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Deer Poaching last night

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Maybe it was "the fuzz" finishing off a wounded deer from a MV accident?

Flashlights returning could have been squad car #2 making sure they got their man.....err.., deer.

DEC may not have responded to you if they already knew what was going on.

The neighbors interpretation of them "taking off" may have been just that...... an interpretation of them leaving the scene.

Did he get a look at the car?

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  On 4/3/2015 at 2:29 AM, stoneam2006 said:

Man wooly I think that would p*$$ me off more knowing that dec/Leo left it there to rot instead of making sure got to a local food bank


I don't know if that's what really happened. Just throwing it out there.

Sometimes the hardest part is getting any response from them at all to dispatch a wounded animal.

I don't know how much effort they put into seeing the meat goes to good use after that, but I've seen it go both ways.

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I personally believe the cops would have responded to a "shots fired" call even if it was a day after the fact unless they knew about it.

You know, there could be a body laying in the bushes that needs investigating and the deer was just a cover up to throw them off the trail.

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sitting top of the world one day, beggin for a dollar the next. you never know so i try not to judge unless i have all the facts.


from the looks of it if it was a poacher he was prolly just after meat. personally i would rather a guy who can hunt go grab his own meat if his family is starving then go beggin the government for help.


seeing a dead dear with his head chopped off and the body left to rot would piss me off waaaaaayy more than comming accross a guy carrying a doe outa the woods outa season unless that guy was shooting a golden AK47


just my opinion

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Wooly this deer was not hit by a car. One of the problems is with our county its a huge county and goes around the southern tip of Seneca Lake, so response time sucks. Also the Sheriffs dept is not the best in this County either. But after posting this picture on FB, it seems that a couple friends of mine have had the same thing happen on the next road over, and they seen a red vehicle with loud exhaust doing the same thing. So if they keep trying to do it, I think they will be caught as mosre people are on the look out now.

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it's important to due your due diligence and collect as much information to help the ECO's out.  many counties are big with them spread out.  reports after the fact is like a lost cause to them.  they don't have much of anything to go by.  talk to DEC and see if it's possible they have a decoy to set up if it's a reoccurring problem.  they might not have a antlerless decoy though.

you have the poaching problems of hunting over bait and what not that are pretty common.  however, the trespassing and shots at night with a light stuff goes on without enough of a penalty or fines.  many times it's the same individual that does it and has gotten caught in the past.  hardship my a$$... shooting a deer with a light, out of season, on someone else's property, and that close to someone else's house none the less is wrong.  what if kids were having a backyard camp out but sleeping with the fire out?!  they should lock them up and take away everything they used to jack the deer.  gun, ammo, truck, .... everything.


Edited by dbHunterNY
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  On 4/3/2015 at 11:48 AM, HectorBuckBuster said:

Wooly this deer was not hit by a car. One of the problems is with our county its a huge county and goes around the southern tip of Seneca Lake, so response time sucks. Also the Sheriffs dept is not the best in this County either. But after posting this picture on FB, it seems that a couple friends of mine have had the same thing happen on the next road over, and they seen a red vehicle with loud exhaust doing the same thing. So if they keep trying to do it, I think they will be caught as mosre people are on the look out now.

have they just been killing the deer and leaving them, or do they take them in the other cases?

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