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Hunter education course

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My oldest grandson is now interested in taking the hunter education course. I would prefer we do it the old fashion way,and go to a local gun club. But he has a friend that took the course on line,and wants to go that route. So my question is, can he take an online course in nys,and is it something anyone is familiar with as far as knowing a young person that has done it.

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My oldest grandson is now interested in taking the hunter education course. I would prefer we do it the old fashion way,and go to a local gun club. But he has a friend that took the course on line,and wants to go that route. So my question is, can he take an online course in nys,and is it something anyone is familiar with as far as knowing a young person that has done it.

I think the online courses are only available in certain areas......but as far as my kids were concerned, sitting through the course came nowhere close to what they learned going out with me and me instructing them.

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You are absolutely right jjb4900!Both boys have been going out with me for a few years now. They are 11 and 13. They are very good shooting with bow and gun,are very safety conscious and becoming fine young woodsmen. The younger one is the one who eats,sleeps and breathes the outdoors. No problem with him. All he talks about is hunting and fishing and outdoor stuff. He says he can't wait to deer hunt. The older one is an honorers student that is into computers and that is why he was asking about the on line course. He didn't want to take the course last year so I didn't push it. Now I just want him to get certified so we can small game hunt and let him carry his own gun with me this fall.

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I just sat through the 16 hr course again this past April with my sister.

I can't say that they covered anything there that couldn't be taught through an online course.... but I have no clue what that online deal involves.

As a matter of fact, the instructors at the course we took made a point to emphasize details of their lecture that "...may, or may not be on the test" as they covered them.


I wouldn't sweat how you grandkids get their certificates. Keep in mind it's a general SAFETY course and not a "how to hunt" class.

 Probably not as important as the habits they're taught after they graduate to the real world classroom where they'll learn from other, more experienced hunters (like yourself) around them.


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I sat through the whole thing again when my wife got her hunter safety certification.  she needs to do bow still as she only wants to hunt with a bow.  they're take home work books then just show up for test/field day now for all of them around her.

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My oldest grandson is now interested in taking the hunter education course. I would prefer we do it the old fashion way,and go to a local gun club. But he has a friend that took the course on line,and wants to go that route. So my question is, can he take an online course in nys,and is it something anyone is familiar with as far as knowing a young person that has done it.



Even if you take an online course, you still need to attend classes.  You do not get certified until you do.  All that is done in the online course is book work.   the rest still needs to be demonstrated.  Check the dec website, they list both home study and regular classes all the time. 

Edited by bubba
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I am not a fan of those on-line coarses for hunter education. I suppose if they have them in your area, and you will be going out with him to teach him the do's and don'ts he should be fine with the on-line coarses.

Here's what I found about the topic at DEC website:



Posted the link to the DEC page. Is there another page for this info?

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Thanks guy's. I'm hoping to schedule a course with a local gun club soon with both boys. I just feel it will be a little more interesting than an online course. They are now in baseball season and at least one is playing all stars,that will extend the season a bit. So I may have to take them separately depending on their and the course schedules. I will naturally,sit through the course with them and explained that it will be kind of a "grampy time" with them,and that,we all love to have. I also explained that the real learning and fun will start as we hunt together.

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Online is only part-one to getting your basic hunter safety permit, most still go to a day class for the exam and filed test.  By sitting through the classes, you also get some real world tips, examples, and demos at each session.


My daughter took hers this spring in Sullivan Co..  They had 4 firearms on hand (breach, bolt, pump, and a demo pistol [non-firing]) to show different actions and go through with each student the handling proceedures.  They even had a "field" walk carrying practice in her class (3-person group carrying down a wood road making turns and navigating trees, bushes, and a ditch safely).


Last day had lot of daylight left and the instructor had ammo to do some shooting, so they got to shoot .22's, .410, and 20 gauge at stationary targets and practice their safey skills when handling and loading.  That also provided a demo of what a 22 and 20 gauges can do when they imapct a target to drive home the importantance of safe handling and knowing what is beyond your target.


That was great for the total newbies (never been out with hunting friend/relative, let alone fire a gun at a target) like couple city people, as in NYC residents, that were in the class.  Those people were also instructed to file permit for having a firearm in NYC since this was all new to them and did not know that there are also local firearm laws that have to be followed.

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