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Black Citizens Denied Their 2nd Amendment Rights

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Where is the part about "Black citizens" being denied?……. In the county I live in ( Onondaga) pretty much everyone, black and white,  gets denied carry permits. Which is total BS. 

Edited by ants
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I guess I missed the racial connection too. But, the article does put an answer to those who ask the question about "Why are you all so afraid of a gun registration system?". Just like so much in the government, anytime the government inserts themselves into your life, you will find yourself on the short end of some bureaucrat's power assertion, and corruption and/or personal values will be forced on you.


Oh, and by the way, for those that like to bad-mouth and whine about the NRA, you might note that they are the only organization that is standing behind those whose 2nd Amendment rights are being systematically violated by the Indiana state government. For these victims, the NRA is their last line of defense. It's just one of many un-publicized and unrecognized benefits of the NRA.

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I don't get the part where the government can deny you a right to carry a firearm. I never understood that.

What is really outrageous is the fact that they can deny a permit W/O giving a reason.

THAT is what allows abuse of the system.

Edited by wildcat junkie
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This is a baseless racism complaint.  If they sue on that issue, they will lose, as Illinois denies almost every request for a carry permit.  race has nothing to do with it.


Now if the leftists believe blacks should be approved while whites continue to be denied, that is an issue to be concerned about.  That would be racism.


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What is really outrageous is the fact that they can deny a permit W/O giving a reason.

THAT is what allows abuse of the system.

Exactly right!!! A person has a clean record, has passed the background check and has gone through the process and its ... " We won't grant a carry permit…………Because we said so"   Sorry but my response to that is "who the hell are you?"

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Geiger & Glanton put the story out as a straight factual account and someone else came along and decided that it might sell better if he put a racial slant on it, especially in light of racial news in the headlines these days. Lol .... news media is becoming a joke. Always looking for the commercial edge, facts be damned.

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Geiger & Glanton put the story out as a straight factual account and someone else came along and decided that it might sell better if he put a racial slant on it, especially in light of racial news in the headlines these days. Lol .... news media is becoming a joke. Always looking for the commercial edge, facts be damned.

Thats why I would love to see the actual numbers. 

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Know why they get away with this type of permit abuse?  Because they have nothing to fear when they do it.  Until a victim can come up with lots of support and cash to bring it to court, nothing happens.  And when the court finds a clear abuse of an individual's rights, there is no penalty to be paid.


Maybe if political peons starting going to prison for violations of gun rights, like they would if they violated someone's civil rights, they would think twice about doing it.

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Watch the video to the end.  At no time was the black guy handcuffed.  He was not placed under arrest either.  When the other cop picks up his rifle, it was probably just to verify it was not loaded, which would be illegal.  


The video ends, but I'd bet anything he was allowed to leave once the police verified he was not a threat.  This is another example of the deceit some members of the black community are using to push their agenda.


This may happen to anyone who open carries, but they chose to use a video of a white guy who's well know to the cops and has been stopped many time before.


With all of the cops being shot these days by blacks, can you blame them for wanting to go home safe at the end of their shift.  If blacks want to blame anyone for the way they are treated by cops, they can blame the radical members of their own race. Those are the folks who gave them the reputation they have with the police.


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Were the neighborhoods similar as far as crime rate and gun related violence?? why did the white guys rifle seemed to be slung much farther out of reach than the black guys rifle? Need more info.


Either way I would have drawn down on both of them.

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