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Astorino picks a running ,mate.

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For those who are not aware, this is the sheriff that Coumo called in to tell him that the sheriff departments needed to get on board with his wonderful law.  He got up and walked out.  Of the 12 sheriffs who showed up, he was the only one who got an audience with the king.  An excellent choice to get gun owners involved.  He is on our side no do doubt.  I have heard him speak at rallies long before he was ever thinking about this, and he is genuine.  I have spoke with him personally and as I say he is genuine. He believes this law in unconstitutional and  has been fighting it from the beginning.  2 thumbs up.

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I am really hoping that Astorino and his new running mate start to get a whole lot more face-time with the public. November is rapidly coming, and he is still the "Who?" candidate. Actually, other than his stance on the Safe Act, I have not seen a whole lot on his platform. He's going to need a lot of supporters besides just gun owners.

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You have a better chance using your time and money to try to turn some Assembly or Senate seats.  


Barring a ridiculous scandal breaking in the next few months, Andy isn't losing this election, no matter how much that pains me to say.  



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   They got my votes!       Also (not to steal the thread) a local radio station said today that if  King Andy gets back in he already has a  "part 2 plan" of the safe act which he plans to do ASAP. after getting back in office.  

Edited by hunter49
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Fingers crossed that King D-bag gets tossed but down state is all King Andy. I pray that this arrogant, self serving  little  Dictator( and thats all he is) gets his walking papers.  It sickens me but the NY voting record ( down state any way) is what it is…..SAD 


Hope Im wrong.

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I posted about the second plan all semi automatic guns become assault weapons.  That is to get around the ny compliant ar's  all guns will have ot be secured in a safe while in the home or a residence  (this means I will need a safe for camp) All gun shop owners will have to secure all firearms in safes when they are not open for business.  a new category to include military bolt actions called sniper rifles which will prohibit them.  All lying in the assembly for January if he wins.  There are a few other things I can not remember off the top of my head.  If yo uhink they are not coming after your hunting guns think again a mauser action will now be a sniper rifle any semi like a 1100 shotgun or 7400 rifle now will be assault rifles.  

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Fingers crossed that King D-bag gets tossed but down state is all King Andy. I pray that this arrogant, self serving  little  Dictator( and thats all he is) gets his walking papers.  It sickens me but the NY voting record ( down state any way) is what it is…..SAD 


Hope Im wrong.

It all hinges on whether or not we can achieve single issue unity among gun owners. There is power in a unified, impassioned, and focused minority. Participation rates among the general population of voters is notoriously low. That is a fact that makes minority voting blocks have extra power if they can get their ranks to the polls. Also remember that we are not the only ones who have an anti-Cuomo agenda. Don't throw in the towel yet. Work to get gun owners to the polls with the proper understanding of what is at stake. That's all we can do, but it may very well be enough. However time is getting short. It seems like a long way away, but 6 months is not a lot of time to convince the number of people that we have to convince.

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I posted about the second plan all semi automatic guns become assault weapons.  That is to get around the ny compliant ar's  all guns will have ot be secured in a safe while in the home or a residence  (this means I will need a safe for camp) All gun shop owners will have to secure all firearms in safes when they are not open for business.  a new category to include military bolt actions called sniper rifles which will prohibit them.  All lying in the assembly for January if he wins.  There are a few other things I can not remember off the top of my head.  If yo uhink they are not coming after your hunting guns think again a mauser action will now be a sniper rifle any semi like a 1100 shotgun or 7400 rifle now will be assault rifles.  


Bubba any links you can share to read more on the "Second Plan" I always assumed more idioc laws were coming down the pipeline but haven't seen anything in hard print. This would truely get me to leave the state if something like that was implemented. Colorado here I come.

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Nope  get my information from a friend who is in the assembly.  Keeping it hush hush now

If there is any credible concrete evidence of a "phase two Safe Act" being held until after the election, it needs to be published and distributed right now to further unite gun owners. This is not a time to keep such information "hush-hush". We need all the motivation for gun owners to vote that we can muster, before the election, not after.

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It is there.  There was a story posted about it last week as well as it is all over facebook a lot.  There is no maybe to it. Join a local grass roots group and you will get all the information you need.  

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this may be a little off topic, but for those who think that the military and police are all behind Cuomo and this Safe Act and the disarming of citizens, are all on board with him, may want to rethink that...I'm willing to bet that this is one of the larger groups who are against it and will probably provide the larger group of voters who will be helping out when it comes to election time.

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Very good news!

I've been dropping his name every chance I get since he declared his candidacy. This announcement really sweetens the deal IMO.

If I was standing in front of you I'd shake your hand.  standing around, waiting to go vote won't win this election.  Astorino needs a lot of help being known and thought about.  There's a huge reason Cuomo never says his name or dodges discussing him.  It's a long standing proven tactic in politics.  Cuomo changing this tactic is the worst thing he could do, now anybody listening to him knows Astorino is there and acknowledged as a running mate.


You have a better chance using your time and money to try to turn some Assembly or Senate seats.  


Barring a ridiculous scandal breaking in the next few months, Andy isn't losing this election, no matter how much that pains me to say.  

this is one of the most things that pisses me off and loses elections.  it kills hope and puts the Governor on a mountain top.  Nothing personal but if it's truly pains you, then you shouldn't be saying this.  it's ok if you think that.  when someone asks you though if you think King Cuomo will fall, you say absolutely!!  He's reign is going to fall and NY will once again be the Empire state and not the state of an Emperor.  Your voice can be a catalyst for change, so use it!  Be clear and concise, but not repetitive and others will listen to what you're saying and follow suit.  A voter who votes might be just a sheep.  A voter who votes and has a voice commands a legion for change.

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also bubba is right as long as an anti-gun political figure is in office he or she will push toward no guns in existence.  what he said is the obvious next step.  also you won't be able to bring ammo into NY either is another that might be coming.  that along with chipping away at the deficit to fund the NYSP system will cause ammo prices to sky rocket and become hard to find.  no ammo... people who aren't so trigger happy might just sell their gun or two.  it'll be clouded with things that seem reasonable to many but with hidden text in there like I mentioned that hits us like a ton of bricks.

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if Astorino is a Republican who gets elected in downstate, in Westchester county so close to NYC, then he has to be a good choice and there has to be great reasons for electing him.

You know, that's a pretty good point. If the guy is so un-electable how on earth did he win elections in Westchester. The guy must have something. I just wish that he could get more exposure among all of the NYS voting population. What will get him big (positive) headlines? It should be starting now. I don't want another Republican candidate that two years after the election everybody is saying, "What was the name of that guy that ran against Cuomo in 2014?". We've had enough of those guys. His campaign committee has to get busy and innovative.


I personally think Cuomo's popularity is over-blown and based on apathy. We should be able to beat a guy like him. He has made a lot more enemies than just gun owners. We've got to get those people energized as well. We may find ourselves alongside of some people that we normally would not want to associate with, but if we can use them, then we had better do so.


Well yeah, that all sounds real good, but there still is that nagging question, "How?"

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Well, if you read it on the internet, it must be true.



I guess you missed the sentence that said I am getting this directly from a friend of mine who is an assemblyman?  What you choose to believe is up to you.

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Doc,  They just had the nominations and he just picked his running mate.  he is going full force now.  Go to his web site and check his schedule.  He will be all over the state from now until November.

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