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It is rampant everywhere, I would go into the bank and almost weekly see women cashing multiple govt checks. Decked out in designer clothes, handbags, I phones etc. It always irked me. Illegals burden the system beyond belief. Recipients  educate each others on how to get benefits, generations living on welfare. The abuse of the system is a Major dilemma for this country, I don't see it ever being fixed. I am all for someone/families that need help receiving it, granted that it doesn't become a career or main source of income but there are probably more abusers than worthy cases

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 We struggled getting our son through college, now through grad school, and these loafers just sit back and wait for a check before driving over to a nearby casino. Upon returning from a hard day( or night) of gambling, kick back in their easy chairs to watch a little wheel of fortune or price is right. I believe a number of these slobs deliberately sit in their unpainted, unkempt homes, waiting for someone to pick up their garbage, cut the grass and paint the damn place, just because they know some feel good volunteer group will eventually do the work for free. Country is just nuts.  

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Here's the link, GreeneHunter. Cut and paste was the best I could do.




I guess it came out as a direct link after all...


I don't often agree with the views of the NYT or its staff, but I think Kristoff has a good point in this op-ed.

Gaming the system has become the American way, from either the bottom or the top. The rest of us are left to pick up the tab.

Edited by philoshop
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