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Why we get a bad name as Deer hunters.


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I just wish you morons would type your insults a little better, with all of the jibberish and missed key strokes its hard to read them and make sense of them. At least we all found out what happens when a bunch of ego maniacs get together on one thread finally,  :;) .

He I resemble that remark.....I mean resent...LOL :P

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On this stamp i bet theres more deer than on the mountain..and i probably passed on more this yr than your last 5 yrs..jackwagon..and i can come home..eat..and go right back to it...oh the mountains..that makes you numero uno...

Don't bet on that one pal. you have no idea the areas I hunt and the amount of deer i have seen. I was mearly pointing out since you were putting so much faith in that phone of yours that I wouldn't put all your faith in it. GPS is great but no substitute for a good ole fashioned compass. and the skills required to hunt the bigger woods is far different than a 200 acre plot...whick is a postage stamp by comparison....so that makes me a jackwagon.

Obviously your mother and father (assuming you know who they are) should have spent a little more time beating some civility and manners into that thick skin of yours. All I can say Pat.....you have to get a license to cut hair in this state but any dope can breed....I hope you find some way to do a better job than your parents did

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Jackwagon ..... I like that one. I have no idea what a jackwagon is, and I don't suppose anyone else does either. Those ads have got to be some of the best on TV. My current favorite is the woodchucks chucking wood. ;D


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