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Ark yet....Our daughter sent me a picture from her place yesterday...not in a flood zone...and the road to her house looked like the Mississippi River! Hope everyone is doing OK out there ...be careful of flooded roads....

Edited by growalot
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I was going to the basement yesterday afternoon and to my surprise I had a couple inches of water all over the place . The sump pump had quit . I had a new backup but had go scoot to the store and get a check valve that would fit the pump and discharge pipe . Got 'r done and got the water level way down . Spent over an hour sweeping water to the drain channels . Running a fan which has helped a lot .

With my little problem , I feel pity for those in flooded areas that have lost houses , belongings , etc . It has to be devastating to lose so much !

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I am sitting here 1000' off the road with no driveway in sight for an escape. It is not all that unusual for us to periodically get flooded, but this is the highest I have seen the water .... ever. We built up the hill a bit, so we are high and dry, so to speak. But I worry about those people down along side the road. I'll be making some calls later on to see how people are making out. I am suspecting the worst from what I can see up here.

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On our way home yesterday afternoon, we watched a home about a mile or two from my house with a 30 foot wide waterfall flowing into it from runoff behind it. I drive by that place every day and have never seen it flooded like that. Later on I had to go to Canandaigua and there were a few roads over in Bloomfield shut down because they were flooded. Clogged and over capacity culverts were causing all kinds of water to flow right down 5&20 in a couple of spots too. Some parking lots over in Avon were under a bunch of water too. The ground is so wet at this point, all it takes is a little rain to get the flooding started.

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I was wondering what was going to get my garden this year. Looking at the water drowning out the veggies yesterday, I don't have to wonder anymore.


"......How high's the water Mama..... three feet high and rising ....."  Yup, there's parts of my driveway where Johnny Cash had it exactly right. And the water depth in the garden is trying to catch up.

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My garden has been officially cut in half the field I have been planting pumpkins,squash and corn in is a stream. in fact none of my plots have even been turned over yet and the round up killed first flush but they are all green again...looks like late summer fall planting for every thing...it hasn't kept the deer away though...I have spotted singles and 2 sets of twins on the property and Talked to a doe and last years fawn along side the road on the way to the gym...she stood 15 ft away as I rolled down the window and said " Hi Momma ,are you having a good day? Your looking well."...they just turned and hopped through my road side pines to the Oh so empty field. I haven't checked our actual streams yet...we have 6 but when the weather gets like this 8 open up and flow...last night we heard a rather large tree break and then fall to the ground with a significant crash.... shallow, rocky wet ground...I won't be driving the Gator through the woods for a while...At least while walking I can hear cracks and attempt a run or back my self up to a nearby tree ...

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last night we heard a rather large tree break and then fall to the ground with a significant crash..

Well I went to feed the chickens and unfortunately found that tree...Again let me say THIS is why I am a tad afraid to use my climbers...of course it fell in the middle of a 3 trail intersection...THANKFULLY it missed the chicken coop..This is, as you can see, a healthy LOOKING basswood tree...basswood is what ladders are made from...in all my years...I have never seen a bass wood, this size especially, snap off like this....

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Not much flooding down here in Westchester, but definitely a lot of rain. I've had my pool open since early April and had to add water 0 times. Not a typo, 0 times thanks to all the rain. Crazy.I don't know for sure, but I believe the typical evaporation rate is like an inch or so per week.

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