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Team Legend 2014 hunting journal


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Back at it for 2014! We will be down 2 players this season. Zach is attending University of Arizona so he is out of site but not mind. Eric who joined us last gun season (my nieces husband is still overseas serving) won't be home until december. We are changing it up and only doing two long trips, 1 for bow and 1 bow/gun this year. 5 days starting Oct 17th and 6 days starting Nov 13th. Too many commitments this year to get away every other weekend. Fields are still in corn and we have two nice plots full of clover. I haven't been up to check cams in a month so I don't know whats going on. Good luck all hunt safe, hunt smart!

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10/17 morning hunt. I was in the bottom stand my brother top food plot stand. I saw two turkeys

for the morning. I have two fresh scrapes and about 40 yards away I have a huge scrape line.

5 scrapes all about 4 feet round. Brother saw 4 deer, 4 pt, 2 doe and a button buck. We are headed to Cortland this afternoon to see his daughter play soccer. Back at it tomorrow for 4 days :) wether report looks great with snow showers Sat night!

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What a day! I saw 8 deer this morning but no shots. Brother didn't see any until this afternoon. 

Had two doe pass me and head to my brothers stand. He shot at the 2nd doe but missed. After those doe passed me I saw saw the biggest coyote of my life on their trail, looked like a wolf. 

About 5:00 I see a big deer above me and he has head gear. A decent 8 pt that I would shoot. He angles down and stops and is watching behind me. I hear grunts and its a nice size spike missing his left side. They meet and do a joint scape, the 8pt pissed 2nd! The spike starts to walk up to me and looks right at me, thought I was busted but continues to walk. The 8 follows suite looks twice at me but continues to walk. I miss judge the distance and shoot right over him. Hey at least we are consistent at missing and no harm was done to the deer! lol here is a little clip of my miss.

New Project 9.mov

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Burt, that video did MORE harm to me, than your arrow did to the deer.  All the movement in the video made me dizzy, while absolutely NO harm was done to the deer.  LOL  Maybe you should put up a big TV in the woods where you can show the deer your shaky videos and get them dizzy enough where you can fling a few more arrows at them while they stand there nauseous. That might be your only chance to connect on one.  LOL






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Wasn't me holding the camera, I hired a chipmunk to do the job-they work for peanuts! lol

That is an iPhone on a jackknife mount on the bow. 


We were at it all day, I saw 6 doe 1 4pt and an unknown. Had a huge single doe bust me at 5:00

she had to be a 3.5 year old. I had her at 30 yards broadside. Didn't shoot, just didn't feel it. After that she ruined the hunt by blowing 10 times at me while bounding away…..should of shot.lol

Brother saw some doe also but no shots. deer are really hitting the acorns hard. Maybe one last shot tomorrow morning if its not raining. Scrapes are everywhere but not any huge rubs which is puzzling.


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We didn't hunt this morning. At 5 am the rain was coming down pretty good. I moved my stand to a tree that concealed me a bit better. Too many doe busting my outline against the sky. Oh yeah just wanted to introduce our new neighbor…………….I would like to meet him soon!!!


Edited by First-light
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Nice buck there!!


You need to trim some shooting lanes in the vid spot.

I actually moved the stand back and into a much bigger tree. That is the double rail stand I put up this year. I am looking right up into the bedding area 30 yards away. It is on an incline so when they come out of the thick stuff we are eye to eye. The does were picking me right up. After the last hunt I moved it to a much bigger tree and my outline will not be visible, just tree in the background not sky. Yes I did more trimming. Will hunt the stand last two days of bow and then gun.

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We didn't hunt this morning. At 5 am the rain was coming down pretty good. I moved my stand to a tree that concealed me a bit better. Too many doe busting my outline against the sky. Oh yeah just wanted to introduce our new neighbor…………….I would like to meet him soon!!!




Burt, are you sure you didn't photoshop OUT of the picture the tongue that this buck was sticking out at you??   That 8 pointer you missed told him you don't shoot too good, so he probably came over to tease you a bit.  The big buck came over to the camera to say "nah nah nah nah nahhhhh, you'll never shoot me!"  LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's about time we get back to camp and hunt!! Brother picking me up in the city tonight. We will bow hunt two days and then gun hunt 4. I'll head over to my old hunting grounds on Sunday to hunt with my Brother in law. Going to need a lot of time in the woods to think about taking a package at work and starting a whole new career. 30 years commuting to the city spending 11-13 hours of the day is taking a toll on me. Good luck to all and I will have my laptop so I will report in. No misses this hunt I'm dialed in for recovery!!!!

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Good luck!

Just in case here are a few excuses to have at the ready.

My scope fogged up

The buck moved at the last second

I didn't see that tree

The deer was too close

The deer was too far

It was just a warning shot

I had my eyes closed so it was more of a challenge

The bullet was in the chamber backwards

That should be enough for you guys for a few days.

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Saw 3 doe and a spike in the morning. Afternoon hunt had a broken rack 8 pt at 35 yards. Didn't shoot. 

11/14 Had one doe come in and that was it. 1 in a million happened today. My bow fell from my stand hit my rope that I bring it up with. The clip at the end wound around the stabilizer and stopped the fall. I was able to pull it up minus an arrow with no damage!!!!

Last bow hunt tonight!!

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