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Cuomo's girlfriend

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Well, here's my take on the whole Cuomo thing. I didn't vote for him because of his publicly noted idealogy. We lost .... he won. I'm not happy with that, but that's the way it worked out. Now I hear this leftist pinko commie making speeches that make him sound far more fiscally conservative than good ol' Paladino. Ok, so let's see just whether the actions and results follow along with the current words and attitudes. At this point, we don't have a lot of options anyway....lol. We've got plenty of time to bad-mouth him if he turns out to be a liar and a con artist. But for the time being, as long as he is taking positions that need to be taken, I'm just going to sit back and watch and listen. Temporarily at least, it may be useful to have him operating from a position of strength. He's got an awful lot of pinkos in his own party that are going to have to be dealt with if he is going to succeed with the spending slashing that he needs to do for the state to survive. I'm not too interested in interfering with that part of the process by nit-picking him to death ...... yet.

It's going to be interesting to watch the fiscal condition of NYS begin to twist the normal democrat liberal idealogy. Kind of hard on those libs to have to begin to adopt conservative methods particularly when it is the head of their party that has to push conservative financial values the hardest. I'm actually kind of enjoying this a bit ..... lol. Let's just see where it all leads.

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Marion Cuomo was one of the worst leftist liberal Governors NY ever had. 

The Cuomo family is also known nationally as one of the most liberal political families in the country.

There is an old saying, "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

  L'audace, l'audace,

  toujours l'audace!

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Here is how I see it... The state comes up with a budget... then tries to find a way to afford that budget... so they tax the people then borrow some money to make things balance out. Excuse me if I'm old school.. but isn't it suppose to be?.. check you wallet... ok i have $100 bucks for groceries.. so my budget is $100...then go out and buy groceries staying within the $100 buget. NOT.. buy $150 of groceries.. check you're wallet... oops have only $100.. then go around the store and ask people for money... then next week do it all over again.. :) Wonder what the girlfriend is gonna cost us?

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Some of us are just tired of getting it when we bend over.

Some of us have long memories and can smell a skunk in the dark too.

In 2000, Cuomo led HUD efforts under Bill Clinton to negotiate an agreement with the United States' largest handgun manufacturer, Smith & Wesson  that required Smith & Wesson to change the design, distribution and  marketing of guns to make them safer and to help keep them out of the  hands of children and criminals.[5]

Budgets enacted during his term contained initiatives to increase the  supply of affordable housing and homeownership, and to create jobs and  economic development. These include: new rental assistance subsidies;  reforms to integrate public housing; higher limits on mortgages insured  by the Federal Housing Administration; a crackdown on housing discrimination; expanded programs to help homeless people get housing and jobs; and creation of new Empowerment Zones.

  height=158 width=120http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/03/Andrew_Cuomo.gif[/img]    height=11 width=15http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png[/img]  Cuomo as HUD Secretary      During Cuomo's tenure as HUD Secretary, he called for an increase in home ownership.[6] He also pushed government-sponsored lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to buy more home loans issued to poor homeowners, in an attempt to end discrimination against minorities.[4] Some believe that this helped lead to the current subprime mortgage crisis.[6][4][7]  Edward J. Pinto, former chief credit officer at Fannie Mae, said "they  should have known the risks were large. Cuomo was pushing mortgage  bankers to make loans and basically saying you have to offer a loan to  everybody." 

So, how did you like that banking and sub prime mortgage fiasco of 2008?

  Video Evidence: Andrew Cuomo at the Heart of the Mortgage Melt Down  By Lonely Conservative          Ed Morrissey  posted this clip of Andrew Cuomo in October of 2008. It was taken when  Cuomo was HUD Secretary under President Clinton. Also notable is that  Kirsten Gillibrand worked for Cuomo at the time, so she was in on it  too.

This is what Cuomo said at the time:

<blockquote>CUOMO: To take a greater risk on these mortgages, yes. To give families mortgages that they would not have given otherwise, yes.

    Q: [unintellible] … that they would not have given the loans at all?

    CUOMO: They would not have qualified but for this affirmative action on the part of the bank, yes.

    Q: Are minorities represented in that low and moderate income group?

    CUOMO: It is by income, and is it also by minorities? Yes.

    CUOMO: With the 2.1 billion, lending that amount in  mortgages — which will be a higher risk, and I’m sure there will be a  higher default rate on those mortgages than on the rest of the portfolio …</blockquote>  You heard and read that right. Andrew Cuomo said the banks would be  giving people loans they would not have otherwise been qualified for.  He said those people would default on those loans. He and the rest of  them knew what would happen and they went ahead and did it anyway. Be  sure to read Morrissey’s commentary  explaining how the CRA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Bill Clinton,  Andrew Cuomo and Congress brought about the mess we’re in today with  the housing market.

If you ask me, their actions were criminal. 


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I cringe at the  idea that voters would elevate Andrew Cuomo to high office, and  it's also based on memories of his tenure as housing secretary. Not the  Fannie Freddie subprime end of it, although I concede that in a  strictly economic sense those were the most damaging things he did. No,  what I find permanently hard to forgive is the way Cuomo threw himself  into the role of chief national cheerleader for the municipal anti gun  litigation of the 1990s and early 2000s. 

    Read About It:   The Cato Institute

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If you give a starving beggar the keys to your home, you best count the silverware and be constantly vigilant.

My question is, why would you do that in the first place?

Time will tell, but you can't turn the clock back afterwards.

It's sad that this is the best NY state can offer, as far as a leader goes.

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It's sad that this is the best NY state can offer, as far as a leader goes.

What is sad is that Paladino was the best that the Republican party could come up with. Along with a lot of others, I had to hold my nose to vote for him. The whole campaign was an absolute joke with the outcome being known months before the voting. Yes much of that was due to the liberal posture of the average NYS voter, but we know from the past that Republicans can be elected here. We also know that the opportunity was there for that to happen this year with a severly wounded Democrat party and Paterson at the helm. The opportunity was completely squandered with the nomination of a guy who was totally ill-prepared for the campaign. The Republicans (and my Conservative Party) gave away the election.

So here we are living with the consequences of our own folly. What do you do now? Well, I look forward at the state of the state and try to figure out how to straighten out the dangerous mess that will sink us all if it continues to be ignored or attention gets side-tracked. I'm listening to the Democrat, and he seems to be the only one drawing the proper level of attention to the problems of the state. He's the one, saying a whole lot more clearly, the same notions that Paladino was trying to say in his blundering way. This guy has stolen the issues, but is concentrating on those issues none-the-less and carrying them forward. Not only that, but it does seem that he might just have a slim chance of selling Paladino's message. Certainly he has a much more broadbased support from both sides of the aisle and just might be able to pull it off. Our future financial condition (both as a state and individually) count on his success. Considering the consequences of failure, I think it would be foolish to let blind partisanship stand in the way of solutions. I'm not ready to distract the issues by worrying about his girlfriend or any other nit-picky type of distraction. There's important and vital work to be done. Yes, keep an eye on him, but be sure that that doesn't turn into sabotage. We really can't afford that.


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is it any worse than the girlfriends patterson had in the city? We pid for him to go visit them at a whim.  At least she is living there.  What do you suppose every triip to the city cost us?  I am in no way defending him. He is a lib through and through.  You watch him he will lie over and over. How can you tell? his lips will be moving.  And spitzer wrote checks to beat up and strangle girls.  There is a great role model.

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It sickens me to see Spitzer's face on TV, knowing he's making big bucks too.  How is it that show has any ratings?  Are people really that stupid?

Sheriff Of Wall Street?  What a joke.  Wall Street got away with everything and sank the economy in the process.  Some Sheriff!  Then he became Gov and spent our tax dollars like a drunken sailor on leave.  Former Criminal AG in my opinion. 

I don't forget how close the Cuomo's were to Spitzer either.  Probably still are.


I don't trust Cuomo as far as I can throw a baby grand, but all we can do now is keep an eye on him and be ready to pounce the minute he starts to show his stripes.

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I think it is funny though how people always say they want to see a regular guy in politics... well Pallidino was as regular as it gets... he spoke his mind like a lot of us on here do and people (even supporters gave him flack about it) Finally a guy that said it like it was and people still didn't like it.. I think I just will never understand ???

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Andrew Cuomo has been on the taxpayer payroll since 1984.  He has accrued a track record over the years that gives anyone plenty of reason to throw him under the bus.  He's Governor of NY now because NYers are either oblivious or hopelessly liberal.

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I am dealing with it by keeping an eye on him and alerting everyone else to the potential for future disaster.  How does one get over it when the threat has just begun?  Stick your head back in the sand if you like, but I prefer to remain vigilant.  Like I said, this guy can't be trusted.

Worse than a Liberal?  How so?  Do you even know what a Liberal is?  They're the ones who voted for Cuomo.  Did you?

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I think it is funny though how people always say they want to see a regular guy in politics... well Pallidino was as regular as it gets... he spoke his mind like a lot of us on here do and people (even supporters gave him flack about it) Finally a guy that said it like it was and people still didn't like it.. I think I just will never understand ???

I guess people say a lot of things until they actually see an example of it. Politics is an art. Candidates have to have some natural talent towards it otherwise they can do far more damage to their cause than they ever intended. Paladino simply was not cut out for that kind of work. It's too bad, but someone should have recognized that fact before all the attention and support went his way. We certainly were left with a couple of real ugly choices. Like I said, the Republicans and Conservatives gave away what should have been a simple win for them.

However, on a positive side, Paladino did highlight the anger in the way government is conducted. No, he didn't scare anyone by making the election close, but I think the liberal NYS politicians did recognize a force that has the capability of growing. I think they are all pretty happy that they dodged the bullet by having a politically challenged candidate to run against. I think it is also true that he successfully got his message across and forced his opponent o pick it up and carry it forward. It is my belief that without Paladino and the Tea Party, a lot of the more conservative rhetoric would not be coming out of Cuomo's mouth.

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Your right Doc, it's a two way street and at some point you may have to make a U turn on some issues or maybe pull off the road and think for a while. I wish the Cuomo all the luck in the world, tough times right now. "If" this recovery really starts taking hold this year and we keep on adding jobs, well the next Presidential election won't be any different than the last. JMHO

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I don't have time to read the entire thread as I have to be at work shortly so admittedly I may have missed something important.  However, it seems to me that many people here take issue with the fact that he lives with his girlfriend.  While I understand the fiscal concerns about paying for her, it seems the actual issue is the moral disapproval for his living situation. 

So it seems to me that morals and religion are the issues at question here, neither of which have any place in law,  What makes a marriage any different from any other committed relationship? A piece of paper? A contract that is broken in our country more often that it is respected? Marriage in our society carries little more weight than dating these days. 

Also what would you say if his situation did not allow for him to marry?  The most prominent example would be gays.  Would we not want to pay for a politician's committed life partner because they did not have a laughable "contract" they were not allowed to enter into in the first place?

And don't get to thinking I'm a bleeding heart as I belong to neither political party so fear of being associated with any set body of political views. 

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