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Louisiana movie theater shooting yesterday.


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Get ready for more gun control nonsense. ......I guess the Louisiana and Tennessee governments have not learned that gun fee zone signs don't Work .

I had enough. It's time to apply for my CCW permit ...

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Despite the fact that whites are responsible for just 2.5% of gun crime in major cities like NYC


Liberals on Twitter rushed to exploit the Lafayette theater shooting before the bodies were even cold, demanding that all “white men” be stripped of their Second Amendment rights in response to the tragedy.



Edited by Papist
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The thing is, no matter how many gun laws they pass, even if they were to abolish the second ammendment. It would not stop some deranged individual from getting a gun and creating havoc. Stricter gun laws may make it just a bit harder for criminals and deranged individuals to get their hands on a firearm. But they will get them easily enough. The only people that suffer with the strictest gun laws, are the law abiding citizens. What a shame and what a travesty.

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Good thing none of the people in the theater were armed…..Those Yahoo, incompetent  idiots would have just shot each other and caused more horror. Phew. …….The victims did the right thing….Lay there and take it.

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Ain't Neva Scared. Can't think about things like this. It's a shame it happened, but you gotta live life (unscared). Many times on the train I'm sitting next to an odd character with a backpack, I can't worry about if it's a bomb etc. Cant live your life consumed with worrying

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Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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Neva scared

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Now that is one video that should be sent out through out the entire inner city community. If that won't stop inner city violence nothing will…….. Excellent message!!!   

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We all know that more gun laws will not impact the rate of gun violence. It hasn't happened yet and there is no reason to believe that it ever will.




Every one of these mass killings produces more and more people hardening their philosophy against gun owner freedoms. You are all aware that polls show the repeal efforts for the Safe Act do not really fare well with the general NYS population. I think there is becoming a panicky mentality that is struggling for a solution. I don't believe there is necessarily any logic involved in that frustration and panic but I do believe that we are going to see changes that we will be very uncomfortable with. I also believe it is only a matter of time before average hunting weapons and ammo are impacted, and I don't think there will be anything we can do about it as long as these senseless killings continue.


It doesn't really matter what logic and numbers tells us. get enough regularly occurring mass murders, and public opinion will turn on us and run us over.

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Gun free zones are nothing more then buckets of bass for cowards.  If there was a respectable doubt that someone can shoot back these bastards would be shooting them up.  The Dark Knight in Aurora picked a theatre that was Gun Free, passing up other theaters that were more populated by were not gun free,.... coincidence????  Its almost like there is an agenda, not to sound crazy, that is allowing these things to happen with greater frequency.  I know its a copy cat, but its putting us under scrutiny for nothing we've done or will ever do.  So I guess equal protection under the law will only apply to the lawless and the agenda victims.  

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This is yet another scenario of a mental case who was known to be a danger to himself and others.


His family tried to have him committed in 2008. Why his family thought it was fine for him to have fire-arms is another question we likely will never know the answer to. This was yet another avoidable tragedy, not another lone-wolf disgruntled conservative, as some media outfits have erroneously tried to report.

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while the shooting is tragic and horrible for the victims and their family here is my guarantee the shooter is nuts and a product of either a theorist agenda or legit mentally ill and mis managed.  The gun was probably attained under legitimate circumstances and that is what will be an issue here.  Just guesses.

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The whole CNN lib commentary was about POTUS feeing bad for not being able to change our Bill of Rights.....  Its a sad day when the Media is soon in the pocket of the politicians.  Vomit in my mouth....


It's even sadder when some hunters insist on being belligerently inured against a media that wants them disarmed. May as well join the other team at that point. 

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