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Why they wear Back Tags in Wisconsin


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So if you are a bad guy, wouldn't not wearing a back tag tip some one off that you are said bad guy? Sometimes its better to hide in plain sight, if I were to set out to do something bad I would do my best to blend in ie.. wear a back tag, and hope that no one could get my number as Im sure it would be hard to spot at a distance in the brush. So my thinking is that backtags are not an evil exstension of the Government and I will continue to wear mine in both the NZ and SZ with out fear of the CIA knocking on my door.  ::P

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NOW CULVER YOU ARE CALLING ME NO GOOD. I do not wear a back tag in southern zone other than deer hunting. The wardens do not care if I am coon hunting, rabbit hunting or coyote hunting and do not have my tag on. Deer hunting then there is a problem. Deer hunters and crybabies who worry about what everyone else is doing is their own worse enemy!

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NOW CULVER YOU ARE CALLING ME NO GOOD. I do not wear a back tag in southern zone other than deer hunting. The wardens do not care if I am coon hunting, rabbit hunting or coyote hunting and do not have my tag on. Deer hunting then there is a problem. Deer hunters and crybabies who worry about what everyone else is doing is their own worse enemy!

Definitely not my intention NY. I was making comments in general and if the regs don't require it you don't have to wear it. There is something about deer season that turns some hunter wacky. I have never heard of big poacher/trespasser problem in squirrel season...lol

"Deer hunters and crybabies who worry about what everyone else is doing is their own worse enemy!"

No that is a problem for me. I do worry about what others are doing. We all get painted with the same brush...wrong or not. I am not turning a blind eye with someone I hunt with or anyone I see in the field that is breaking the law. If you choose to do that...that is your choice. A poacher is getting a call made about them...a trespasser on my land is getting called in.

I think safety and ethics is something WE must hold our brothers accountable for...the state shows little desire to really enforce the laws with their stupid little penalties. Hell a charge for hunting without a license is probably cheaper than an out of state'ers  tag

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NOW CULVER YOU ARE CALLING ME NO GOOD. I do not wear a back tag in southern zone other than deer hunting. The wardens do not care if I am coon hunting, rabbit hunting or coyote hunting and do not have my tag on. Deer hunting then there is a problem. Deer hunters and crybabies who worry about what everyone else is doing is their own worse enemy!

Guess what bub, if you arent wearing your backtag while hunting in the SZ, you are breaking the law. The truth hurts, eh?

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Nope, I speed pretty regularly, but I always stop completely at stop signs. I wasnt aware that we were talking traffic laws here. I do however, comply with ALL hunting regulations. I think its pretty funny that you brag about breaking the game laws on a hunting website and then get all defensive when someone calls you out on it. Pretty funny bub.  :)

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I never said I don't believe in any laws.  Who ever said I do, makes me believe some people respond without reading posts, or don't comprehend what they read.

I said, If the law doesn't do anything but harass law abiding citizens, I'm against it and want it repealed as soon as possible. 

I have never been given a summons for not wearing it, but don't like the idea that I could be.  In the Catskill Park I don't have to wear it anyway.

If you think you are abiding by all the games laws when you hunt, wait until you get written up for something you didn't even know you were doing wrong.  There are so many regs on the books now, you need to be a lawyer, or hire one, to make sure you are in compliance with all of them from the moment you step into the field.  I've never been written up for anything, but have seen peers chastised by officers for violating rules I never knew existed and find to be unjust.  And the intimidation attitude these guys can adopt pisses me off as well.  They work for the people, they are not above them!

Call me what ever you like, but I cherish my freedom and am old enough to remember when I had a lot more of it.  And as the government gets closer to bankruptcy, watch your azz, because they start to see these laws as ways to increase revenue, at your expense!  It's a way to tax you without calling it a tax.  And you can't complain because you violated a law.  Even if that law says you can't shoot a deer and chew gum at the same time. 

I love the one that says if you have a loaded firearm LEANING against your vehicle, you can be charged with having a loaded firearm IN your vehicle.  How in Hades did we ever allow that piece of dictatorial dung to become a law??

I guess you guys are OK with Red Light cameras or speed cameras or any of the other money making devices the states are setting up now too.  A device that is installed on the sole premise of increasing revenue.  Only thing is they are often wrong, but you have to pay the fine and take the points anyway, because the courts believe they are infallible, when much evidence shows they are not. 

Question authority and stand up for your freedom and your rights when they are attacked.  For all those who trust the government totally, I pray you wake up before it is too late.

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It is, believe it or not.

Someone said we all get painted with the same brush when one of us does something wrong.  Seems to me that's why we have Blaze Orange laws and back tag laws in some states.

The authorities have decided we are all stupid and shoot at anything that moves, so we must wear B/O as a signal we are not a deer.  Damn we all dumb!  (Now idiots just shoot at things moving when they are not wearing b/o).  That accounts for why more people get shot who are not wearing it, but can anyone tell me if the percentage of people getting shot is higher than it was prior to the b/o laws?  I strongly suspect b/o causes some of the victims to get shot because the shooter assumes if the target were human it would be wearing orange.

Back tags are required because we are all assumed to be law breakers.  It makes it easy for authorities to nail you when, not if, you violate a law.  Trouble is I doubt one person on this board could read the current NY state hunting license unless it was in your hands and within 2 feet of your eyes.

Too many dumb laws are a sign of a very dumb electorate!

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SO...its ok to break traffic laws but we have to be Mr. Perfect with hunting laws? Hmmmmmmmmmmm...Answers a lot of lingiring questions with Ny hunting...BUB.

I didnt say its ok to break traffic laws, just admitted that I did it. I pride myself in not being a cheating hunter, so yes, I keep my nose clean with that.

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Try going back and reading the posts again.  You can be fined for not wearing it, period.  You did nothing wrong except forget to wear a back tag and you have to fork over cash?  How is that justified?

There is no logic to it unless you are on the side of the authorities.  It benefits them, not the hunters.  It's the law, so they have the  upper hand.  And that hand, in most cases, is reaching for your wallet.

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You can be fined for not obeying the law? Thats a big shock. Thats not harassing law abiding citizens, you wouldnt get the fine if you were obeying the law. So again I ask, what is the basis of harassing or the huge inconvenience with wearing a back tag?  ::)

Have you been fined for not wearing a back tag? How about you nycoyotehounds?

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Every one of your questions has been answered already.  I'm tired of repeating myself, especially since my efforts seem to fall on deaf ears.

How about this?  The laws are arbitrary, capricious and ineffective at preventing any type of unlawful activity.  They serve one purpose, to make money for the state. 

That's my final attempt.  Take it or leave it.

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