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NY Senator wants to ban machetes.....

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Im in agreeance that name calling is too much. But this bullcrap posting on non hunting politics is nothing more than gas on a fire. There are limitless forums where one can post such topics. Allowing it here is assinine. doc burmjohn and others made that choice so they shouldnt complain when an expected outcome arrives. They should enforce it stiffly or not and all, and shouldnt be whining about civility.



It's in the politics section of the site.  Nobody makes anyone read these posts here.  Besides there are many issues in politics that do directly affect hunting, hunters and gun owners.  Many have been discussed here in the past.  Why is it people who disagree with a political post can't destroy it with factual debate and intelligent responses?  Stooping to insults just proves they have no defense in the debate and have let frustration get the better of them.  I can't see how anyone thinks they win that way.

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BTW, what the DHS does. as far as labeling people threats, should very much concern people who happen to be gun owners.

Same goes for any ban on any type of implement someone wants to consider a dangerous weapon.


Edited by Mr VJP
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It's in the politics section of the site. Nobody makes anyone read these posts here. Besides there are many issues in politics that do directly affect hunting, hunters and gun owners. Many have been discussed here in the past. Why is it people who disagree with a political post can't destroy it with factual debate and intelligent responses? Stooping to insults just proves they have no defense in the debate and have let frustration get the better of them. I can't see how anyone thinks they win that way.

That is where we disagree. Many of these posts are proven to be nothing more than radical right wing bs. Papist is a hypocrite who turtles up when he is called out (not throwing insults or name calling - evidence is him stating he would show credentials if others did, i offered and he wouldnt respond or follow through, or terry asking for real world experience and Papist not being able to answer after sayinf Terry's real world experience wasnt accurate). You literally started a thread from one of the most right wing radical agenda groups in America....literally a portal of spew for racism...

Contrary to Papists thoughts, I am middle of the road conservative. I believe people like him and to a much lesser extent you just have an innability to see beyond political agenda.

Really, we should be talking about hunting. I dont want to see six degrees of Kevin Bacon as to why some radical islam topic is relevant to someone learning how to still hunt or scout or use a duck decoy. But we have that allowance and it overtakes the forum and people regress.

Doc asking for civility? More wars have started from politics and religion than anything else and he wants civility. He is taking the rodney king "cant we all just get along" approach to something that humankind cant resolve. Burmjohn im sure allows this for some reason, whether financial or otherwise, so it is what it is.

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When one of the chief proponents and users of ad hominem attack and character assassination starts talking about a lack of civility, is it time to call the men in white coats?

The irony here certainly hasn't been lost on me. And of course, we yet again see a tin-pot attempt to mold the world into the liberal's worldview, once things appear to be not going their way.

I hear North Korea is nice is this time of year Phade. Good attempt to preempt the fact that your lack of tolerance and consistency would indeed be brought into question. No dice though.

Papist, what did you say about posting your credentials?
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See, already with the deflection tactics once the truth is brought into the light of day. I can read you guys like a coloring book. You guys now know this to be the case. Hence all the histrionics.

How is calling you out when you said you would post credentials, and then back down anything other than truth? You are not capable of holding your word, and that is as much anti-American as anything youve ever psoted. You say you sre conservative yet just did a liberal move. Think about that for a second. Edited by phade
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I see what you're saying Phade.  But unless you can point out facts as to why a post is pure BS in your opinion, you are not debating the issues, you are attacking the poster.


If a post presents truth and it aggravates you, you're in denial.  If it's not true, prove it with facts.


Otherwise, it's best not to reply to it at all.  Attacking the poster is simply an attempt to shut down debate on an issue a person does not want debated.  The only reason I can think of for someone doing that is covering up truth and facts, or not having the facts at hand.  Either that, or their belief system is one of pure idol worship without ever investigating the truth of what they choose to believe.


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I see what you're saying Phade.  But unless you can point out facts as to why a post is pure BS in your opinion, you are not debating the issues, you are attacking the poster.


If a post presents truth and it aggravates you, you're in denial.  If it's not true, prove it with facts.


Otherwise, it's best not to reply to it at all.  Attacking the poster is simply an attempt to shut down debate on an issue a person does not want debated.  The only reason I can think of for someone doing that is covering up truth and facts, or not having the facts at hand.  Either that, or their belief system is one of pure idol worship without ever investigating the truth of what they choose to believe.



nailed it.

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That is where we disagree. Many of these posts are proven to be nothing more than radical right wing bs. Papist is a hypocrite who turtles up when he is called out (not throwing insults or name calling - evidence is him stating he would show credentials if others did, i offered and he wouldnt respond or follow through, or terry asking for real world experience and Papist not being able to answer after sayinf Terry's real world experience wasnt accurate). You literally started a thread from one of the most right wing radical agenda groups in America....literally a portal of spew for racism...

Contrary to Papists thoughts, I am middle of the road conservative. I believe people like him and to a much lesser extent you just have an innability to see beyond political agenda.

Really, we should be talking about hunting. I dont want to see six degrees of Kevin Bacon as to why some radical islam topic is relevant to someone learning how to still hunt or scout or use a duck decoy. But we have that allowance and it overtakes the forum and people regress.

Doc asking for civility? More wars have started from politics and religion than anything else and he wants civility. He is taking the rodney king "cant we all just get along" approach to something that humankind cant resolve. Burmjohn im sure allows this for some reason, whether financial or otherwise, so it is what it is.

Respectfully, I think saying "really, we should be talking about hunting" is short sighted. If even half of the "radical right wing BS" is true, eventually hunting will not be a reality, at least as we know it. We can stick our heads in the sand and choose not to be concerned with what's going on, but that's a personal choice. Attempting to stifle someone or to censor certain subject matter is bs. There are plenty of non political threads on this forum. No one is forced to read these.

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Keep allowing political nonhunting threads (not this one though) to proliferate on a hunting forum...and you harvest what you sow. We have already talked about this before though. Civility is nice, but politics and religion are rarely civil. Im sure some batwing will blab about free speech, but its a private forum. You guys can allow what you want. Just dont complian about something YOU know is going to happen as a result.

Surprisingly, we get into the same thing in hunting topics, and sometimes even worse. How about we learn how to converse in a civil fashion instead of curtailing topic selections? Asking a bit much ....eh?

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Respectfully, I think saying "really, we should be talking about hunting" is short sighted. If even half of the "radical right wing BS" is true, eventually hunting will not be a reality, at least as we know it. We can stick our heads in the sand and choose not to be concerned with what's going on, but that's a personal choice. Attempting to stifle someone or to censor certain subject matter is bs. There are plenty of non political threads on this forum. No one is forced to read these.

This is all we are talking about on a hunting site again. Thats my point. Talk about your mz you just bought. Not papist talking about some random village of islamic people who are a threat in his view. That isnt hunting. Nor is posting links from racist sites. Seriously, racist......it is what it though. People are free to do as they wish within the confines of private domain. Edited by phade
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Phade, Islam is not a race. You didn't realize this? 


And of course, crass accusations of racism based on nothing are part of the liberal playbook of thought control. You are giving us a master course in recognizing these tactics today. I thank you for that.


It must be starting to settle in, that the various responses to your comments are indicating that people are sensing your B.S. It is starting to stink really badly now. You seem to be unable to control yourself . The narrative is starting to unravel.


Saul Alinsky, the creator of the liberal playbook, said that using the same tired tactics over and over again becomes a drag and a bore. You need to figure out a new line of attack.

Edited by Papist
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Phade, Islam is not a race. You didn't realize this?

And of course, crass accusations of racism based on nothing are part of the liberal playbook of thought control. You are giving us a master course in recognizing these tactics today. I thank you for that.

It must be starting to settle in, that the various responses to your comments are indicating that people are sensing your B.S. It is starting to stink really badly now. You seem to be unable to control yourself . The narrative is starting to unravel.

Um, vjp posted a link from a racist site that promotes white/european white agenda. Pretty clear that is race.

Care to retract your statement? Shall I relink for you?

Edited by phade
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Racist site?  Who gave it that label?  The article posted was up for debate.  Not one person debated the truth or fiction in the article.  Even a racist site can publish truth.  If you think it's a lie, prove it, don't attack the source with unfounded labels.


Heck, the entire GOP has been labelled racist for that matter.  The NAACP isn't labelled racist though.  Why?


There are plenty of posts about hunting on this site if that's all you want to read.  Nobody's stopping you.


Edited by Mr VJP
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Um, vjp posted a link from a racist site that promotes white/european white agenda. Pretty clear that is race.

Care to retract your statement? Shall I relink for you?



Liberals often confuse race with culture in the culture war I note. Frankly, I know it to be a deliberate ploy, even if it is getting a little ragged around the edges these days. It's barley middle school in terms of it's intellectual power. Folks are sick of being labelled by people like you. Especially when it's so obviously asinine. 


Not much civility being demonstrated by you either I note. The mask has dropped!  lol

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Racist site? Who gave it that label? The article posted was up for debate. Not one person debated the truth or fiction in the article. Even a racist site can publish truth. If you think it's a lie, prove it, don't attack the source with unfounded labels.

Heck, the entire GOP has been labelled racist for that matter. The NAACP isn't labelled racist though. Why?

There are plenty of posts about hunting on this site if that's all you want to read. Nobody's stopping you.

Linking racist sites proves you cant find any other place that projects the ideals you believe is true. What does one draw from that? That you believe in racism? Support a racist agenda or site? Im asking in all honesty. You at the very least can post reasonable links and responses often, but that specific effort was out there. Edited by phade
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Funny how posting insults about "liberals" & "progressives" is civil but when the tides are turned it's chatacter assasination & attacks.


Typical dish it out but can't take it childishness.


Fact is if it wasn't for liberals & progeressives we would still be kissing the kings a-- & there would never have been the conservation movement that preserved the public lands & wildlife we hunt.


Teddy Roosevelt was a progeressive.

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