gun-death rates.  I am not an advocate of total gun control by no means but I also do not believe everyone in the US should be allowed to own any type of firearm they want. I stand behind my opinion that NO ONE NEEDS an automatic rifle and NO ONE NEEDS any gun with a 30+round clip.

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I choose to live my life free of fears. And if you look at the actual figures, NYS, California, and NJ have the highest amount of gun control laws in the US but, and its a HUGE but, all 3 states are among the lowest in Gun-death rate per 100,000. The states with the lowest amount of gun control: LA, MISS, Al, Wyo, Idaho, Mont, and Alaska-- all have the highest gun-death rates.

And of the gun-deaths committed in NYS, NJ and similar areas, most of the guns used were brought in from other states where they are as easy to purchase as candy.  Once a gun is purchased legally (this means a background check of the purchaser in a gun shop), it then in many jurisdictions in this country can be sold privately without any questions asked of the next purchaser.  That is where the trouble lies and how guns end up falling into the wrong hands.  We have plenty of gun laws, but NO uniformity state by state in this country.  Until we do guns will continue to fall into the wrong hands and all honest gun owners will be held suspect by the rest of society because groups like the NRA are letting this kind of stuff continue by fighting any common sense ideas to keep guns from falling into the wrong hands.  It ain't rocket science here boys.  You don't want to compromise even a little, they will not trust any of us with them then.  NOTHING in life gets done without compromise, why should this issue be any different?  The NRA folks keep touting the 2nd amendment and how great the founding fathers were.  Well most of them were slave owners also if you didn't know, and how are we to know for sure that if they had the type of weaponry that is available today that they would have not thought differently about guns?  No one knows for sure, but don't think for a minute that their thinking wouldn't have been different if they lived in today's world.

We today get disgusted with the thought of slavery, don't we?  Yeah, so why do we think they were correct in everything else they said and did 240 years ago??  I can't expect that many here have given this much thought from the stuff I read here, but just throwing it out anyways.

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Ohhh boy never thought I'd have to agree ..to a point..with MrVJP...but On this point I must..case in point...

Several years ago I had a neighbor who disliked me...they felt a certain threat to their local power I guess....any how they had their child accuse me of verbally threatening them....they had ties to the local justice..long and short ....I ended up arrested for child abuse...had a restraining order put against me  and the justice tried to take all our guns...including my husbands away...well she stood there as this was happening ...and happened to like my husband ...who was living out of state on a job at the time...and convinced the judge.... taking the guns wasn't necessary....We had to hire a lawyer...whom by the way never billed us...this thing was so bogus....went to court...the DA tried to drop all charges but I had to insist we go to mediation...because she planned to have the child state I actually physically touched them in the next round...which meant a finger printing and jail cell....a friend of theirs came to me ..when they saw how far this was going to tell me their plan...they were trying to get me fired from a school job

mediation made them...actually both of us sign a document stating they couldn't have me arrested again and several other key things..that were brought up...that actually protected me...from physical harm

We actually get along now...and they've stated that forced mediation was the best thing that happened :-\

I can't get into detail of mediation....by law...but I can say that it was found the child in question never had a fear of me and actually engaged me in play in the waiting room of the mediator..and stated they had no problems with me

The point...yep someones vendetta can seriously screw up a persons life and cost them $$$$...Imagine having to go to your boss...school super and explain that deal...but everyone involved saw how bogus it was...even the sheriff that knocked on my door...he actually came to court and the justice demanded he leave...it was going to the county...the lawyer talked me out of filing judicial misconduct charges because the guy was retiring >:( ...I wasn't fired ;)   

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Steve, the 2nd amendment is not about what type of firearm. It's about fighting tyranny and monarchy's.

Yes our fore-farther's did understand that technology would advance.

You can not purchase a firearm in any state as easy as purchasing candy. There is no NICS requirement on candy. All firearms purchases made at a dealer are NICS verified.

So if you're willing to for-go a face to face private sale , are you willing to pay me, a FFL, a $100.00 transfer fee on a private sale?

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Exactly where do you need an FFL dealer or a $100 fee for a private sale?? Surely not on any rifles or shotguns.  Not even in NYS do you need a background check of a purchaser of a rifle or shotgun in a private sale.  Handguns are different, but plenty of handguns get transacted, even at gun shows in many states with NO questions asked of the purchaser. 

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Honestly, I've been following some of these posts lately that have turned into down right political battles. This goes nowhere it's like a dog chasing its tail. I give credit to those Dem's that post on this site. We know it is loaded with conservatives. I myself am a democrat and wish not on a hunting site debate my fellow hunters on their political agenda. In the end (like a title of another post "aren't we all Americans") aren't we all hunters?

Good honest post, you are probably smart for doing that.  I just find it interesting how the conservatives here can't begin to handle the idea that there are other hunters out there with different ideas about the NRA, politics, etc.  To them it's more like you're an American ONLY if you think the same way they do, otherwise it's open season on you all year around for being a traitor.  Quite sad actually.

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Exactly where do you need an FFL dealer or a $100 fee for a private sale?? Surely not on any rifles or shotguns.  Not even in NYS do you need a background check of a purchaser of a rifle or shotgun in a private sale.  Handguns are different, but plenty of handguns get transacted, even at gun shows in many states with NO questions asked of the purchaser.

Exactly what? Have you seen these transfers?

Steve asked; where do you need a $100.00 fee? BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR ALL FIREARMS SALES! If you get your way I'll get my $100.00 fee. 


Isn't that what you've stated in your comments?

Yea, I know the transfer laws in face-to-face and at gun shows.

My point is, are "YOU" willing to pay more for registration, say like Californian's & the Canadian's did, and then have your firearms confiscated a few years later?

So let’s see, we'll throw out the commerce laws & private sales to make us all safer.


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Why do you think one would need to go thru a dealer and that a fee is even needed?  I surely didn't say that.  In this computer era, where we could look up sex offenders that live in our neighborhoods I couldn't imagine that a simple system of who is ineligible to purchase a firearm couldn't be put together quite easily.

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Ohhh boy never thought I'd have to agree ..to a point..with MrVJP...but On this point I must..case in point...

Several years ago I had a neighbor who disliked me...they felt a certain threat to their local power I guess....any how they had their child accuse me of verbally threatening them....they had ties to the local justice..long and short ....I ended up arrested for child abuse...had a restraining order put against me  and the justice tried to take all our guns...including my husbands away...well she stood there as this was happening ...and happened to like my husband ...who was living out of state on a job at the time...and convinced the judge.... taking the guns wasn't necessary....We had to hire a lawyer...whom by the way never billed us...this thing was so bogus....went to court...the DA tried to drop all charges but I had to insist we go to mediation...because she planned to have the child state I actually physically touched them in the next round...which meant a finger printing and jail cell....a friend of theirs came to me ..when they saw how far this was going to tell me their plan...they were trying to get me fired from a school job

mediation made them...actually both of us sign a document stating they couldn't have me arrested again and several other key things..that were brought up...that actually protected me...from physical harm

We actually get along now...and they've stated that forced mediation was the best thing that happened :-\

I can't get into detail of mediation....by law...but I can say that it was found the child in question never had a fear of me and actually engaged me in play in the waiting room of the mediator..and stated they had no problems with me

The point...yep someones vendetta can seriously screw up a persons life and cost them $$$$...Imagine having to go to your boss...school super and explain that deal...but everyone involved saw how bogus it was...even the sheriff that knocked on my door...he actually came to court and the justice demanded he leave...it was going to the county...the lawyer talked me out of filing judicial misconduct charges because the guy was retiring >:( ...I wasn't fired ;) 

Likewise... several years ago while coaching lacrosse I had an irrate parent attack me during a game because I took his kid out of the game... long story short... I had to defend myself and he didn't fair to well and ended up in the hospital.. HE filed assault charges against ME... I was acquitted a few months later.. but the court resolution hadn't been filed yet when the local authorities showed up at my home to take my handguns.. it took me 4 months and a trip to court to get them back... which the judge did immediately upon reading the facts in the case.. thats how easy it can happen

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I have to laugh at people who think the things I say are just my imagination.  I'm 55 now and the things I post are from past experience.  I remember 1967, prior to the gun control act of 1968, and how much freedom everyone had back then.

I've watched, as little by little the encroachments have been imposed and have seen good, hard working people get entangled with the law and abused to no end because of it.

People who don't see what has happened, is happening, and is about to happen, are not keeping themselves informed.  There is a huge difference between living in fear and being vigilant, so as to prevent further encroachment.

What amazes me is that people either don't know gun law history, don't care, or don't understand.  Like they say, ignorance is bliss.


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