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NY compliant AR's & AK's

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Stag arms has sent letters to its distributers informing them that the NYSP has made a final decision (although not in writing) as to what rifles are and not NY compliant. Until the decision is announced Stag is telling distributers and retailers, in NY, not to sell their AR rifles which are equipped with the FRS-15 stocks.


I  thought this was settled

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So they rather just stay illegal, right?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems



It's not about "staying illegal". There is little sense in chasing the whims of the State lawmakers with regard to 'compliance'.

The only one I did 'bend' on was my 10/22 target gun because I take it to public events. I had to swap out the thumb-hole stock. :negative:


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It's not about "staying illegal". There is little sense in chasing the whims of the State lawmakers with regard to 'compliance'.

The only one I did 'bend' on was my 10/22 target gun because I take it to public events. I had to swap out the thumb-hole stock. :negative:

So it's ok to be illegal, as long as it's not in public?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems


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So it's ok to be illegal, as long as it's not in public?

X-Calibur Lighting Systems



My target gun has to be assembled for competition, generally held in a public venue, so I had to make the gun legal.

Boxes of gun parts, on the other hand, are not illegal until they're assembled into an operational firearm.


I'm doing nothing illegal.

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Was there a formal brief put out somewhere on this? 

I read the letter from Stag yesterday. It didn't say that NY compliant AR's are now not compliant. Only that the NYSP has reached a decision on them. What that decision is???? No one knows right now.

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This brings up an interesting discussion:


I have boxes of metal parts that I've accumulated over the last forty years that could be easily turned into guns. I also have the know-how and the tools to do so.

A good friend of mine was a US military armorer in the late 60's and 70's and has a full gunsmithing shop in his garage. Short of drilling a rifled barrel, there is nothing gun-related he can't do, or a part he can't make. He still tinkers with guns, but he spends most of his time voluntarily working with mentally retarded children.


When will the gun discussion in NYS turn from the guns themselves, and various 'parts' of guns, to the 'knowledge' of guns? If the aim is to eliminate guns entirely, and I'm certain that is in fact the aim, will they come after people with knowledge of guns? Will WildcatJunkie be considered a threat because of his knowledge, regardless of political position?

Serious question.

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I see all of these "assault weapon" laws as illegal force used against otherwise law abiding people to coerce compliance with a desire by the government to control thinking.  It's preventative law.  They are criminalizing citizen's they believe have the capability to commit "gun violence", even if it is a statistically remote possibility.  To me, that is why these laws are completely unconstitutional and illegal.


If that line of thinking escapes you, look at it this way.


People often claim rights can be infringed upon for the safety of the public.  An often cited example is not being able to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater.  A restriction on 1st Amendment Free Speech rights to be sure.


But every person in the theater possesses the ability to yell that word.  It is only a crime that can be punished if they do use the ability to do harm.


How then is it not an unconstitutional restriction on 2nd Amendment rights to deny mere possession of any commonly possessed firearm?  How can the Supreme Court find such a restriction to be legal?


In a country that follows the US Constitution and the Rule of Law, it cannot.  But in a land where politicians have the desire to expand their power and bend the Rule of Law, to see it as malleable, flexible, and even corruptible when it suits their desires, with the assistance of activist judges and courts that exist via executive appointment to serve the will of the government, and not the people, it happens all too frequently.


In all actuality, the founding fathers and those who wrote the US Constitution, with a desire to prevent the usurpation of power outlined above, would be shooting by now.


Rights and freedoms are quickly disappearing from America because people are not willing to stand up to the tyranny.  Once they have been voluntarily relinquished, they can never be regained.  Our 2nd Amendment rights are merely the first casualty in a self imposed, self justified, loosing battle.


God help our descendants!


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Mine all sank as most I know did....they won't find them and I hope they never try and take them. Hopefully our military stands with the constitution and not the king AC. It will be a sad day if it happens and just one more reason we all need to get out and vote...find friends family neighbors anyone you can take to vote. We need to make these people know it's not ok to take our rights...


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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A wise man once resisted tyranny by burying all of his banned weaponry and telling no one where they could be found.  As he lay on his death bed, he asked to see his beloved grandson.  He told his grandson where the weapons were hidden and wished him the best of luck carrying on the fight for freedom.


The man passed and the family laid him to rest.  The day after the funeral, the grandson called the BATFE and told them to meet him so he could show them where they could find the weapons.


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