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September bear season?


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We have done it for about 5 years now.Very tough to hunt,hunt the food and the fresh sign and don't be afraid to put on some shoe leather to find fresh sign or foods that they are hitting.Beach nuts,cherries,berry bushes it could be anything and will change week to week if not day to day,don't rule out farms that are both active and inactive.We would go into our spots the month before and set up cams and have them in our area(pics on the cams,tracks and scat you know the deal) and when the season is on then they are gone.Last year and this year I have trips to maine planned so I wont be back up in the ADK to hunt them till next year more than likely.I want to find a active farm up there and get permission.From what I here they do a number on corn that is still up when the first cold snap hits.Good luck

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are you guys going to hunt it? or is it too hot out for you?

Too hot?? Haha I' went up on two occasions and stayed in a tent. It got down to the low 30s during the night.. Talk about totally different that hunting down state. We found some fresh bear tracks and scat but never encountered any bears. It was fun though.

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When this idea was first announced months ago it sounded great to me. Maybe I was sad that deer season just ended and the prospect of getting in the woods early for bear this year was very appealing. Now that we've gotten closed to september I am questioning how buggy and warm it will be. Going up and down mountains could be especially rough in the heat. Then, if lucky to get one, that is gonna be one hell of a drag. Then again maybe I should stop sounding all grumpy about it and just get out there and do it.

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Honestly the 3-4 years we've done it its been really decent,20-50 most years one year was 40-70's but still nice.The bugs weren't bad,I just wore my bug headnet and I don't notice them.I like the season because it gets you out earlier and its a great weekend to go up with a good group of guys and unwind,eat some great food and hunt.I would hunt the am and pm but also do some trout fishing with my rifle slung over my shoulder.I actually saw a moose the last time we were up.Thought I had a monster bear coming at me and I was ready till a small bull moose stepped out at 40 yards out of some tag alders.Super awesome experience!!!Heres a game cam pic of him earlier that year



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it would be alot better if we could have a 10-14 day hound season then, and that would help with population control best. it would also help the farmers best with all the corn damage they do.

if they added hounds and bait hunting you might even get some guides interested in running bear hunting operations..........probably wouldn't be a bad thing.

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Im not a hound guy,but hounds do get results.I know guys that run them for coyotes.My guide in Maine that I go to also has a guy that runs them also.This year 2 of our crew thats going to Maine in September are running them with dogs.I may tag along with one of them just to experience it and also maybe film the hunt.We will see though.I would love to see them open up a baiting season,I think it would be a great thing for them here in NY

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in ny there is a season where can run them with hounds with a special permit, only just to run them, you can't have any weapons with you. so we take videos and pics. it goes from july 1 to the middle of september, it did go into october but with opening bow season early now, we lost a couple of weeks of it. some pics for you to see





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are you guys going to hunt it? or is it too hot out for you?

About 3 or 4 years ago, we had a bear come through and stay for a couple of nights. He grabbed the trash can and dragged up through the woods scattering garbage and trash all over the woods. Then he bent down the bird feeder to get to the seed (pretty heavy iron water pipe) and chewed and smashed the feeder. Then he took off for parts unknown, never to be seen again. I have not seen tracks, scat, or actual sightings since then. I don't know why, we have some stretches of woods that go for miles without any breaks. It's kind of perfect bear country, but no sign or activity.


So I could go out and sit in the woods until mold started growing on me and still never see a bear. So it's not too likely that I will be sitting out there pretending to be bear hunting, sweating and swatting bugs. Maybe some day if some bears decide to take up residence in the area. But even then, as big as this woods is, and as few bears as there are, the odds of actually being able to get within shooting distance are pretty slim (other than some dumb-luck chance encounter).


That's the long answer ..... The short answer is .... "no". If I have time on my hands, I'll likely be squirrel hunting and actually get something for the effort.....lol.

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machinist, i do for the enjoyment of of good hound work, just like everything else there is good days and bad days. there's days you don't get a track going, and you do get out ran by a 80-100 pound bear, known as track stars. all in all i do it for the dogs, i've ran bear in maine, and vermont once


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