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this is the adirondack camp my dad and uncles built in 1964.  They bought 60 acres which had public access niagara  mohawk  land on two sides as there was a power project on the racquette river where the camp was. .  This is it I promise. 


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no long story short they got the piece on a 99 year lease.  The person whom it was willed to was 4 at the time.  They agreed when she became of age, she would sign it over. Well when she turned of age, she refused and the lease papers were no good as she was under age and he rmother signed them.  We still had permission to hunt there, but we vacated and never went back. 

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I was 6 when they got the place and 7 when the camp was built.  I basically grew up there. we spent weekends all summer and fall to include aunts uncles cousins and friends.  My best memories were of my dad, mom aunts and uncles who all hunted planning hunts  telling stories and just spending quality time hanging out. I could not wait until I ws 16 to join the group.  We had Christmas there once at my mothers request, but it as a half mile off the main road, up an old path basically, but you could drive in.  But in the winter with no plowing, it was a hike.  There is great fishng on the other side if the main road a half mile away, on the racquette river. walleye bass and northern pike.  My dad was retired at age 62, when I was 14.  He was a late starter, so we spent lots of time in the summer there after he did.  It was an awesome place to grow up for sure.  My plan was to live there when  I retired and be pretty much self suffecient.  wood cook stove that kept it very warm and could cook on it.  Back in the early 70's they got creative and planted a half acre of buckwheat.  They were food plot guys back then.  However, no one was allowed to hunt near it.  Here I go rambling on. Sorry guys.  but as you can see and hear, the simpler ways have always been my way.  I love the KISS method. Keep it simple stupid. My aunt was a big picture taker, with 35 mm slides.  Last year, my cousin let me borrow them and I bought a slide scanner and did them all.  There was over 1500 of them.  Two thirds were taken at the camp of family friends and good times.  I treasure those pics now, bt I promise I will not bore you with anymore.

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sounds like some good memories... i wish i had something lke that with my family. my dad would always tell me stories about the property my grandfather owned, i belive it was 60 acres but it was their old stomping grounds and where my dad first started hunting and harvested his first buck. after he sold the property i guess in the late 70s ealry 80s they hunted private land of a buddy in onionta and that is where my memories of shooting my first gun and sitting on stand with my dad began. its really what got me into deer hunting, i remember specific deer and parts of the timber from when i was 4, its really werid actually lol. But all great memories lol

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oh I have a camp now I am part owner of 400 acres and a nice camp.  I am no thay when the other owners wanted to moderize it. Generator, tv, electric lights.  To me it just takes away from it.  I did manage to get a wood cook stove.  nothing like a cast iron frying pan of venison on a cook stove.  or bacon and eggs for breakfast.  We have food plots stands etc.  Will my kids go there yeah right. I love to escape from my play world and go there to get back to reality. The real reality. 

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yeah i hear that... 400 ares is a nice peice of land. never had venison in a cast iron pan but bacon and eggs in it for sure! Is it a pain to be partners on property with someone rather then to have the land yourself? Ive been watching the marcket and looking into getting some land myself, i would be happy with 50 acres. So many properties, really just trying to weigh some out. From what i hear theres nothing like owning your own land. I own a house on Long ISland and its sad you really dont even feel like you own it. taxes are crazy and you need permission to cut a tree down. what polotics lol...

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well there are only 3 of us owning it. One guy wants to sell out his third.  I offered to buy him out by myself which will give me 2/3  ownership.  Itwill give me control, plus 2/3 of the bills lol.  Then maybe my other owner will want out.  They are great guys to be with, we just think differently about how it should be.

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yeah i figured owning land with another person might be difficult as it is 2 different personalities. im with ya on keeping it simple, it is the whole logic on a little get away really... im more into wanting to own some of my own land and have a small retreat, something rustic and simple, i just want to be able to manage my own land and deer herd along with making food plots and just really making the land i own a place for retreat and a place where the deer hunting will be good. Do you have any land by you you know of that is forsale? ive been looking all over the NY map, literaly. not looking to go more then 5-6 hours or so away from the island.

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thats not to far from lewis county right? yeah thats way to far for me... i was looking at land there during the summer, it seems the further north you go the price drops drastically compared to the luxurey of being closer to the city. i guess thats what you pay for really, that luxuery of being a few hours north of the city... nice land up by you tho, just kind of far. prob a 7-8 hour drive from you...

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the one we had is cved in now. She only wanted the piece to log it off, then sold it all to a big bunch who closed it all off.  Well andI shuld not admit this, I knew ways in there they had no clue. I snuck in last summer just to see.  Although it was sad to see the ruins of my families efforts, it was worth it just to stand there a minute and reminisce.

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Bubba/Geno I know how you feel, owning property with different personalities can be difficult. 16 yrs ago I bought land with friends who already had land in Delaware county, they had 78 acres that was a dog leg to the right. Well there was over a 100 arces right under them all the way to a dirt road. Close to sullivan county northern border. Every thing was fine till the gas drilling of the Marcellus shale started coming into our area. Which I have to say I am not in favor of, to destroy the land I have come to love breaks my heart. But I only own 1/6th of the land and all the other owners want the money that will come with the lease. I tried to reason  with them that the land and water will be affected and the land will never be the same. To no avail they just want the money. My only saving grace in this matter is they have been waiting a few years now for the drilling and it has not started yet and they have received no money yet. The crazy thing is that they really don't need the money, it must just be greed.  But about 14 yrs ago I bought 20 acres next to the club property which will never be drilled for gas. I am happy to say that the club property produced no deer for the members and my 20 acres got a doe with the bow and one of my family members shot a 6pt buck. If I knew they would treat the land this way I would have never invested with these guys.


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